Chinese Grammar Bank


恐怕 (kǒngpà) is a common Chinese expression used to indicate concern, worry, or the possibility of something happening.

It is often translated as I’m afraid that… or It seems that… in English.

The phrase introduces a subjective judgment or an assumption based on the speaker’s perspective.



恐怕 + [Clause]

This is the most common usage to express a direct concern.

恐怕他今天不能来了。Kǒngpà tā jīntiān bù néng lái le.I’m afraid he can’t come today.
恐怕我们没时间完成这个任务。Kǒngpà wǒmen méi shíjiān wánchéng zhège rènwu.I’m afraid we don’t have time to finish this task.
恐怕这个问题很难解决。Kǒngpà zhège wèntí hěn nán jiějué.I’m afraid this problem will be hard to solve.

[Clause 1], 恐怕 + [Clause 2]

Used in the middle of the sentence connecting two clauses. 

Tiān kuài hēi le, kǒngpà wǒmen děi kuài diǎn zǒu le.


It’s getting dark; I’m afraid we need to hurry.
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这道题很难,恐怕他做不出来。Zhè dào tí hěn nán, kǒngpà tā zuò bù chūlái.This problem is difficult; I’m afraid he won’t be able to solve it.
天气不好,恐怕明天的比赛要取消了。Tiānqì bù hǎo, kǒngpà míngtiān de bǐsài yào qǔxiāo le.The weather isn’t good; I’m afraid tomorrow’s match might be canceled.
你这么说,恐怕他会生气。Nǐ zhème shuō, kǒngpà tā huì shēngqì.If you say it like that, I’m afraid he’ll get angry.
他迟到了,恐怕已经错过了火车。Tā chídào le, kǒngpà yǐjīng cuòguò le huǒchē.He was late; I’m afraid he’s already missed the train.

如果… 恐怕…

Used to express a hypothetical concern or consequence.

如果雨不停,恐怕今天的活动要取消了。Rúguǒ yǔ bù tíng, kǒngpà jīntiān de huódòng yào qǔxiāo le.If the rain doesn’t stop, I’m afraid today’s event will be canceled.
如果我们不早点出发,恐怕会错过火车。Rúguǒ wǒmen bù zǎodiǎn chūfā, kǒngpà huì cuòguò huǒchē.If we don’t leave earlier, I’m afraid we’ll miss the train.
如果他不小心,恐怕会受伤。Rúguǒ tā bù xiǎoxīn, kǒngpà huì shòushāng.If he’s not careful, I’m afraid he’ll get hurt.


恐怕 (kǒngpà) can be used to politely refuse or express reluctance. This usage helps soften a negative response and makes it more considerate.

Kǒngpà wǒ jīntiān méiyǒu shíjiān bāng nǐ.


I’m afraid I don’t have time to help you today.
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恐怕这个计划不太现实。Kǒngpà zhège jìhuà bù tài xiànshí.I’m afraid this plan isn’t very realistic.
恐怕我不能参加明天的会议。Kǒngpà wǒ bùnéng cānjiā míngtiān de huìyì.I’m afraid I can’t attend tomorrow’s meeting.
恐怕这件衣服不适合你。Kǒngpà zhè jiàn yīfu bù shìhé nǐ.I’m afraid this outfit doesn’t suit you.
我很想去,但恐怕没办法抽身。Wǒ hěn xiǎng qù, dàn kǒngpà méi bànfǎ chōushēn.I’d love to go, but I’m afraid I can’t get away.
恐怕他不会同意我们的提议。Kǒngpà tā bù huì tóngyì wǒmen de tíyì.I’m afraid he won’t agree with our proposal.
恐怕现在不是谈这件事的好时机。Kǒngpà xiànzài bù shì tán zhè jiàn shì de hǎo shíjī.I’m afraid this isn’t a good time to discuss this matter.
恐怕我只能拒绝你的邀请了。Kǒngpà wǒ zhǐ néng jùjué nǐ de yāoqǐng le.I’m afraid I have to decline your invitation.


