Chinese Grammar Bank


The words 怪不得 and 难怪 in Chinese both mean no wonder or it’s no surprise.

They are used to express understanding or realization of a situation, often after learning a piece of new information.

Despite their similar meanings, there are slight differences in usage and tone.


怪不得 (guài bù dé) implies a causal relationship and often suggests the speaker has realised the reason for something unexpected or puzzling.

It can mean no wonder, so that’s why, or that explains why.


怪不得 + [Observation/Outcome], 原来 + [Reason]

原来 (yuán lái, turns out) is frequently used in the following phrase to explain the reason.

In English, however, it’s often not translated.


怪不得 + [Observation]

The reason may be omitted if it’s implied or already clear from the context.


[Reason] + 怪不得 + [Observation/Outcome]

It’s also common to introduce the reason first, and the outcome followed by 怪不得.

➡️ Similarly, we can invert the structure with 原来 to say the reason first, then the outcome: 原来 + [Reason]. 怪不得 + [Observation/Outcome].

guài bù dé tā zuì jìn zhè me máng, yuán lái tā zài zhǔn bèi kǎo shì 。


No wonder he’s been so busy recently. (It turns out) He’s preparing for exams.
怪不得她总是提前走,她要接孩子放学。guài bù dé tā zǒng shì tí qián zǒu , tā yào jiē hái zǐ fàng xué 。No wonder she always leaves early; she needs to pick up her child from school.
他对此事做了彻底的调查, 怪不得他了解得那么多。tā duì cǐ shì zuò liǎo chè dǐ de diào chá , guài bù dé tā liǎo jiě dé nà me duō 。He had made a thorough investigation. No wonder he knew so much about it.

➡️ 怪不得 is more commonly used in spoken or informal contexts. 

Guài bù dé tā jīntiān méi lái shàngbān, yuánlái tā shēngbìng le.


No wonder he didn’t come to work today; it turns out he’s sick./ No wonder he didn’t come to work today. He was ill.
View More Examples:
怪不得这里的空气这么清新,原来附近有一大片森林。Guài bù dé zhèlǐ de kōngqì zhème qīngxīn, yuánlái fùjìn yǒu yī dà piàn sēnlín.No wonder the air here is so fresh; it turns out there’s a large forest nearby.
怪不得这个词你不认识. 这是一个很冷僻的成语。Guài bù dé zhège cí nǐ bù rènshi, zhè shì yī gè hěn lěngpì de chéngyǔ.No wonder you don’t know this word. It’s a very obscure idiom.
怪不得交通状况永远都得不到改善。guài bù dé jiāo tōng zhuàng kuàng yǒng yuǎn dū dé bù dào gǎi shàn 。No wonder the traffic will never improve
怪不得孩子们都很开心,原来今天是儿童节。Guài bù dé háizimen dōu hěn kāixīn, yuánlái jīntiān shì Értóngjié.No wonder the children are all so happy; it turns out today is Children’s Day.
怪不得这个地方游客这么多,原来这里是世界遗产。Guài bù dé zhège dìfang yóukè zhème duō, yuánlái zhèlǐ shì shìjiè yíchǎn.No wonder this place has so many tourists; it turns out it’s a World Heritage Site.
原来他小时候住在这附近。怪不得他对这里这么熟悉,Yuánlái tā xiǎoshíhou zhù zài zhè fùjìn. Guài bù dé tā duì zhèlǐ zhème shúxī.Turns out he lived around here when he was a kid. No wonder he knows this place so well.
怪不得这家店的蛋糕总是卖得很好,原来他们用了进口的原料。Guài bù dé zhè jiā diàn de dàngāo zǒng shì mài de hěn hǎo, yuánlái tāmen yòng le jìnkǒu de yuánliào.No wonder the cakes at this shop always sell so well; it turns out they use imported ingredients.


难怪 (nán guài) is similar to 怪不得 in many contexts but is often used to emphasize the ease of understanding or the speaker’s sudden realization.


难怪 + [Observation]

➡️ After or followed by 原来 or another explanatory clause but is not necessary.

nán guài nǐ jīn tiān kàn qǐ lái hěn léi , yuán lái zuó wǎn méi shuì hǎo 。


No wonder you look so tired today; it turns out you didn’t sleep well last night.
zhuāng xiū dé xiàng gōng diàn yī yàng 。 nán guài zhè lǐ de kā fēi zhè me guì .


This place is decorated like a palace. No wonder the coffee here is so expensive.

➡️ 难怪 is neutral in tone and can be used in both formal and informal contexts. 

View More Examples:
难怪今天这么冷,昨晚下了大雪。/昨晚下了大雪。难怪今天这么冷Nánguài jīntiān zhème lěng, zuówǎn xià le dàxuě.No wonder it’s so cold today; it snowed heavily last night./ It snowed last night. No wonder it’s so cold today.
难怪你迟到了,路上肯定堵车了吧。Nánguài nǐ chídào le, lùshàng kěndìng dǔchē le ba.No wonder you were late; the road must have been congested.
难怪他会说流利的法语,原来他在法国住过几年。Nánguài tā huì shuō liúlì de fǎyǔ, yuánlái tā zài Fǎguó zhù guò jǐ nián.No wonder he speaks fluent French; it turns out he lived in France for a few years.
难怪这道菜味道特别好,用的都是新鲜的食材。Nánguài zhè dào cài wèidào tèbié hǎo, yòng de dōu shì xīnxiān de shícái.No wonder this dish tastes so good; it’s made with fresh ingredients.
难怪这里的商品这么便宜,原来正在搞促销活动。Nánguài zhèlǐ de shāngpǐn zhème piányí, yuánlái zhèngzài gǎo cùxiāo huódòng.No wonder the products here are so cheap; it turns out there’s a promotion.
难怪他看起来心情不好,他刚刚被批评了。Nánguài tā kàn qǐlái xīnqíng bù hǎo, tā gānggāng bèi pīpíng le.No wonder he looks upset; he was just criticized.
难怪你这么累,这几天工作量真的太大了。Nánguài nǐ zhème lèi, zhè jǐ tiān gōngzuòliàng zhēn de tài dà le.No wonder you’re so tired; the workload these days has been overwhelming.
难怪你对这个地方这么熟悉,原来你经常来这里玩。Nánguài nǐ duì zhège dìfang zhème shúxī, yuánlái nǐ jīngcháng lái zhèlǐ wán.No wonder you’re so familiar with this place; it turns out you often come here to play.


StructureOften followed by 原来 to explain the reasonMay or may not used with 原来
EmphasisLogical reasoningSudden realization or acknowledgment

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What difference between 怪不得 and 难怪?

Both mean “No wonder,” but 难怪 is slightly more conversational and can be used at the beginning of a sentence, while 怪不得 often follows the reason.

Can 怪不得 and 难怪 be used interchangeably?

In most cases, yes.

For example: 难怪/怪不得 你这么累,昨天你工作到很晚。

No wonder you’re so tired, you worked late yesterday.

What sentence structure for 怪不得 or 难怪?

难怪 + Result,(因为) Reason

怪不得 + Result,(因为) Reason

Example: 怪不得他没来,原来他生病了。 No wonder he didn’t come, turns out he’s sick.

Is 难怪 used in spoken or written Chinese?

难怪 is very common in spoken Chinese, while 怪不得 is also widely used but may sound slightly more neutral.

Can these words express sarcasm or surprise?


Depending on tone, they can show genuine realization or mild sarcasm, like 难怪你今天这么高兴,原来你中奖了!

No wonder you’re so happy today—you won the lottery!

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