How to Use 'Y' in Spanish: Simple Rules & When to Use 'E'

Y in Spanish: Where the Y Is Located Makes All the Difference


In Spanish, “Y” is much more than just a simple letter.

Most commonly, “Y” serves as a conjunction, equivalent to the English word “and,” helping to link words, phrases, and clauses together.

👀 But there’s more to “Y” than meets the eye.

In this blog, we will explore its various uses, from its role as a consonant and vowel to its special rules in plurals and when it changes to “E.”

We’ll also discuss how “Y” is used in conjunction with “or” and how it interacts with other words in certain contexts. By the end, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to use “Y” in Spanish with confidence and accuracy.

Y in Spanish || Y as a Consonant

Y in Spanish || Y as a Vowel

Y in Spanish || Plurals and Y

Y in Spanish || When Y Becomes E

Y in Spanish || Y in an And/or Scenario

Y in Spanish || Quiz

Y in Spanish || FAQs

Y in Spanish || Y as a Consonant

y-in-spanish - clown in Spanish

Y in Spanish is listed as a consonant and will act as a consonant phoneme when it is used at the start of a word or of a syllable.

👉 Here are some examples: 

Here’s the information divided into three columns and two rows:

In these examples, y in Spanish is pronounced the same as the Spanish letter ll, similar to the consonant sound of the English ‘y’ (as in ‘yes’, ‘yellow’ and ‘yonder’).

Y as a Consonant Phoneme
at the Start of a Word
Y as a Consonant Phoneme
at the Start of a Syllable
yate (yacht) rayo (lightning)
yeso (plaster, gypsum) payaso (clown)
yerno (son-in-law) mayo (May)
All There Is To Know About Asking What Time Is It in Spanish Thumbnail

All There Is To Know About Asking What Time Is It in Spanish

⏰ What Time Is It in SpanishTelling Time Is Twofold in Spanish 💭 Granted that nowadays with almost every breathing creature (human) carrying a smartphone, we can easily check the time of day without having to ask for it. Still,…

Y in Spanish || Y as a Vowel

📌 We already know by now that y in Spanish is technically listed as a consonant.


Here are the basic giveaways to know when y is doubling (phonetically) as a vowel:

– when used as a coordinating conjunction, equivalent to the English word ‘and’. In this case, y in Spanish, equivalent to ‘and’, is used as a standalone word. 

Some examples of y (and) as a word used for connecting words

Galletas y leche (Cookies and milk)

Esto y eso (This and that)

Some examples of y as a word being used for connecting phrases

Me encanata cantar y bailar. (I love to sing and dance.)

Hicimos ejercicio temprano y después desayunamos. (We exercised early and then had breakfast.)

– when at the end of a word and preceded by another vowel/s (there are some exceptions, although this rule generally applies).

Some examples:

rey (king),

buey (ox),

muy (very)

In these examples above wherein y in Spanish phonetically acts as a vowel, it is pronounced the same as the Spanish letter i, which is similar to the vowel sounds of the English ‘ee’ (as in ‘see’, ‘sleep’ and ‘tree’).

Y in Spanish || Plurals and Y


👉 When forming plurals in the case of the Spanish y vowel phoneme at the end of the word, know that, in general, Spanish does not allow for the use of y as a vocal phoneme inside the same word – which is what would happen if we simply added an -s after. 

That is why, when faced with converting singular to plural in the case of y vowel phoneme at the end of the word, the plural form is distinguishable and can be formed in different ways:

– particularly in English loaned words with the y vowel phoneme at the end of the word, by transforming y to an i, followed by an (s), like so: 

jersey (sweater), plural jerséis ,

espray (spray), plural espráis ,

gay (gay), plural gais .

– in other cases, the plural is formed by adding es to the end of the word, like for example: 

rey (king), plural reyes,

buey (ox), plural bueyes ,

ley (law), plural leyes

📌 Note that in the examples above, by forming plurals as indicated, we avoid having a y vocal phoneme inside the same word.

Y in Spanish || When Y Becomes E

When used as a coordinating conjunction y is generally transformed to an e when immediately followed by the phoneme i, hi or phonemes with the same sounds as i and hi

This is done for phonetic reasons, to facilitate pronunciation.

👉 With the examples below, you will notice that when two subsequent phonemes are phonetically the same, they are harder to pronounce in that sequence unless the y is transformed into an e.


Some examples:

Correct Coordinating ConjunctionIncorrect Coordinating Conjunction
aguja e hilo(needle and thread)aguja y hilo
Ana e IreneAna y Irene
Desarrollo e Investigación (Development and Research)Desarrollo y Investigación
United Airlines e EasyjetUnited Airlines y Easyjet

Y in Spanish || Y in an And/or Scenario

👉 Similar to the English and/or phrase, y in Spanish is at times used jointly with the letter ‘o’, in an attempt to convey the explicit idea that there is a choice between the sum of or alternative options, like so: y/o (and/or).


