Complete Guide To Naming 41 Body Parts in Russian
Body Parts in Russian || 41 Words from Head to Toe
You many know how to greet someone in Russian and how to count to 10, but do you name the various body parts in Russian?

That’s our focus today
As a foreign learner of Russian, mastering the vocabulary related to body parts is quite important.
In this article, we will explore the most common body parts in Russian, their pronunciation, and their usage in context.
We’ve also got some bonus flashcards that you can save and use to revise with.
Let’s get going…
Body Parts in Russian || Head
Body Parts in Russian || Eyes
Body Parts in Russian || Nose
Body Parts in Russian || Ears
Body Parts in Russian || Mouth
Body Parts in Russian || Neck
Body Parts in Russian || Arms
Body Parts in Russian || Legs
Body Parts in Russian || Heart
Body Parts in Russian || Stomach
RECAP || All Vocab
Body Parts in Russian || FAQs
Let’s start from the top – the Head!
Body Parts in Russian || Head (Голова)
The first body part we will look at is the head, which in Russian is “голова” (golova).
TOP TIP || This word is pronounced with stress on the first syllable and is used to refer to the uppermost part of the human body.
Let’s check out some phrases that might come in handy.
- “У меня болит голова” (U menya bolit golova) – I have a headache.
- “Холодный пот выступил на лбу” (Kholodnyy pot vystupil na lbu) – Cold sweat broke out on the forehead.
BONUS || We’re about to learn more parts of the head in this article, but to start, here’s a visual look…

If you’re unsure about how to pronounce some of the more trickier words, head over to our Russian Alphabet post for a quick refresher.
Body Parts in Russian || Eyes (Глаза)
We spy with our little eyes something beginning with… E!
The next body part in Russian we will take a look at are the eyes, which in Russian is “глаза” (glaza)
Глаза is pronounced with stress on the second syllable.
Some useful phrases are:
- “У меня глаза устали” (U menya glaza ustali) – My eyes are tired.
- “Увидеть что-то своими глазами” (Uvidet’ chto-to svoimi glazami) – To see something with one’s own eyes.
DID YOU KNOW || Russia has several stunning sights that you should definitely visit some day?
Check out our places to visit post for inspiration for possible future travel plans.

Places to Visit in Russia (Aside From Moscow & Saint-Petersburg)
There are some amazing places and cities to visit in Russia aside from the obvious. Today we introduce you to 10 excellent under-the-radar options.
Body Parts in Russian || Nose (Нос)
The third body part we will look at is the nose.
This is нос (nos) in Russian and is pronounced with stress on the first syllable.
Some common phrases that use the word “нос” include :
- “У меня заложен нос” (U menya zalozhen nos) – I have a stuffy nose.
- “Нюхать цветы” (Nyukhat’ tsvety) – To smell the flowers.
Body Parts in Russian || Ears (Уши)
Ears in Russian is уши (ushi).
This word is pronounced with stress on the first syllable.
Some interesting phrases include:
- “У меня болят уши” (U menya bolyat ushi) – My ears hurt.
- “Слушать музыку” (Slushat’ muzyku) – To listen to music.
BONUS || we use our ears to listen to all kinds of wonderful sounds – including these Russian Rock Bands!

The Most Influential Bands in the History of Russian Rock
If you are into rock music we’d love for you to give Russian Rock a try with these 5 bands we are going to talk about. All are on Spotify to enjoy.
Body Parts in Russian || Mouth (Рот)
Your Рот is quite useful for trying out various Russian dishes!
Mouth in Russian is “рот” (rot)
рот is pronounced with the stress on the first syllable. Here are some common phrases in which you might use рот:
- “Открыть рот” (Otkryt’ rot) – To open one’s mouth.
- “Зевать” (Zevat’) – To yawn.
Body Parts in Russian || Neck (Шея)
WOrking our way slowly down, neck in Russian Шея (sheya).
Шея is pronounced with the stress on the first syllable.
Here are some example phrases you might come across:
- “У меня болит шея” (U menya bolit sheya) – I have a sore neck.
- “Надеть ожерелье на шею” (Nadet’ ozherel’ye na sheyu) – “To put a necklace around one’s neck.”
Like learning tongue-twisters but find them to be a pain in the neck?
Check out our russian tongue twisters post and you’ll be impressing your Russian friends in no time!
Now let’s move our way down the upper body and learn some more body parts in Russian.
Here is a summary with our beautiful flashcard!

