Chinese Grammar Bank
有的是 (yōu deshì) is a colloquial Chinese expression that is used to mean there are a lot of or many of something, emphasising the abundance or availability of something.
It’s commonly used to express that there is no shortage or limitation of something.

Key Points:
➡️ Informal tone: This expression is more commonly used in spoken language or casual contexts.
➡️ It emphasises the availability or excess of something, often to reassure or stress abundance. This phrase is stronger than just saying 很多 (hěn duō, a lot) or 有很多 (yǒu hěn duō, there are many) because of its informal and colloquial tone.
有的是 + noun (more common); or noun + 有的是
There are plenty of job opportunities here.View More Examples:
他有的是时间,不用急。 | Tā yōu deshì shíjiān, bùyòng jí. | He has plenty of time; no need to rush. |
这些问题,解决办法有的是。 | Zhè xiē wèn tí , jiě jué bàn fǎ yǒu de shì | There are plenty of solutions to these problems. |
我的朋友有的是好书推荐给你。 | Wǒ de péngyou yōu deshì hǎoshū tuījiàn gěi nǒ. | My friends have plenty of good books to recommend to you. |
有的是人喜欢吃辣的食物。 | Yǒu de shì rén xǐhuān chī là de shíwù. | Many people like to eat spicy food. |
公司有的是举办活动的经验。 | Gōngsī jǔbàn huódòng yōu deshì jīngyàn. | The company has plenty of experience organizing events. |
商店里有的是衣服,什么款式都有。 | Shāngdiàn lǐ yǒu de shì yīfu, shénme kuǎnshì dōu yǒu. | There are many clothes in the store, all kinds are available. |
➡️ 有的是 can also express confidence or assurance about the availability of something.
➡️ It conveys the idea that there’s no shortage and is often used to comfort or reassure someone.
Don’t rush; there will be plenty of chances for you to shine.View More Examples:
我们还有的是时间,不用担心。 | Wǒmen hái yǒu de shì shíjiān, búyòng dānxīn. | We still have plenty of time; no need to worry. |
想学中文的资源有的是。 | Xiǎng xué Zhōngwén de zīyuán yǒu de shì. | There are plenty of resources for learning Chinese. |
那样的工作有的是,你肯定能找到。 | Nàyàng de gōngzuò yǒu de shì, nǐ kěndìng néng zhǎodào. | There are plenty of jobs like that; you’ll definitely find one. |
冬天的白菜有的是,不用抢。 | Dōngtiān de báicài yǒu de shì, bùyòng qiǎng. | There’s plenty of cabbage in winter, no need to rush. |
买票不用急,这场电影票有的是。 | Mǎi piào bùyòng jí, zhè chǎng diànyǐng piào yǒu de shì. | No need to rush; there are plenty of tickets for this movie. |
很多 VS 有很多
很多 (hěn duō) and 有很多 (yǒu hěn duō) both mean a lot or many, but 有的是 carries a stronger sense of abundance or availability. It’s often used in a more colloquial context or when emphasizing a large quantity that’s easily accessible.
➡️ 很多 is commonly used in both written and spoken language.
➡️ 有很多 emphasizes that something has a lot of something.
I have many friends.➡️ 有的是 emphasizes abundance and availability, and can sound more emphatic or reassuring.
View More Examples:
我家里有很多书。 | Wǒ jiālǐ yǒu hěn duō shū. | There are many books at my house. |
这里有的是书,什么都有。 | Zhèlǐ yǒu de shì shū, shénme dōu yǒu. | There are plenty of books here, all kinds of them. |
你有很多问题要解决。 | Nǐ yǒu hěn duō wèntí yào jiějué. | You have many problems to solve. |
有很多人喜欢这首歌。 | Yǒu hěn duō rén xǐhuān zhè shǒu gē. | Many people like this song. |
有的是人不想去旅行。 | Yǒu de shì rén bù xiǎng qù lǚxíng. | There are plenty of people who don’t want to travel. |
很多人来参加这个活动。 | Hěn duō rén lái cānjiā zhège huódòng. | Many people came to attend this event. |
有的是人可以给你帮助。 | Yǒu de shì rén kěyǐ gěi nǐ bāngzhù. | There are plenty of people who can help you. |
In advanced contexts, 有的是 can take on nuanced meanings depending on the tone, situation, and additional words in the sentence.
