Chinese Grammar Bank
反正 (fǎnzhèng) is an adverb often used to express the idea of anyway, no matter what, in any case, or regardless.
It indicates that the outcome remains unchanged or that the speaker’s attitude or action will stay the same regardless of the circumstances.

The word 反正 is made of 反, which means, backwards, against, or in the opposite direction, whereas 正 means straight and in the correct direction.
Together, 反正 expresses that “it doesn’t matter which direction (反 or 正) things go; the result remains unchanged.”
The sentence structure of 反正 in Chinese depends on its usage, but it typically appears as an adverb or conjunction.
1. As an adverb
At the beginning of the sentence, indicating “anyway” or “in any case”.
反正 + [Clause]
It’s raining today anyways, we won’t go out.View More Examples:
反正你不喜欢,我就不买了。 | Fǎn zhèng nǐ bù xǐ huān , wǒ jiù bù mǎi liǎo 。 | Since you don’t like it anyway, I won’t buy it. |
反正你迟早会知道,不如现在告诉你。 | Fǎnzhèng nǐ chí zǎo huì zhīdào, bùrú xiànzài gàosu nǐ. | You’ll find out sooner or later anyway, so I might as well tell you now. |
反正我没时间,今天的活动就不去了。 | Fǎnzhèng wǒ méi shíjiān, jīntiān de huódòng jiù bù qù le. | I don’t have time anyway, so I won’t go to today’s event. |
2. Used as a conjunction
反正 as a conjunction expresses an inevitable result.
[Clause 1], 反正 + [Clause 2]
Don’t worry, we still have plenty of time anyway.View More Examples:
别担心考试,反正已经考完了。 | Bié dānxīn kǎoshì, fǎnzhèng yǐjīng kǎo wán le. | Don’t worry about the test; it’s already over anyway. |
如果失败了也没事,反正可以重来。 | Rúguǒ shībài le yě méi shì, fǎnzhèng kěyǐ chóng lái. | If you fail, it’s fine; anyway, you can try again. |
你不用解释了,反正我已经决定了。 | Nǐ bù yòng jiě shì liǎo , fǎn zhèng wǒ yǐ jīng jué dìng liǎo | You don’t need to explain, anyway, I’ve already decided. |
3. Used in rhetorical questions
反正 + [Rhetorical Question]
They don’t believe me anyway, so why should I even explain?USING 反正 FOR REASSURANCE
反正 is often used to reassure someone that something is not a problem or that an alternative plan is available. It conveys a sense of ease or nonchalance.
Don’t worry, we still have plenty of time anyway.View More Examples:
反正还有下一班车,不用着急。 | Fǎnzhèng hái yǒu xià yì bān chē, bùyòng zhāojí. | There’s another bus anyway, so no need to rush. |
反正我已经做了决定,不会改变。 | Fǎnzhèng wǒ yǐjīng zuò le juédìng, bù huì gǎibiàn. | I’ve already made my decision anyway, and it won’t change. |
反正这是免费的,试一试也无妨。 | Fǎnzhèng zhè shì miǎnfèi de, shì yí shì yě wúfáng. | It’s free anyway, so it won’t hurt to try. |
别担心考试,反正已经考完了。 | Bié dānxīn kǎoshì, fǎnzhèng yǐjīng kǎo wán le. | Don’t worry about the test; it’s already over anyway. |
如果失败了也没事,反正可以重来。 | Rúguǒ shībài le yě méi shì, fǎnzhèng kěyǐ chóng lái. | If you fail, it’s fine; anyway, you can try again. |
反正 can be used to downplay concerns or show that the speaker does not care about potential problems.
It often signals indifference or resignation.
Anyway, he won’t listen to me, so I can’t be bothered to say more.View More Examples:
反正我不会用这个东西,随便吧。 | Fǎnzhèng wǒ bù huì yòng zhè ge dōngxi, suíbiàn ba. | I don’t know how to use this thing anyway, so whatever. |
他爱怎么想就怎么想,反正跟我没关系。 | Tā ài zěnme xiǎng jiù zěnme xiǎng, fǎnzhèng gēn wǒ méi guānxi. | He can think whatever he wants; anyway, it has nothing to do with me. |
我没意见,反正大家都同意了。 | Wǒ méi yìjiàn, fǎnzhèng dàjiā dōu tóngyì le. | I have no opinion; anyway, everyone else agrees. |
你喜欢就好,反正我不介意。 | Nǐ xǐhuan jiù hǎo, fǎnzhèng wǒ bù jièyì. | As long as you like it, anyway, I don’t mind. |
In this chapter, we’ll explore how 反正 is used to emphasise a reason.
