Chinese Grammar Bank


We often use the passive voice when we cannot control the result of something.

被 (bèi) is one of the most prevalent expresses the passive voice in Chinese.

Let’s learn more about 被 and how to use it to talk about certain circumstances.


“被字句”(bèi-structure) is a type of passive sentence structure using 被 to indicate the agent who has performed the given action or verb.

被 sentences are not the only way to create the passive verb form in Chinese, but they are the most common and the type to tackle first.

It is mainly used in sentences with a negative meaning, for instance, unfortunate circumstances such as car crashes, objects being stolen, etc.


Remember the normal sentence structure in Chinese? That’s right:


Subject + Verb + Object

Now, let’s see the impact of 被 on a whole sentence. In the passive structure led by 被, you need to rearrange the sentence elements.

The Object (recipient of the action) should be placed before, while the subject is placed at the end of the sentence. The basic structure of 被 sentence is:


Subject (Recipient of the action) + 被 + Doer of the action (optional) + Verb

Here are some detailed examples to better explain this structure:

Active voice sentence (without 被)

wǒ dǎ suì le bēi zi .


I broke the glass.
xiǎo tōu tōu zǒu le wǒ de shǒu jī .


The thief stole my mobile phone.
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老师批评了我。lǎo shī pī píng le wǒ .The teacher scolded me.
他关上了窗户。tā guān shàng le chuāng hù .He closed the window.
风吹走了她的帽子。fēng chuī zǒu le tā de mào zi .The wind blew her hat off.
我们解决了这件事。wǒ men jiě jué le zhè jiàn shì .We resolved the matter.

Passive voice sentence (with 被)

bēi zi bèi wǒ dǎ suì le .


The cup was broken by me.
wǒ de shǒu jī bèi xiǎo tōu tōu zǒu le .


My mobile phone was stolen by a thief.
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我被老师批评了。wǒ bèi lǎo shī pī píng le .I was scolded by the teacher.
窗户被他关上了。chuāng hù bèi tā guān shàng le .The window was closed by him.
她的帽子被风吹走了。tā de mào zi bèi fēng chuī zǒu le .Her hat was blown away by the wind.
这件事被我们解决了。zhè jiàn shì bèi wǒ men jiě jué le .This matter was resolved by us.

To be clearer, let’s look into the structure of the first example.

杯子被 打碎了。
(Recipient of the action) 
Doer of the action


Sometimes 被 structure can also be used without specifying who did the action.

In this case, who did the action is unknown or not important. The speaker wants to stress the result other than the cause of the matter.


Subject (Recipient of the action)+ 被 + Verb Phrase

wǒ de xiàng jī bèi jiè zǒu le .


My camera was borrowed.
wén jiàn bèi shān chú le .


The file was deleted.
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我的相机被借走了。wǒ de xiàng jī bèi jiè zǒu le .My camera was borrowed.
文件被删除了。wén jiàn bèi shān chú le .The file was deleted.
他们做的坏事被发现了。tā men zuò de huài shì bèi fā xiàn le .The bad things they did were discovered.
城市的空气被污染了。chéng shì de kōng qì bèi wū rǎn le .The air of the city is polluted.
罐头被吃完了。guàn tou bèi chī wán le .The cans are eaten.

One thing you should notice is that 被 cannot be used with a simple one-syllable verb. You need something after the verb. 

Did you noticed that there’s always a complement following it, for example, 了 in the previous example sentences?

You can also accompany the verb with a resultative, degree, or directional complement, a particle, and more.

For instance:

The kitten was hit by a car.❌ 小猫被车撞。✅ 小猫被车撞了。✅ 小猫被车撞伤了
Snacks are eaten by me.❌ 零食被我吃。✅ 零食被我吃了。✅ 零食被我吃完了。

Now that you’ve know the basic pattern, it’s time to go deeper!


What if you want to make the sentence negative?

To negate a 被 sentence, you just need to insert 没 or 没有 directly in front of 被.

But note that in negative passive sentences, you cannot use 了 since the action didn’t complete. You can use other complements.

昨天的派对我没有被邀请。zuó tiān de pài duì wǒ méi yǒu bèi yāo qǐng .I wasn’t invited to the party yesterday.
失踪的小猫没有被找到。shī zōng de xiǎo māo méi yǒu bèi zhǎo dào .The missing kitten has not been found.
他的想法没有被大家采纳。tā de xiǎng fǎ méi yǒu bèi dà jiā cǎi nà .His idea was not adopted by everyone.
电脑没有被修好。diàn nǎo méi yǒu bèi xiū hǎo .The computer was not repaired.

What if you want to include adverbs in your 被 sentence? Where should those go?

Modal verbs, such as 想, 要, 能, 可以, 应, and adverbs, such as 常, 都, 就, 还, 已经 and so on are all placed before 被.

这种说法没有被官方认可。zhè zhǒng shuō fǎ hái méi yǒu bèi guān fāng rèn kě .This claim has not been officially recognized.
我不被大家取笑。wǒ bù xiǎng bèi dà jiā qǔ xiào .I don’t want to be made fun of by everyone.
我们被老师表扬了。wǒ men dōu bèi lǎo shī biǎo yáng le .We were all praised by the teacher.
凶手已经被抓到了。xiōng shǒu yǐ jīng bèi zhuā dào le .The murderer has been caught.

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What is 被?

“被字句”(bèi-structure) is a type of passive sentence structure using 被 to indicate the agent who has performed the given action or verb.

被 sentences are not the only way to create the passive verb form in Chinese, but they are the most common and the type to tackle first.

It is mainly used in sentences with a negative meaning, for instance, unfortunate circumstances such as car crashes, objects being stolen, etc.

What is the 被 sentence structure?

The basic Chinese sentence structure is Subject + Verb+ Object.

In the passive structure led by 被, you need to rearrange the sentence elements.

The Object (recipient of the action) should be placed before, while the subject is placed at the end of the sentence. The basic structure of 被 sentence is:

Subject (Recipient of the action) + 被 + Doer of the action (optional) + Verb 

杯子被我打碎了。| The cup was broken by me.

我的手机被小偷偷走了。| My mobile phone was stolen by a thief.

我被老师批评了。| I was scolded by the teacher.

How to use 被 in a negative sentence?

To negate a 被 sentence, you just need to insert 没 or 没有 directly in front of 被.

But note that in negative passive sentences, you cannot use 了 since the action didn’t complete. You can use other complements.

昨天的派对我没有被邀请。| I wasn’t invited to the party yesterday.

失踪的小猫没有被找到。| The missing kitten has not been found.

How to use 被 with modal verbs and adverbs?

Modal verbs, such as 想, 要, 能, 可以, 应, and adverbs, such as 常, 都, 就, 还, 已经 and so on are all placed before 被.

我不被大家取笑。| I don’t want to be made fun of by everyone.

我们被老师表扬了。| We were all praised by the teacher.

凶手已经被抓到了。| The murderer has been caught.

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Where can I find details about HSK3.0?

The new HSK system indeed raises a few questions.

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