Chinese Grammar Bank
HOW TO USE 看, 要看, & 得看
In Chinese, the expression “it depends” is commonly conveyed using the verb 看 (kàn), which literally means “to look” or “to see.”
When combined with other words like 要 (yào) or 得 (děi), it expresses conditions or dependencies.

看 (kàn) alone can be used to mean “it depends” when followed by a condition or factor.
This is a simple and conversational way to express uncertainty or dependency on a situation.
看 + (factor/condition)
看 + question word (谁 / 什么 / 什么时候 / 怎么样, etc.)
我们什么时候开会?看老板的安排。 | Wǒmen shénme shíhòu kāihuì? Kàn lǎobǎn de ānpái. | When will we have the meeting? Depends on the boss’s schedule. |
看大家的努力。 | kàn dàjiā de nǔlì. | Depends on everyone’s effort. |
看你的态度。 | Kàn nǐ de tàidù. | Depends on your attitude. |
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他能不能来? 看他忙不忙。 | Tā néng bù néng lái? Kàn tā máng bù máng. | Will he come? Depends on how busy he is. |
你什么时候能完成?看我加不加班。 | Nǐ shénme shíhòu néng wánchéng? Kàn wǒ jiābān bù jiābān. | When can you finish? Depends on whether I work overtime. |
明天你能不能来?看我有没有时间。 | míng tiān nǐ néng bù néng lái ?kàn wǒ yǒu méi yǒu shí jiān | Will you come tomorrow?See if I have time. |
我们吃什么?看家里有什么材料。 | Wǒmen chī shénme?Kàn jiālǐ yǒu shénme cáiliào. | What will we eat?Let’s see/Depends on what ingredients we have at home. |
要看 (yào kàn) emphasises the factor or condition more explicitly.
It is often used in response to questions and expresses that the decision will depend on a particular situation.
要看 + (factor/condition)
你什么时候走要看你什么时候有空。 | Nǐ shénme shíhòu zǒu yào kàn nǐ shénme shíhòu yǒu kòng. | When you leave depends on when you are free. |
我们去哪里旅行要看天气情况。 | Wǒmen qù nǎlǐ lǚxíng yào kàn tiānqì qíngkuàng. | Where we travel depends on the weather. |
我能不能参加聚会要看有没有时间。 | Wǒ néng bu néng cānjiā jùhuì yào kàn yǒu méiyǒu shíjiān. | Whether I can attend the gathering depends on whether I have time. |
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我们几点出发要看火车什么时候到。 | Wǒmen jǐ diǎn chūfā yào kàn huǒchē shénme shíhòu dào. | When we leave depends on when the train arrives. |
你去不去看电影要看票有没有。 | Nǐ qù bu qù kàn diànyǐng yào kàn piào yǒu méiyǒu. | Whether you go to the movie depends on ticket availability. |
我们能不能赢要看对手的实力。 | Wǒmen néng bu néng yíng yào kàn duìshǒu de shílì. | Whether we win depends on the opponent’s strength. |
他会不会同意要看条件是否合适。 | Tā huì bu huì tóngyì yào kàn tiáojiàn shìfǒu héshì. | Whether he agrees depends on whether the conditions are suitable. |
我们去哪个餐厅吃饭要看附近有哪些选择。 | Wǒmen qù nǎge cāntīng chīfàn yào kàn fùjìn yǒu nǎxiē xuǎnzé. | Which restaurant we go to depends on the options nearby. |
得看 (děi kàn) is slightly less formal and mean “it would depend on”.
