Chinese Grammar Bank


In Chinese, 一方面 (yī fāngmiàn) is often used to express two or more perspectives, reasons, or aspects of a situation.

It is commonly paired with 另一方面 (lìng yī fāngmiàn) to indicate contrasting or complementary points.


This structure is equivalent to on one hand… on the other hand… in English.

It is used to present two related ideas, often showing contrast or supplementing each other.


一方面 + Reason/Aspect A,另一方面 + Reason/Aspect B

1. Showing Complementary Aspects:

yī fāng miàn xué xí kě yǐ zēng jiā zhī shí, lìng yī fāng miàn huán kě yǐ duàn liàn sī wéi néng lì 。


On one hand, studying can increase knowledge; on the other hand, it can also develop thinking skills.

2. Showing Contrasting Aspects:

yī fāng miàn tā hěn xiǎng qù lǚ xíng, lìng yī fāng miàn tā yòu dān xīn lù shàng huì bù ān quán 。


On one hand, he really wants to travel; on the other hand, he worries about safety.
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一方面学习汉语可以开阔视野,另一方面可以了解中国文化。Yī fāngmiàn xuéxí hànyǔ kěyǐ kāikuò shìyě, lìng yī fāngmiàn kěyǐ liǎojiě Zhōngguó wénhuà.On one hand, learning Chinese can broaden your horizons; on the other hand, it helps you understand Chinese culture.
一方面天气很冷,另一方面外面下着大雨,不适合出门。Yī fāngmiàn tiānqì hěn lěng, lìng yī fāngmiàn wàimiàn xià zhe dà yǔ, bù shìhé chūmén.On one hand, the weather is very cold; on the other hand, it’s raining heavily outside, making it unsuitable to go out.
一方面她工作能力很强,另一方面她对团队的关心也让人感动。Yī fāngmiàn tā gōngzuò nénglì hěn qiáng, lìng yī fāngmiàn tā duì tuánduì de guānxīn yě ràng rén gǎndòng.On one hand, her work ability is strong; on the other hand, her care for the team is also touching.
一方面这部电影情节很感人,另一方面拍摄手法也非常独特。Yī fāngmiàn zhè bù diànyǐng qíngjié hěn gǎnrén, lìng yī fāngmiàn pāishè shǒufǎ yě fēicháng dútè.On one hand, the plot of this movie is very touching; on the other hand, the filming techniques are unique.
一方面使用公共交通环保,另一方面可以节省开车的成本。Yī fāngmiàn shǐyòng gōnggòng jiāotōng huánbǎo, lìng yī fāngmiàn kěyǐ jiéshěng kāichē de chéngběn.On one hand, using public transportation is environmentally friendly; on the other hand, it saves driving costs.
一方面他很想参加比赛,另一方面他担心自己的实力还不够。Yī fāngmiàn tā hěn xiǎng cānjiā bǐsài, lìng yī fāngmiàn tā dānxīn zìjǐ de shílì hái bùgòu.On one hand, he really wants to join the competition; on the other hand, he worries his skills aren’t sufficient.
一方面老板很欣赏他的能力,另一方面却对他的态度有些不满。Yī fāngmiàn lǎobǎn hěn xīnshǎng tā de nénglì, lìng yī fāngmiàn què duì tā de tàidù yǒuxiē bùmǎn.On one hand, the boss appreciates his abilities; on the other hand, he is dissatisfied with his attitude.
一方面住在市中心很方便,另一方面房租实在太贵了。Yī fāngmiàn zhù zài shì zhōngxīn hěn fāngbiàn, lìng yī fāngmiàn fángzū shízài tài guì le.On one hand, living downtown is convenient; on the other hand, the rent is just too expensive.

Sometimes, in informal situations, we can omit the 另 in the second phrase 另一方面, and just say 一方面…一方面….

This variation is often found in more informal or conversational contexts, or when the two aspects are closely related or complementary rather than contrasting.

WHEN TO USE 一方面…一方面…

➡️ To Emphasize Simplicity or Parallelism: Omitting makes the sentence sound more straightforward and rhythmic, often used when both aspects are equally significant.

➡️ When the Two Aspects Are Closely Related: If the two ideas are part of the same overarching point or not strongly contrasting, the omission is more natural.

Yī fāngmiàn duànliàn shēntǐ, yī fāngmiàn fàngsōng xīnqíng.


