Spanish Grammar Bank
The terms “also” and “too” in Spanish are generally expressed using a few different adverbs, mainly también, además, asimismo and igualmente.
Although similar, each of these words is distinct and expresses different meanings.

In Spanish también is used to indicate that something is the same, alike, conforms to or is related to another thing previously mentioned.
The word también is an adverb that is used in affirmative sentences, providing additional information in relation to what has been previously stated.
It is the most common adverb to indicate addition akin to the English words “too” and “also”.
También is usually placed before the verb or at the end of the phrase/sentence, although its placement is rather flexible.
These are some of the most commonly followed patterns of use:
Subject + también + verb + complement
También + verb + complement
Verb + complement + también
It must be noted that también should not be confused with tan bien.
Although the word también initially derived from the sequence tan bien, in modern Spanish they are differentiated, tan bien being used in comparative or consecutive constructions.
➡️ Correct comparative use: Marta cocina tan bien como su madre. (Marta cooks as well as her mother.)
➡️ Alternative with the correct use of the word también: Marta cocina también, como su madre. (Marta also cooks, like her mother.)
Yo también quiero ir a la fiesta. | I also want to go to the party. |
A nosotros también nos gusta el pastel de chocolate. | We also like chocolate cake. |
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También hemos llegado tarde. | We have also arrived late. |
También hacemos deporte cada día. | We exercise every day as well. |
Ella va a clase y yo también. | She is going to class and so am I. |
Esa serie nos encanta también. | We love that series as well. |
Además, which can also translate as “also”, is generally equivalent to terms such as “in addition to”, “furthermore”, “besides”, and “moreover” and often emphasizes a stronger or contrasting addition.
Además (“also”) tends to come across as more formal también.
When además is used in a similar context to también (“also”), it allows for information to be added, emphasizing or expanding on a main idea or prior statement.
Además is most typically placed at the beginning of a sentence, like so:
Además + sentence/phrase
Me gustaría ver la tele. Además, podríamos cenar. | I would like to watch television. Also, we could have dinner. |
Además, no tienes razón. | Besides, you’re wrong. |
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Ella estudia y además, trabaja. | She studies and she also works. |
Pablo viaja a menudo y además se gana bien la vida. | Pablo travels often, in addition to making a good living. |
Juan Antonio escribe bien. Además, sus libros son interesantes. | Juan Antonio writes well. Furthermore, his books are interesting. |
Podemos empezar la reunión. Además, tengo la presentación preparada. | We can start the meeting. Moreover, I have the presentation ready. |
In Spanish, asimismo is synonymous to “likewise”, “also”, or “in the same way” and is typically a more formal alternative to también when introducing additional, supporting or related information.
Asimismo is also synonymous to words like “moreover” or “furthermore” and is a more structured alternative to además when introducing formal points in writing or in more formal contexts.
Asimismo is usually placed at the beginning of a sentence or clause and is normally followed by a comma to introduce the additional points or information.
Asimismo, + sentence/phrase
Asimismo, la profesora explicó la siguiente lección. | Moreover, the teacher explained the next lesson. |
Ayer hizo mucho frío. Asimismo, llovió. | It was very cold yesterday. Likewise, it rained. |
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El experimento salió bien. Asimismo, se espera que los siguientes también. | The experiment went well. Likewise, it is expected that the following will too. |
Asimismo, temenos que pensar en otras opciones. | Likewise, we have to consider other options. |
Asimismo, los resultados de las pruebas fueron positivas. | Likewise, the results of the tests were positive. |
Asimismo, las siguientes son las características del lugar. | Furthermore, the following are the characteristics of the place. |
Igualmente in Spanish can either be used a more formal alternative to también when expressing concepts such as “similarly”, “equally”, or “also” or can be used to reciprocate actions or statements, akin to saying “likewise” in English (frequently as a response to a wish or a greeting).
When used as an alternative to también, typically igualmente is placed at the beginning of a sentence/phrase to indicate that the statement that follows is in addition, complements or is in relation to what has been mentioned prior.
Igualmente, + sentence/phrase
Los profesores llegaron temprano, e igualmente los alumnos también. | My teachers arrived early and likewise, so did the students. |
Que tengas un buen fin de semana. Igualmente. | Have a good weekend. Likewise. |
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Igualmente, asistiré a la conferencia. | Likewise, I will attend the conference. |
¡Felices fiestas! Igualmente, gracias. | Happy holidays! Likewise, thank you. |
Mi jefe está satisfecho con la reunión. Igualmente, los clientes dijeron lo mismo. | My boss is pleased with the meeting. Likewise, the clients expressed the same. |
Disfruta del día. Muchas gracias e igualmente. | Enjoy your day. Thank you very much and likewise. |

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How to say also in Spanish?
The word también is the most common way to say “also” in Spanish, as in Ella también quiere ir (“She also wants to go”).
What differences between también & además?
Yes, también is used to add similar ideas or items, while además often adds extra information or emphasizes an additional point, like “furthermore” or “in addition.”
Where do you place también in a sentence?
También usually goes before the verb, as in Yo también voy (“I am also going”), but it can sometimes appear at the end of the sentence for emphasis.
How to say “me too” or “me neither” in Spanish?
“Me too” is yo también, and “me neither” is yo tampoco, depending on whether you’re agreeing with a positive or negative statement.
Can también be used in negative sentences?
Yes, in negative sentences, también changes to tampoco, meaning “also not” or “neither,” as in Yo tampoco quiero ir (“I don’t want to go either”).
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