Body Parts in Russian || Arms (Руки)
The next body part we will look at is the arms, which in Russian is “руки” (ruki), with stress on the first syllable.
Check out these phrases to see how Руки can be used in sentences:
- “У меня тяжелые руки” (U menya tyazhelyye ruki) – My arms feel heavy.
- “Делать что-то своими руками” (Delat’ chto-to svoimi rukami) – To do something with one’s own hands.

Body Parts in Russian || Legs (Ноги)
Legs in Russian is “ноги” (nogi)
Once again, Ноги pronounced with the stress on the first syllable.
Let’s look at some common phrases that use the word “ноги”:
- “У меня отекли ноги” (U menya otekli nogi) – My legs are swollen.
- “Ходить на ногах” (Khodit’ na nogakh) – To walk on one’s legs.

Body Parts in Russian || Heart (Сердце)
Time to go internal now as we take a look at the heart.
TOP TIP || сердце (serdtse) is pronounced with stress on the first syllable.
Here are some phrases that you might find helpful:
- “У меня болит сердце” (U menya bolit serdtse) – I have heartache.
- “Быть открытым сердцем” (Byt’ otkrytym serdtsem) – To be open-hearted.
Russian literature has captured the hearts of many bookworms all around the world, but are you one of them?
If you are struggling with where to start, check out our 10-easy-to-read Russian novels!

Basic Russian Phrases || A Guide for Beginners
Learn these 45 basic Russian phrases to make your trip to Russia much easier. Understanding the basics of Russian is nowhere near as hard as you may think.
Body Parts in Russian || Stomach (Живот)
Stomach is “живот” (zhivot) in Russian
IMPORTANT || it is pronounced with the stress on the second syllable.
Let’s look at some ways of using the word “живот”:
- “У меня болит живот” (U menya bolit zhivot) – I have a stomach ache.
- “Купаться с полным животом” (Kupat’sya s polnym zhivotom) – To swim with a full stomach.
Body Parts in Russian || Vocab Recap
Let’s review everything that we’ve learnt so far.
BONUS || we’ve also included some extra vocabulary just for you!
English | Translation | Pronunciation |
Head | Голова | Golova |
Eyes | Глаза | Glaza |
Nose | Нос | Nos |
Ears | Уши | Ushi |
Mouth | Рот | Rot |
Neck | Шея | Sheya |
Arms | Руки | Ruki |
Legs | Ноги | Nogi |
Foot | Ступня | Stupnya |
Heart | Сердце | Serdtse |
Stomach | Живот | Zhivot |
Hair | Волосы | Volosy |
Forehead | Лоб | Lob |
Eyelash | Ресница | Resnitsa |
Cheek | Щека | Shcheka |
Teeth | Зубы | Zuby |
Chin | Подбородок | Podborodok |
Lips | Губы | Guby |
Back | Спина | Spina |
Bottom | Ягодицы | Yagoditsy |
Hip | Бедро | Bedro |
Calf | Голень | Golen’ |
Knee | Колено | Koleno |
Ankle | Лодыжка | Lodyzhka |
Heel | Пятка | Pyatka |
Toe | Палец на ноге | Palets na noge |
Elbow | Локоть | Lokot’ |
Wrist | Запястье | Zapyast’ye |
Finger | Палец | Palets |
Thumb | Большой палец | Bol’shoy palets |
There we have it…!
In this article, we explored the most common body parts in Russian, their pronunciation, and how to use them in context.
Not so hard is it?!
Consistent practice and exposure to the language will help you develop your vocabulary and fluency.

Any questions? Or want to show off with your own sentences using these new words? Drop us a comment below and tell us 😎
you can also study the body parts in Chinese with us too.
Body Parts in Russian || FAQs
What is head in Russian?
Head in Russian is Голова which is pronounced as golova.
What is foot in Russian?
Foot in Russian is Ступня which is pronounced as stupnya.
What is stomach in Russian?
Stomach in Russian is Живот which is pronounced as zhivot.
What is heart in Russian?
Heart in Russian is Сердце which is pronounced as serdtse.
What is finger in Russian?
Heart in Russian is Палец which is pronounced as palats.
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