Chinese Grammar Bank
In Mandarin Chinese, 结果 (jiéguǒ) is often used to express the result or outcome of a situation, similar to saying “as a result” or “in the end” in English.
This word is commonly used in both spoken and written Chinese to link cause and effect.

The basic sentence structure to express “as a result” in Chinese is:
[Cause or Action], 结果 [Effect or Outcome].
In this construction, “结果” introduces the result of an action or event that has taken place in the first part of the sentence.
他没带伞,结果被雨淋湿了。 | Tā méi dài sǎn, jiéguǒ bèi yǔ lín shī le. | He didn’t bring an umbrella, and as a result, got soaked. |
他不小心摔倒了,结果受伤了。 | Tā bù xiǎoxīn shuāidǎo le, jiéguǒ shòushāng le. | He accidentally fell, and as a result, he got injured. |
昨天没复习,结果考试没考好。 | Zuótiān méi fùxí, jiéguǒ kǎoshì méi kǎo hǎo. | I didn’t review yesterday, and as a result, the test didn’t go well. |
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她忘了关门,结果小猫跑出去了。 | Tā wàng le guān mén, jiéguǒ xiǎo māo pǎo chūqù le. | She forgot to close the door, and as a result, the cat ran out. |
我们出发晚了,结果迟到了。 | Wǒmen chūfā wǎn le, jiéguǒ chídào le. | We left late, and as a result, we were late. |
他买了太多食物,结果吃不完。 | Tā mǎi le tài duō shíwù, jiéguǒ chī bù wán. | He bought too much food, and as a result, he couldn’t finish it. |
她忘带钥匙,结果进不去家了。 | Tā wàng dài yàoshi, jiéguǒ jìn bù qù jiā le. | She forgot her keys, and as a result, couldn’t get into her house. |
结果 is often used to highlight unexpected or undesired results, similar to “but in the end” or “only to find that”, or “it turned out that.”
In this context, “结果” expresses that the outcome was different from what was expected or intended.
他以为自己能赢,结果输了。 | Tā yǐwéi zìjǐ néng yíng, jiéguǒ shū le. | He thought he could win, but in the end, he lost. |
我们计划好了一切,结果出了意外。 | Wǒmen jìhuà hǎo le yīqiè, jiéguǒ chū le yìwài. | We planned everything, but in the end, there was an accident. |
她想省钱,结果花了更多钱。 | Tā xiǎng shěng qián, jiéguǒ huā le gèng duō qián. | She wanted to save money, but in the end, she spent more. |
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他想赶火车,结果错过了。 | Tā xiǎng gǎn huǒchē, jiéguǒ cuòguò le. | He tried to catch the train, but in the end, he missed it. |
她准备了很久,结果演讲时忘词了。 | Tā zhǔnbèi le hěn jiǔ, jiéguǒ yǎnjiǎng shí wàng cí le. | She prepared a long time, but in the end, forgot her words during the speech. |
天气很好,结果突然下雨了。 | Tiānqì hěn hǎo, jiéguǒ tūrán xiàyǔ le. | The weather was fine, but suddenly it rained. |
我以为这个问题很简单,结果很复杂。 | Wǒ yǐwéi zhège wèntí hěn jiǎndān, jiéguǒ hěn fùzá. | I thought the question was simple, but it turned out to be complicated. |
Apart from connecting cause and effect, “结果” can also be used as a noun meaning “result” or “outcome.”
考试的结果出来了。 | Kǎoshì de jiéguǒ chūlái le. | The exam results are out. |
事情的结果让人很意外。 | Shìqíng de jiéguǒ ràng rén hěn yìwài. | The outcome of the matter was surprising. |
她想知道比赛的结果。 | Tā xiǎng zhīdào bǐsài de jiéguǒ. | She wants to know the outcome of the competition. |
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他们讨论了事件的结果。 | Tāmen tǎolùn le shìjiàn de jiéguǒ. | They discussed the outcome of the incident. |
这个实验的结果很成功。 | Zhège shíyàn de jiéguǒ hěn chénggōng. | The result of this experiment was successful. |
他的努力没有好的结果。 | Tā de nǔlì méiyǒu hǎo de jiéguǒ. | His efforts didn’t lead to a good outcome. |
结果显示她通过了测试。 | Jiéguǒ xiǎnshì tā tōngguò le cèshì. | The results show that she passed the test. |
While “结果” often expresses a result, it is not the only conjunction that can indicate results.
所以 (suǒyǐ) and 因此 (yīncǐ), which also indicate results but more neutrally.
The conjunction 所以 is equivalent to “so” in English, and 因此 (literally) translates to “because of this” (因->because, 此-> this).
结果 emphasises the act of causation, and sometimes carries a sense that the outcome is unexpected.
Whereas 所以 and 因此 state the sequence of events more matter-of-factly.
Today I woke up late, so I was late.➡️ Here, “所以” is more straightforward, focusing on cause and effect without the nuance of an unexpected result.
Today I woke up late, and as a result, I missed an important meeting.➡️ Using “结果” here emphasizes that the missed meeting was an unintended consequence of waking up late.

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What does 结果 mean in Chinese?
结果 can mean “result” as a noun or “as a result” as a conjunction, used to indicate outcomes or consequences.
How is 结果 used in a sentence?
As a noun: 这个实验的结果很好 (zhège shíyàn de jiéguǒ hěn hǎo), meaning “The result of this experiment is very good.”
As a conjunction: 他没努力,结果失败了 (tā méi nǔlì, jiéguǒ shībài le), meaning “He didn’t work hard, and as a result, he failed.”
Can 结果 be used with positive, negative outcomes?
Yes, 结果 can describe both favorable and unfavorable results, depending on the context.
Is 结果 formal or informal?
结果 is versatile and used in both formal and informal contexts, making it suitable for everyday conversation and written reports.
What’s the difference between 结果 and 因此?
结果 emphasizes the outcome or what happened next, while 因此 (yīncǐ) is more formal and directly means “therefore,” focusing on the cause-effect relationship.
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