Popular Russian Slang || 18 You Need To Know

Russian Slang To Level Up || 18 Of The Most Used By Natives

Lex the Lion

Russian slang is a vital part of the language and culture, and understanding it is crucial for effectively communicating with native speakers.

In this article, we’ll take a look at some popular Russian slang words and phrases that you should know as a Russian learner.

We have a total of 18 to teach you. For each Russian slang term, we’ll give you an example sentence as well so you can see it used in context.

Let’s delve in right away…

Russian Slang || Кайфовать

Russian Slang || Бодаться

Russian Slang || Пофиг

Russian Slang || Зависать

Russian Slang || Круто

Russian Slang || Блин

Russian Slang || Прикол

Russian Slang || Нихрена

Russian Slang || Лох

Russian Slang || Бабки

Russian Slang || Дурка

Russian Slang || Без понятия

Russian Slang || Полный

Russian Slang || Смысл

Russian Slang || По-человечески

Russian Slang || Пердеть

Russian Slang || Сука

Russian Slang || Шняга

Russian Slang || FAQs

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Russian Slang || Кайфовать (kaifovat’)

Popular Russian Slang

MEANING || to have fun

This word is used to describe the feeling of having a good time or enjoying something.

Perhaps you went to a football match or watched a great movie at the cinema.

You can use Кайфовать to emphasise the fun you had with your friends and/or family.

FOR EXAMPLE || Вчера мы были на вечеринке, и мы кайфовали всю ночь.

vchera my byli na vecherinke, i my kaifovali vsyu noch’

THIS MEANS || Yesterday we were at a party, and we had fun all night.

Russian Slang || Бодаться (bodatsya)

MEANING || to argue

This word is used to describe a heated argument or dispute.

Perhaps you saw a couple arguing on the street, or worse, maybe you were part of the argument.

You can use Бодаться in this kind of context.

FOR EXAMPLE || Я не люблю, когда люди бодаются на публике.

ya ne lyublyu, kogda lyudi bodayutsya na publike

THIS MEANS || I don’t like it when people argue in public

19 Swear Words in Russian || USE WITH CAUTION! Thumbnail

19 Swear Words in Russian || USE WITH CAUTION!

It’s time to up our game with Russian. Today we teach you lots of ways to curse in Russian. Here is our guide to 19 Russian swear words you need to learn.

Russian Slang || Пофиг (pofig)

MEANING || I don’t care

This phrase is used to express indifference or lack of interest in something.

The tone is a negative one and almost dismissive of the previous statement of question.

FOR EXAMPLE || Ты можешь идти на концерт, но мне пофиг.

ty mozhesh’ idti na kontsert, no mne pofig

THIS MEANS || You can go to the concert, but I don’t care

Russian Slang || Зависать (zavisat’)

MEANING || to hang out

This word is used to describe spending time with friends or chilling out.

You could even couple this with Кайфовать which we discovered earlier on to say you hung out with your friends and had a great time!

FOR EXAMPLE || Мы часто зависаем у меня дома.

my chastо zavisaem u menya doma

THIS MEANS || We often hang out at my place

Russian Slang || Круто (kruto)

Popular Russian Slang

MEANING || awesome

This word is used to describe something that is great, cool, or impressive.

Maybe you saw an amazing Russian TV Show last night and you want to describe it to your friends and family.

You can use Круто to describe it.

FOR EXAMPLE || Я видел новый фильм, он был крутой.

ya videl novyy film, on byl krutoy

THIS MEANS || I saw a new movie, it was awesome

Russian Slang || Блин (blin)

MEANING || damn it or sh!t

The word блин (blin) is an informal way to express surprise, annoyance, or frustration.

You know in English when something shocks you you might come out with “Oh sh!t”. This is the Russian equivalent.

It is a substitute for the vulgar Russian word “блядь” (blyad), which means whore.

If you hear someone say блин, they are likely to be annoyed, but it is not as vulgar or strong as saying “блядь.”

Russian Slang || Прикол (prikol)

Slang in Russian

MEANING || a prank

The word прикол (prikol) is used to describe something funny, a joke, or a prank.

It is often used when someone makes a joke or when something unexpected happens.

FOR EXAMPLE || if you hear a joke, you might say “это был прикол” or “это прикольно”

eto byl prikol or eto prikolno

THIS MEANS || “That was funny” or “That was a good joke”

Russian Slang || Нихрена (nikhrena)

MEANING || not at all

The word нихрена (nikhrena) is a slang word that means “nothing” or “not at all.”

It is often used to express disbelief or surprise when something unexpected happens.

FOR EXAMPLE || if you hear some good news, you might say “нихрена себе”

nikhrena sebe

THIS MEANS || “Wow” or “No way”

Russian Slang || Лох (lokh)

MEANING || gullible or idiot

The word лох is a derogatory term that is used to describe someone foolish, gullible, or naive.

It is not a polite word, and it is considered to be offensive.

In reality, it probably falls into the Russian swear words category more so than slang.

When watching Russian TV or Russian Movies listen out and see if you can hear it being used.

If you can – the person using it is degrading the person being spoken to.