When used this way, 反正 is followed by a clause that either provides reason or justification of the main clause of the sentence. Overall the sentence conveys certainty or resolution, indicating that the speaker has already made up their mind or that the outcome is inevitable.
In terms of meaning it is similar to 既然 (jìrán – Since), which also can be used to introduce the reason but almost always appears at the beginning of the sentence.
- 反正 is placed at the beginning of the clause that introduces the reason.
- The 反正 clause can appear either before or after the main clause in the sentence, depending on the desired emphasis.
- 既然 is less flexible in this regard and typically appears at the beginning of the sentence.
Since it’s so cold, let’s just stay home.View More Examples:
我们晚上吃火锅吧,反正食材都买好了。 | Wǒmen wǎnshàng chī huǒguō ba, fǎnzhèng shícái dōu mǎi hǎo le. | Let’s have hot pot tonight since we’ve already bought the ingredients. |
他不会听我的建议,反正我也不再管了。 | Tā bú huì tīng wǒ de jiànyì, fǎnzhèng wǒ yě bú zài guǎn le. | He won’t listen to my advice, so I’m not going to bother anymore. |
反正你已经迟到了,就不用跑了。 | Fǎnzhèng nǐ yǐjīng chídào le, jiù bú yòng pǎo le. | Since you’re already late, there’s no need to run. |
我们今天早点下班吧,反正工作都做完了。 | Wǒmen jīntiān zǎodiǎn xiàbān ba, fǎnzhèng gōngzuò dōu zuò wán le. | Let’s leave work early today since all the tasks are done. |
反正你不喜欢吃辣,我们可以点清淡的菜。 | Fǎnzhèng nǐ bù xǐhuan chī là, wǒmen kěyǐ diǎn qīngdàn de cài. | Since you don’t like spicy food, we can order something mild. |
他不会参加比赛的,反正他对这件事没兴趣。 | Tā bú huì cānjiā bǐsài de, fǎnzhèng tā duì zhè jiàn shì méi xìngqù. | He won’t participate in the competition since he’s not interested in it. |
反正事情已经发生了,我们就面对吧。 | Fǎnzhèng shìqíng yǐjīng fāshēng le, wǒmen jiù miànduì ba. | Since it’s already happened, let’s just face it. |
Compared to 既然 (jìrán)
反正 | 既然 | |
Flexibility in placement | Can come before or after the main clause. | Usually placed at the beginning of the sentence. |
Tone | Casual or informal. | Neutral or formal. |
Examples comparing 反正 and 既然:
反正天这么晚了,我们明天再去吧。 | Fǎnzhèng tiān zhème wǎn le, wǒmen míngtiān zài qù ba. | It’s so late anyway, let’s go tomorrow. |
既然天已经这么晚了,我们明天再去吧。 | Jìrán tiān yǐjīng zhème wǎn le, wǒmen míngtiān zài qù ba. | Since it’s already so late, let’s go tomorrow. |

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What is the basic meaning of 反正 in Chinese?
反正 means “anyway,” “in any case,” or “no matter what.” It is used to indicate that the outcome remains unchanged regardless of the circumstances.
Can 反正 be used in formal, informal situations?
反正 is mostly used in informal spoken Chinese. In formal writing, other expressions like 无论如何 (wúlùn rúhé) may be more appropriate.
Where should 反正 be placed in a sentence?
反正 typically appears before the main clause to introduce a reason or justification, such as:
Anyway, I’ve already eaten, so you guys go ahead.
What is the difference between 反正 and 无论?
反正 emphasizes that the result remains the same no matter what.
无论 is used in complex sentences to express “no matter (what/where/who),” often with 都 or 也 (e.g., 无论你怎么说,我都不会改变主意 – No matter what you say, I won’t change my mind).
Can 反正 be combined with other expressions?
Yes, 反正 is often paired with 就是 (jiùshì) or 反而 (fǎn’ér) for stronger emphasis:
Anyway, that’s just how it is, don’t worry about it.
Anyway, not going actually makes things more relaxing.
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