Chinese Grammar Bank

“之类的” means the same as “etc.” in English.
You can use it anytime you want to say “like this,” “and so on,” or “and stuff like that.”
You can also use “之类的“ to describe verbs, situations, and abstract things in addition to just nouns.
So as in English, this grammar point is used to express a series of the same things.
For example, you can say:
wǒ xǐ huān cuì de shí wù,bǐ rú shǔ piàn zhī lèi de I like crispy food like chips or something like that. |
So “之类的” here refers to the same category of snacks as chips. In practice, you can also collocate “像“ with “之类的” to make the sentence more complete.
像 ⋯⋯ 之类的 + Category
⋯⋯ 之类的 + Category
I put it on the table or somewhere.她在写论文之类的东西。
She is writing a paper or something.View More Phrases
像电话铃声之类的声音会让我感到紧张。 | xiàng diàn huà líng shēng zhī lèi de shēng yīn huì ràng wǒ gǎn dào jǐn zhāng | Phone’s ringing and stuff like that makes me nervous. |
我们要珍惜生命,车祸之类的事情是经常发生的。 | wǒ men yào zhēn xī shēng mìng,chē huò zhī lèi de shì qíng shì jīng cháng fā shēng de | We must cherish life, things such as car accidents can often happen. |
她很擅长人类学之类的人文学科。 | tā hěn shàn zhǎng rén lèi xué zhī lèi de rén wén xué kē | She is pretty good at humanities like anthropology. |
很多中国老人喜欢太极拳、广场舞之类的运动。 | hěn duō zhōng guó lǎo rén xǐ huān tài jí quán 、guǎng chǎng wǔ zhī lèi de yùn dòng | Many elderly people in China like Tai Chi, plaza dancing, and other sports. |
你喜欢像《星球大战》之类的电影吗? | nǐ xǐ huān xiàng 《xīng qiú dà zhàn 》zhī lèi de diànyǐng ma ? | Do you like movies such as Star Wars? |
我很喜欢喝可乐之类的汽水。 | wǒ hěn xǐ huān hē kě lè zhīlèi de qì shuǐ | I like to drink soft drinks like Coke. |
她很害怕蜘蛛之类的虫子。 | tā hěn hài pà zhī zhū zhī lèi de chóng zǐ | She is afraid of bugs like spiders. |
这个实验还受到温度、时间之类的因素影响。 | zhè gè shí yàn hái shòu dào wēn dù 、shí jiān zhī lèide yīn sù yǐng xiǎng | This experiment is also affected by factors such as temperature and time. |
屋子里堆满了小火车、布偶之类的玩具。 | wū zǐ lǐ duī mǎn le xiǎo huǒchē 、bù ǒu zhī lèi de wánjù | The house is full of toys such as small trains and puppets. |
她很喜欢网球、羽毛球之类的球类运动。 | tā hěn xǐ huān wǎng qiú 、yǔ máo qiú zhī lèi de qiú lèi yùn dòng | She likes ball games such as tennis and badminton. |

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How to pronounce 之类的?
之类的 is pronounced ‘zhī lèi de’.
How is 之类的 used in Chinese?
“之类的” means basically the same as “etc.” in English.
You can use it anytime you want to say “like this,” “and so on,” or “and stuff like that.”
And you can use “之类的“ to describe verbs, situations, and abstract stuff in addition to just nouns.
The sentence structure should be:
像 ⋯⋯ 之类的 + [Category]
⋯⋯ 之类的 + [Category]
What are some examples with 之类的?
tā hěn shàn zhǎng rén lèi xué zhī lèi de rén
She is pretty good at humanities like anthropology.
zhè gè shí yàn hái shòu dào wēn dù 、shí jiān zhī lèi de yīn sù yǐng xiǎng
This experiment is also affected by factors such as
temperature and time.
tā hěn xǐ huān wǎng qiú , yǔ máo qiú zhī lèi de qiú lèi yùn dòng
She likes ball games such as tennis and badminton.
Where can I find other B1 Chinese grammar?
You can find several grammar lessons on our page Chinese Grammar Bank.
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