Otherwise it is used similarly as “要看“。
得看 + (factor/condition)
你能不能通过考试得看你复习得怎么样。 | Nǐ néng bu néng tōngguò kǎoshì děi kàn nǐ fùxí de zěnme yàng. | Whether you can pass the exam depends on how well you review. |
我们什么时候动身得看天气情况。 | Wǒmen shénme shíhòu dòngshēn děi kàn tiānqì qíngkuàng. | When we depart depends on the weather. |
他能不能成功得看他的努力程度。 | Tā néng bu néng chénggōng děi kàn tā de nǔlì chéngdù. | Whether he succeeds depends on his level of effort. |
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你能不能参加比赛得看你的身体状况。 | Nǐ néng bu néng cānjiā bǐsài děi kàn nǐ de shēntǐ zhuàngkuàng. | Whether you can participate in the competition depends on your health. |
我们能不能完成任务,得看时间够不够。 | Wǒmen néng bu néng wánchéng rènwù děi kàn shíjiān gòu bu gòu. | Whether we can complete the task depends on whether we have enough time. |
他是否接受这个工作,得看薪水是否满意。 | Tā shìfǒu jiēshòu zhège gōngzuò, děi kàn xīnshuǐ shìfǒu mǎnyì. | Whether he accepts the job depends on whether the salary is satisfactory. |
我们明天能不能去爬山,得看天气预报。 | Wǒmen míngtiān néng bu néng qù páshān děi kàn tiānqì yùbào. | Whether we can go hiking tomorrow depends on the weather forecast. |
这个方案能不能实施,得看预算够不够。 | Zhège fāng’àn néng bu néng shíshī, děi kàn yùsuàn gòu bu gòu. | Whether this plan can be implemented depends on whether the budget is sufficient. |
In Chinese, 取决于 (qǔjué yú) is a more formal way of expressing “depends on.”
It is typically used in professional, academic, or formal contexts.
This expression is more formal than 看 (kàn), 要看 (yào kàn), and 得看 (děi kàn), and it is generally used in more serious or formal situations.
看 (kàn), 要看 (yào kàn), and 得看 (děi kàn) are less formal.
They are more commonly used in everyday conversations and informal situations, and can be translated to less formal expressions of “depends on” in English, such as “it’s up to…” it all comes down to”.
这个项目的成功取决于市场需求的变化。 | Zhège xiàngmù de chénggōng qǔjué yú shìchǎng xūqiú de biànhuà. | The success of this project depends on the changes in market demand. |
我们的决定取决于你们的反馈。 | Wǒmen de juédìng qǔjué yú nǐmen de fǎnkuì. | Our decision depends on your feedback. |
这个计划能否顺利进行取决于资金是否充足。 | Zhège jìhuà néngfǒu shùnlì jìnxíng qǔjué yú zījīn shìfǒu chōngzú. | Whether this plan can proceed smoothly depends on whether there is sufficient funding. |
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能否按时完成,取决于是否能够按计划执行。 | Néngfǒu ànshí wánchéng, qǔjué yú shìfǒu nénggòu àn jìhuà zhíxíng. | Whether we can finish on time depends on whether we can execute the plan as scheduled. |
会议是否延期取决于参与者的意见。 | Huìyì shìfǒu yánqī qǔjué yú cānyù zhě de yìjiàn. | Whether the meeting is postponed depends on the opinions of the participants. |
项目的预算取决于市场调查的结果。 | Xiàngmù de yùsuàn qǔjué yú shìchǎng diàochá de jiéguǒ. | The project budget depends on the results of the market research. |
我们的未来计划取决于我们当前的财务状况。 | Wǒmen de wèilái jìhuà qǔjué yú wǒmen dāngqián de cáiwù zhuàngkuàng. | Our future plans depend on our current financial situation. |

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What does 看 mean in the context of expressing “it depends”?
看 is used to indicate that the outcome depends on a specific factor, e.g., 看天气 (kàn tiānqì), meaning “It depends on the weather.”
Can 看, 要看, and 得看 be used interchangeably?
Generally, yes, but 要看 and 得看 often convey more emphasis or necessity than 看 alone.
How do you use 要看 in a sentence?
Example: 这要看你的时间 (zhè yào kàn nǐ de shíjiān), meaning “This depends on your time.”
What’s the difference between 看, 要看, and 得看?
看 is neutral, 要看 adds emphasis (e.g., “it really depends”), and 得看 implies a necessity to consider certain conditions.
Are these expressions formal or informal?
These expressions are commonly used in both formal and informal contexts, depending on the tone and setting.
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