En el hotel ofrecen desayuno continental y/o asiático. (In the hotel they offer Continental or Asian breakfast.)


However, in Spanish, the disjunctive conjunction o (or) already implies the option of both scenarios (that one has the alternative between either of the choices or of the sum of both).

👉 So the use of y/o in Spanish is discouraged unless absolutely necessary to avoid ambiguity or in very technical contexts.

Y in Spanish || Quiz

Welcome to your Y in Spanish Quiz! Let's get going...

What is the Spanish term for the letter 'y'?

What is the correct transformation of 'y' in 'Ana y Irene' when it precedes a word starting with 'i'?

How is 'y' pronounced when it acts as a vowel?

Which of the following words does NOT end with 'y'?

What happens to 'y' when it precedes a word starting with 'i'?

What is the plural form of 'rey'?

In which scenario is 'y/o' used in Spanish?

What is the plural form of 'gay'?

When does 'y' act as a vowel in Spanish?

Which of the following is an example of 'y' as a consonant?

Now you’ve mastered ‘Y in Spanish’ , why not check out these Spanish essentials?

👉 Listen in Spanish

👉 ‘What time is it?’ in Spanish

👉 Body parts in Spanish

Y in Spanish || FAQs

When to use e in Spanish instead of y?

In Spanish y is generally transformed to an e when the y in a coordinating conjunction (equivalent to the English ‘and’) precedes a phoneme i or hi, like for example:

Países e islas (countries and islands)

Madre e hija (mother and daughter)

Note that in the example above, the conjunction y (and) is transformed to e. This is done for phonetic reasons, facilitating pronunciation.

How to pronounce y in Spanish?

The pronunciation of y in Spanish will vary generally based on whether it acts as a vowel or a consonant phoneme based on the location of the letter y in a given phrase or word. 

Y in Spanish is considered a consonant. However, it can also phonetically act as a vowel phoneme, in which case it is pronounced the same as the Spanish letter i, which is similar to the vowel sounds of the English ‘ee’ (as in see, sleep and tree). 

Some grammar pointers: Phoneme is the smallest sound unit in a given language that allows us to distinguish one word from another.

Some examples wherein y in Spanish is phonetically a vowel:

Rey (king), muy (very), hoy (today), ley (law), estoy (I am)

On the other hand, y in Spanish as a consonant phoneme is pronounced the same as the Spanish letter ll, which is similar to the consonant sound of the English ‘y’ (as in yes, yellow and yonder).

Yogur (yogurt), yo (I), yate (yatch), desayuno (breakfast), leyenda (legend)

Is y a consonant or a vowel in Spanish?

Y in Spanish is listed as a consonant. However, y in Spanish can phonetically function as a vowel or as a consonant based on the location of the letter y in a given phrase or word.

In general, when y in Spanish is located at the beginning of a syllable/word, it is phonetically considered a consonant, pronounced similarly to the English consonant ‘y’ in ‘yellow’, ‘yes’ and ‘yonder’.

On the other hand and generally, when y in Spanish is located at the end of a syllable/word, it is phonetically considered a vowel, pronounced similar to the English vowels ‘ee’ in ‘see’, ‘sleep’ and ‘tree’).

What is the y in Spanish used for?

Y in Spanish, when used as a standalone word is equivalent to the English coordinating conjunction ‘and’. Conjunctions link similar grammatical structures, so here are some examples of the use of ‘y’: 

y (and) as a conjunction for connecting words: 

Sonrisas y lágrimas (Smiles and tears)

Besos y abrazos (Kisses and hugs)

Perros y gatos (Dogs and cats)

y as a conjunction for connecting phrases/sentences: 

Hoy comemos temprano y después dormimos la siesta. (Today we have lunch early and after we take a nap).

Mi hermana es muy simpática y mi hermano es muy gracioso. (My sister is very nice and my brother is very funny).

Playas blancas y océanos azules (White beaches and blue oceans)

How to form the plural of words ending in y in Spanish?

When forming the plural in the case of the y vowel phoneme at the end of the word, these are the general rules to follow:

– particularly in the case of loaned English words, convert the y to an i and then add an s after, like so: 

jersey (sweater), plural jerséis, espray (spray), plural espráis, gay (gay), plural gais, yuppy (yuppy), plural yuppies.

– adding –es to the end of the word, like for example, rey (king), plural reyes, buey (ox), plural bueyes, ley (king), plural leyes

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