This Student Is Not a Flexi Forum Member Yet

This Flexi Class student has not joined the Flexi Forum yet. After joining Flexi Classes, it is very simple to sign up for the Flexi Forum. One click on the “Forum” button in the menu, sign in with the Flexi credentials on the next page and you are in.

However, this student has not done this yet and therefore has no Flexi Forum profile yet. When you see them next during a class, ask them to join the Flexi Forum and next time this link will take you to their profile. Once they signed up, you will be able to message each other, see each others upcoming classes and even book classes together if you want.

Are you a Flexi Forum Member Yet?

To be able to to see other student’s profiles in the Flexi Forum you need to be a member too of course. You can join here with your Flexi Email and Username. Takes less than 10 seconds.