On one hand, exercising the body; on the other hand, relaxing the mind.
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一方面锻炼身体,一方面放松心情。Yī fāngmiàn duànliàn shēntǐ, yī fāngmiàn fàngsōng xīnqíng.On one hand, exercising the body; on the other hand, relaxing the mind.
一方面要注意工作效率,一方面也要保证质量。Yī fāngmiàn yào zhùyì gōngzuò xiàolǜ, yī fāngmiàn yě yào bǎozhèng zhìliàng.On one hand, pay attention to work efficiency; on the other hand, ensure quality.
一方面学习理论知识,一方面积累实践经验。Yī fāngmiàn xuéxí lǐlùn zhīshì, yī fāngmiàn jīlěi shíjiàn jīngyàn.On one hand, study theoretical knowledge; on the other hand, accumulate practical experience.
一方面旅游可以开阔视野,一方面还能认识新朋友。Yī fāngmiàn lǚyóu kěyǐ kāikuò shìyě, yī fāngmiàn hái néng rènshì xīn péngyǒu.On one hand, traveling can broaden your horizons; on the other hand, you can make new friends.
一方面参加志愿活动能帮助他人,一方面还能丰富自己的生活经验。Yī fāngmiàn cānjiā zhìyuàn huódòng néng bāngzhù tārén, yī fāngmiàn hái néng fēngfù zìjǐ de shēnghuó jīngyàn.On one hand, participating in volunteer activities helps others; on the other hand, it enriches your own life experience.
一方面喝绿茶有益健康,一方面还能帮助提神醒脑。Yī fāngmiàn hē lǜchá yǒuyì jiànkāng, yī fāngmiàn hái néng bāngzhù tíshén xǐngnǎo.On one hand, drinking green tea is good for your health; on the other hand, it helps you stay alert.
一方面学习新的技能可以提升自信,一方面也能为未来的职业发展做准备。Yī fāngmiàn xuéxí xīn de jìnéng kěyǐ tíshēng zìxìn, yī fāngmiàn yě néng wèi wèilái de zhíyè fāzhǎn zuò zhǔnbèi.On one hand, learning new skills can boost confidence; on the other hand, it prepares you for future career development.
一方面阅读文学作品能提高语言表达能力,一方面还能培养更深的思维能力。Yī fāngmiàn yuèdú wénxué zuòpǐn néng tígāo yǔyán biǎodá nénglì, yī fāngmiàn hái néng péiyǎng gèng shēn de sīwéi nénglì.On one hand, reading literature enhances language expression skills; on the other hand, it develops deeper thinking abilities.


1. 不仅…而且… (Not only…but also…)

➡️ Used to highlight two related aspects, often emphasizing how the second aspect builds on or reinforces the first.

bùjǐn huì chànggē, érqiě huì tiàowǔ.


Not only can he sing, but he can also dance.

2. 既…也/又… (Both…and…)

➡️ A concise way to express that two qualities or actions coexist.
➡️ Common in both spoken and written contexts. 

cōngmíng, yòu qínfèn.


She is both intelligent and hardworking.
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这道菜不仅好看,而且很好吃。Zhè dào cài bùjǐn hǎokàn, érqiě hěn hǎochī.This dish is not only visually appealing but also very delicious.
旅行不仅能放松心情,而且能增长见识。Lǚxíng bùjǐn néng fàngsōng xīnqíng, érqiě néng zēngzhǎng jiànshí.Traveling not only relaxes the mind but also broadens knowledge.
这家餐厅既便宜,也好吃。Zhè jiā cāntīng jì piányí, yě hǎochī.This restaurant is both affordable and delicious.
这个地方既安静,又舒适。Zhège dìfāng jì ānjìng, yòu shūshì.This place is both quiet and comfortable.
孩子们既学到了知识,也玩得很开心。Háizimen jì xuédào le zhīshì, yě wán de hěn kāixīn.The children both learned something new and had a lot of fun.


The phrase 一方面…另一方面… (or 一方面…一方面…) is a versatile structure in Chinese, used to present two aspects of the same topic.

These aspects can be complementary or contrasting, making it a powerful tool for expressing balanced arguments, comparisons, or multiple perspectives.

Key takeaways from this lesson:

1. Flexibility in Usage:

➡️ Use 一方面…另一方面… when you want to emphasise contrast or balance between two ideas.

➡️ Use 一方面…一方面… in more casual or conversational contexts, especially when the two aspects are closely related.

2. Common Applications:

➡️ This structure is widely used in spoken and written Chinese, from daily conversations to formal discussions, making it essential for clear and nuanced communication.

3. Practical Application:

➡️ Practicing with real-world examples—whether describing pros and cons, discussing decisions, or expressing balanced viewpoints—will help solidify your understanding of this structure.

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What does 一方面 mean in Chinese?

一方面 (yī fāngmiàn) means “on one hand” or “from one aspect” and is used to present multiple perspectives or reasons.

How do you structure a sentence with 一方面?

It is often paired with 另一方面 (lìng yī fāngmiàn) to contrast two aspects.

On one hand, you need to study; on the other hand, you also need to rest.

Can 一方面 be used alone without 另一方面?

Yes, but it usually implies that another aspect exists, even if it’s not explicitly stated.

Is 一方面 used in formal or informal Chinese?

It is commonly used in both spoken and written Chinese, especially in structured arguments or essays.

What are some alternatives to 一方面?

Other phrases include 既…又…, 不但…而且…, and 同时 to express different aspects or reasons.

Can I take Chinese classes with LTL?

Yes! We offer Chinese courses in 8 destinations across Asia.

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