➡️ Dismissive or casual tone: Suggesting abundance to downplay a concern or show indifference.
➡️ Encouragement: Highlighting opportunities or possibilities to motivate someone.
➡️ Expressing options: Indicating a variety of choices or alternatives available.
He has failed many times? No problem, there are plenty of opportunities.View More Examples:
不用着急,有的是时间慢慢来。 | Bùyòng zháojí, yǒu de shì shíjiān mànmàn lái. | No need to rush, there’s plenty of time to take it slow. |
现在找不到合适的工作?有的是选择,多看看吧。 | Xiànzài zhǎo bù dào héshì de gōngzuò? Yǒu de shì xuǎnzé, duō kàn kàn ba. | Can’t find the right job now? There are plenty of options, keep looking. |
你怕考不上?别担心,有的是别的学校可以试。 | Nǐ pà kǎo bù shàng? Bié dānxīn, yǒu de shì bié de xuéxiào kěyǐ shì. | Worried you won’t get in? Don’t worry, there are plenty of other schools to try. |
这种东西坏了没事,有的是便宜的可以买。 | Zhè zhǒng dōngxī huài le méi shì, yǒu de shì piányí de kěyǐ mǎi. | It’s fine if this breaks, there are plenty of cheap ones to buy. |
旅行途中想吃什么?有的是好吃的地方。 | Lǚxíng túzhōng xiǎng chī shénme? Yǒu de shì hǎochī de dìfāng. | What do you want to eat during the trip? There are plenty of good places to eat. |
世界上有的是聪明的人,但成功需要坚持。 | Shìjiè shàng yǒu de shì cōngmíng de rén, dàn chénggōng xūyào jiānchí. | There are plenty of smart people in the world, but success requires perseverance. |
他不愿意帮忙?没关系,有的是人愿意支持我们。 | Tā bù yuànyì bāngmáng? Méi guānxi, yǒu de shì rén yuànyì zhīchí wǒmen. | He doesn’t want to help? No problem, there are plenty of people willing to support us. |
有的是 is a versatile phrase in Chinese that conveys the idea of abundance or plenty.
It is used in various contexts, from simple descriptions of quantity to nuanced expressions of reassurance, encouragement, or even indifference.
Key Points:
Basic Use:
➡️ Emphasizes the abundance or presence of something.
There are plenty of books.For Assurance:
➡️ Reassures someone that there’s no shortage or limitation.
Don’t worry, there are plenty of opportunities.Comparison with 很多 / 有很多:
➡️ 有的是 emphasizes abundance more strongly and is often used colloquially or emphatically.
➡️ 很多 and 有很多 are neutral and commonly used to state facts.
There are plenty of books, take your time to choose.Advanced Contexts
➡️ Used to downplay concerns, offer motivation, or suggest alternatives.
It’s fine if this breaks, there are plenty of cheap ones to buy.Structure Variations
有的是 + noun: Focuses on abundance of the noun.
There’s plenty of time.Noun + 有的是: Natural flow emphasizing the noun itself.
There’s plenty of time.
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What does 有的是 mean in Chinese?
有的是 (yǒu de shì) is an expression used to emphasise that there is an abundance of something, meaning “there is plenty of” or “a lot of.”
How is 有的是 different from 很多?
很多 simply means “many” or “a lot,” while 有的是 adds emphasis, implying an overwhelming or unlimited quantity.
Can 有的是 be used with both countable and uncountable nouns?
Yes, it can be used with both.
For example, 有的是人 There are plenty of people and 有的是时间 There’s plenty of time.
Is 有的是 formal or informal?
有的是 is generally used in spoken and informal Chinese rather than in formal writing.
Can 有的是 be used in negative sentences?
No, 有的是 inherently expresses abundance, so it is not used in negative structures.
Instead, you can use 没有很多 (méiyǒu hěn duō) to say “not a lot.”
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