恐怕 (kǒngpà) is often used in hypothetical or speculative statements to indicate a possible outcome or risk.

Rúguǒ bù nǔlì xuéxí, kǒngpà nǐ huì luòhòu.


If you don’t study hard, I’m afraid you’ll fall behind.
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这种做法,恐怕会引起误会。Zhè zhǒng zuòfǎ, kǒngpà huì yǐnqǐ wùhuì.This approach might cause misunderstandings.
恐怕没有人会相信这种解释。Kǒngpà méiyǒu rén huì xiāngxìn zhè zhǒng jiěshì.I’m afraid no one will believe this explanation.
如果我们迟到了,恐怕他们会生气。Rúguǒ wǒmen chídào le, kǒngpà tāmen huì shēngqì.If we’re late, I’m afraid they’ll be upset.
恐怕这种天气会影响我们的计划。Kǒngpà zhè zhǒng tiānqì huì yǐngxiǎng wǒmen de jìhuà.This weather might affect our plans.
恐怕他没有听清楚你的意思。Kǒngpà tā méiyǒu tīng qīngchǔ nǐ de yìsi.I’m afraid he didn’t understand what you meant.
你这样说,恐怕会让别人误解。Nǐ zhèyàng shuō, kǒngpà huì ràng biérén wùjiě.If you say it like this, I’m afraid others might misunderstand.
恐怕这个问题会比想象中更复杂。Kǒngpà zhège wèntí huì bǐ xiǎngxiàng zhōng gèng fùzá.I’m afraid this problem will be more complicated than expected.


担心 (dānxīn)

  • Meaning: To worry, to be concerned.
  • 担心 focuses on expressing direct concern or worry, often with an emotional undertone.
dānxīn tā yīgèrén huì hàipà.


I’m worried he’ll be scared by himself.
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别担心,事情会解决的。Bié dānxīn, shìqíng huì jiějué de.Don’t worry; things will work out.
她一直没回来,我有点担心。Tā yīzhí méi huílái, wǒ yǒudiǎn dānxīn.She hasn’t come back yet; I’m a bit worried.

怕 (pà)

  • Meaning: To fear, to be afraid.
  • “怕” is often used to directly state fear or a worry about something specific, and can overlap with “恐怕.”
shíjiān lái bù jí le.


I’m afraid there’s not enough time.
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他怕考试不及格,一直在复习。Tā pà kǎoshì bù jígé, yīzhí zài fùxí.He’s afraid of failing the exam, so he keeps studying.
别怕,我会陪着你。Bié pà, wǒ huì péizhe nǐ.Don’t be afraid; I’ll stay with you.


  • Use 担心 when expressing personal worry or anxiety with emotional involvement.
  • Use when talking about fear of something specific, or more casual emotional concerns.
  • Use 恐怕 when making a cautious or speculative statement about something you’re concerned might happen.
担心 (dānxīn)怕 (pà)恐怕 (kǒngpà)
MeaningTo worry, to be anxious about something.To fear, to be afraid
I’m afraid, it seems that…
FormalityNeutralInformalNeutral to formal
Common PairingsSafety, health, failureDark, danger, animals, failureSpeculation, bad outcomes

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What is the basic meaning of 恐怕?

恐怕 means “I’m afraid that” or “I fear that” and is used to express concern, worry, or an undesirable outcome.

Is 恐怕 used in spoken or written Chinese?

Yes, 恐怕 is commonly used in both spoken and written Chinese, though it is slightly more formal than some other ways of expressing concern.

How is 恐怕 different from 可能 and 大概?

可能 and 大概 express probability, while 恐怕 conveys concern or worry about an undesirable possibility.

Can 恐怕 be used in positive situations?

No, 恐怕 is generally used for negative or uncertain situations, not for expressing hopes or positive expectations.

What is the sentence structure for 恐怕?

恐怕 usually comes before the subject or verb.

“I’m afraid he won’t come today”.

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