Russian Slang || Бабки (babki)

MEANING || money

In English, there are lots of slang words for money – dosh, moolah, bunce, bucks. The list goes on.

Well in Russian the same is true! The word бабки is a slang term for money.

It is commonly used in everyday conversation, especially among young people.

FOR EXAMPLE || if you are asking your friend for some money, you might say “дай мне бабки”.

day mne babki

THIS MEANS || give me some money

Basic Russian Phrases || A Guide for Beginners Thumbnail

Basic Russian Phrases || A Guide for Beginners

Learn these 45 basic Russian phrases to make your trip to Russia much easier. Understanding the basics of Russian is nowhere near as hard as you may think.

Russian Slang || Дурка (durka)

MEANING || a crazy house

The word дурка (durka) is a slang term that means “a mental institution” or “a crazy house.”

It is not a polite word, and it is considered to be offensive to Russian speakers.

Once again, it probably constitutes a swear word if truth be told!

Russian Slang || Без понятия (bez poniatiya)

Slang in Russian

MEANING || no idea or not a clue

This is a slang expression that means “no idea” or “no clue.”

It is often used when you don’t know the answer to a question or are unsure about something.

FOR EXAMPLE || if your friend asks you a difficult math question, you might say “я без понятия”

ya bez poniatiya

THIS MEANS || I have no idea

Russian Slang || Полный (polnyi)

MEANING || full or complete

This Russian slang term is commonly used to describe something excessive or extreme.

Maybe someone knocked back a few too many vodkas last night or guzzled down five plates at the buffet!

This is a great chance to use the word Полный

FOR EXAMPLE || if someone eats a lot of food, you might say “ты съел полную тарелку!”

ty syel polnuyu tarelku

THIS MEANS || you ate a full plate

Russian Slang || Смысл (smysl)

MEANING || the point or meaning

The Russian slang word смысл essentially means “the point” or “the meaning.”

It is commonly used when someone is explaining something and you want to know what the crux of the matter is.

FOR EXAMPLE || if someone is telling you a long story, you might ask “в чём смысл?”

v chem smysl?

THIS MEANS || What’s the point?

Russian Slang || По-человечески (po-chelovecheski)

Russian Slang Words

MEANING || like a normal person

По-человечески is often used to describe a situation where someone is behaving in an irrational or unreasonable way.

In English you may’ve heard the phrase “why can’t you just behave like a normal person.”

In Russian the same applies.

FOR EXAMPLE || if your boss is being unreasonable, you might say “Можно было бы общаться по-человечески”

mozhno bylo by obschat’sya po-chelovecheski

THIS MEANS || we could communicate like normal people

Russian Slang || Пердеть (perdet’)

Russian Slang Words

MEANING || to fart

The word пердеть (perdet) is a vulgar Russian slang term that means “to fart.”

In English, to use the word fart isn’t considered offensive, but actually, with this term in Russian, its usage is more vulgar.

There is a more polite term you can use in Russian which is “выпустить газы” (vypustit’ gazy).

Russian Slang || Сука (suka)

MEANING || bitch

Another Russian swear word here.

сука is a vulgar slang term that means “bitch.”

It is a very offensive word, and it is not appropriate to use in polite conversation.

DID YOU KNOW || In English the word bitch also means a female dog which can cause confusion and humour for non-natives!

In Russian, if you need to refer to a female dog, there is a different word you can use so you don’t confuse the locals!

Use the word “собака” (sobaka).

Russian Slang || Шняга (shnyaga)

Best Slang in Russian

MEANING || poor quality

шняга is a slang term that means “something of poor quality” or “a fake.”

It is often used to describe counterfeit goods or something that is not genuine.

FOR EXAMPLE || if you bought a fake designer handbag, you might say “Это была шняга”

eto byla shnyaga

THIS MEANS || it was a fake

That concludes our guide to some of the most used Russian slang you’ll come across.

Learning Russian slang words can help you to better understand and communicate with native speakers.

However, it is important to use slang words in the appropriate context and with caution, as some words can be considered offensive or impolite.

By incorporating these slang words into your everyday conversation, you will sound more natural and fluent in Russian.

Now tell us what Russian slang you know. Tell us in the comments below.

BONUS || If you enjoy learning slang in other languages why not check these out:

Russian Slang || FAQs

What does шняга mean?

MEANING || poor quality

шняга is a slang term that means “something of poor quality” or “a fake.”

It is often used to describe counterfeit goods or something that are not genuine.

FOR EXAMPLE || if you bought a fake designer handbag, you might say “Это была шняга”

eto byla shnyaga

THIS MEANS || it was a fake

What does пердеть mean?

MEANING || to fart

The word пердеть (perdet) is a vulgar Russian slang term that means “to fart.”

In English, to use the word fart isn’t considering offensive, but actually with this term in Russian, its usage is more vulgar.

There is a more polite term you can use in Russian which is “выпустить газы” (vypustit’ gazy).

What are some common Russian slang words used day to day?

There are lots of Russian slang words you can learn.

Here are 6 of the most popular

— Кайфовать

— Бодаться

— Пофиг

— Зависать

— Круто

— Блин

What is a slang term in Russian for money?

In Russian you can say Бабки (babki) which is a slang term for money.

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