Chinese Grammar Bank
The word 关于 (guānyú) is commonly used in Chinese to indicate “about” or “concerning.”
It can introduce a topic or act as part of a descriptive phrase.

When 关于 introduces a topic, it comes at the start of the sentence, followed by the subject or object of discussion.
关于 + Topic, ⋯⋯
关于 这 个 项目,我们 还 在 研究 中。 | Guānyú zhège xiàngmù, wǒmen hái zài yánjiū zhōng. | About this project, we are still studying it. |
关于 你 的 计划,我 有 一些 建议。 | Guānyú nǐ de jìhuà, wǒ yǒu yīxiē jiànyì. | About your plan, I have some suggestions. |
关于 公司 的 改变,我们 很 期待。 | Guānyú gōngsī de gǎibiàn, wǒmen hěn qīdài. | We are very excited about the company’s changes. |
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关于明天的会议,你有什么问题吗? | Guānyú míngtiān de huìyì, nǐ yǒu shénme wèntí ma? | Do you have any questions about tomorrow’s meeting? |
关于这个问题,他已经做出了决定。 | Guānyú zhège wèntí, tā yǐjīng zuòchū le juédìng. | Regarding this issue, he has already made a decision. |
关于环境保护,我们需要采取更多的行动。 | Guānyú huánjìng bǎohù, wǒmen xūyào cǎiqǔ gèng duō de xíngdòng. | We need to take more actions regarding to environmental protection. |
关于旅行的计划,她准备得很详细。 | Guānyú lǚxíng de jìhuà, tā zhǔnbèi de hěn xiángxì. | She has prepared very thoroughly regarding the travel plan. |
“关于…” can mean “about something” and function as a modifier as part of a phrase.
In this case, it precedes the noun phrase it modifies, and “的” connects the modifier and the noun.
关于 ⋯⋯ 的 + Noun
这 是 一 篇 关于 环保 的 文章。 | Zhè shì yī piān guānyú huánbǎo de wénzhāng. | This is an article about environmental protection. |
我 看 了 一 部 关于 历史 的 电影。 | Wǒ kàn le yī bù guānyú lìshǐ de diànyǐng. | I watched a movie about history. |
他 写 了 一 本 关于 旅游 的 书。 | Tā xiě le yī běn guānyú lǚyóu de shū. | He wrote a book about travel. |
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这是 一个 关于 技术 创新 的 项目。 | Zhè shì yī gè guānyú jìshù chuàngxīn de xiàngmù. | This is a project about technological innovation. |
网上 有 很 多 关于 这 件 事 的 评论。 | Wǎngshàng yǒu hěn duō guānyú zhè jiàn shì de pínglùn. | There are many comments online about this matter. |
我 喜欢 关于 美食 的 纪录片。 | Wǒ xǐhuān guānyú měishí de jìlùpiàn. | I like documentaries about food. |
这是 一 份 关于 教育 的 报告。 | Zhè shì yī fèn guānyú jiàoyù de bàogào. | This is a report about education. |
他 在 研究 关于 气候 变化 的 问题。 | Tā zài yánjiū guānyú qìhòu biànhuà de wèntí. | He is studying issues about climate change. |
While “关于” (guānyú) is a common way to express “about,” there are other expressions with subtle differences.
In this section, we’ll compare 关于 with two similar phrases: “有关” (yǒuguān) and “至于” (zhìyú).
有关 (yǒuguān)
有关 is often interchangeable with 关于, but slightly less formal.
关于 环保 的 问题,我 有 一些 看法。 | Guānyú huánbǎo de wèntí, wǒ yǒu yīxiē kànfǎ. | About the issue of environmental protection, I have some opinions. |
关于 这 次 活动,大家 都 很 期待。 | Guānyú zhè cì huódòng, dàjiā dōu hěn qīdài. | About this event, everyone is very excited. |
关于 那 件 事情,我们 还 在 调查 中。 | Guānyú nà jiàn shìqing, wǒmen hái zài diàochá zhōng. | We are still investigating regarding that matter. |
至于 (zhìyú)
“至于” (zhìyú) is used to shift the focus from one topic to another.
It translates as “as for” or “as to,” and it introduces a contrast or a different aspect of the topic being discussed.
至于 他 的 家人,他们 会 支持 他。 | Zhìyú tā de jiārén, tāmen huì zhīchí tā. | As for his family, they will support him. |
至于 课外 活动 的 费用,家长 需要 自行 负担。 | Zhìyú kèwài huódòng de fèiyòng, jiāzhǎng xūyào zìxíng fùdān. | As for the cost of extracurricular activities, parents need to bear it themselves. |
至于 谁 会 参加,我 还 不 太 清楚。 | Zhìyú shuí huì cānjiā, wǒ hái bù tài qīngchu. | As for who will participate, I’m not quite sure yet. |
In Chinese, sometimes the word for “about” is not said but the meaning is said.
For example, 关于他的未来,我们很担心 = 我们很担心他的未来 . (We are worried about his future).
The second sentence has the same meaning as the first sentence without using the word “关于”.
It’s because the topic or subject itself makes clear what is being talked about.
关于 他的 未来,我们 很 担心。 | Guānyú tā de wèilái, wǒmen hěn dānxīn. | About his future, we are very worried. |
我们 很 担心 他的 未来。 | Wǒmen hěn dānxīn tā de wèilái. | We are very worried about his future. |
关于 这 个 问题,我们 需要 进一步 讨论。 | Guānyú zhè ge wèntí, wǒmen xūyào jìnyībù tǎolùn. | About this issue, we need to discuss it further. |
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Example | Pinyin | English Translation |
关于 他的 未来,我们 很 担心。 | Guānyú tā de wèilái, wǒmen hěn dānxīn. | About his future, we are very worried. |
我们 很 担心 他的 未来。 | Wǒmen hěn dānxīn tā de wèilái. | We are very worried about his future. |
关于 这 个 问题,我们 需要 进一步 讨论。 | Guānyú zhè ge wèntí, wǒmen xūyào jìnyībù tǎolùn. | About this issue, we need to discuss it further. |
我们 需要 进一步 讨论 这个 问题。 | Wǒmen xūyào jìnyībù tǎolùn zhège wèntí. | We need to discuss this issue further. |
关于 最近 的 政策,大家 有 不 同 的 看法。 | Guānyú zuìjìn de zhèngcè, dàjiā yǒu bùtóng de kànfǎ. | About the recent policy, everyone has different opinions. |
大家 对 最近 的 政策 有 不 同 的 看法。 | Dàjiā duì zuìjìn de zhèngcè yǒu bùtóng de kànfǎ. | Everyone has different opinions about the recent policy. |

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What does 关于 mean in Chinese?
关于 means “about” or “regarding” and is used to introduce a topic or subject.
Where does 关于 appear in a sentence?
关于 usually comes at the beginning of a sentence or clause, as in 关于这个问题,我们需要讨论 (guānyú zhè gè wèntí, wǒmen xūyào tǎolùn), meaning “Regarding this issue, we need to discuss.”
Can 关于 be used with both nouns and verbs?
Yes, 关于 can introduce nouns (关于工作, “about work”) and topics implied by actions (关于如何解决问题, “about how to solve the problem”).
What is the difference between 关于 and 对于?
Both mean “about,” but 关于 is more neutral and formal, often used to introduce topics, while 对于 emphasizes a personal perspective or reaction to the topic.
Is 关于 formal or informal?
关于 is generally more formal and frequently used in written Chinese, such as in reports or essays, but it can also appear in polite spoken contexts.
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