Vietnamese Grammar Bank


Prepositions play a crucial role in Vietnamese grammar, as they help express relationships between nouns and other words in a sentence.

This lesson will explore common Vietnamese prepositions, their meanings, and how to use them correctly in various contexts.


There is only one preposition particle in Vietnamese which is “ở”.

You can use this particle to describe the position of things following this pattern below: 


Subject + ở (to be) + prepositions + object


bên tráileft side 
bên phảiright side
trướcin front of
sauat behind
bên cạnh / kế bênnext to
giữa A và Bbetween A and B 
chính giữaat the middle of 
đối diệnopposite / across
xung quanharound


Here are a few more sentence examples to help you see how it works. 

Quả bóng ở trên cái bànThe ball is on the table 
Quả bóng ở dưới cái bànThe ball is under the table 
Con gà ở bên trái cái lyThe chicken is at the left side of the glass 
Cái ly ở bên phải con gàThe glass is at the right side of the chicken
Cây bút ở trong baloThe pen is inside of the bag 
Chai nước ở ngoài baloThe bottle of water is outside of the bag
TV ở trước cái ghếTV is in front of the chair
Bếp ở sau phòng kháchThe kitchen is at behind the living room
Sư tử ở bên cạnh / kế bên thỏThe lion is next to the rabbit 
Tôi ở giữa cô giáo và mẹI am in between teacher and mom 
Tôi ở chính giữa phòng họcI am in the middle of the classroom 
Tôi ở đối diện bàn học của em gáiI am at opposite / across my sister’s desk 
Việt Nam ở gần Thái LanVietnam is near to Thailand 
Việt Nam ở xa MỹVietnam is far from America 
Cỏ ở xung quanh nhàThe house is around with grass

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What are the most common prepositions?

Some common Vietnamese prepositions include trên (on), dưới (under), trước (in front of), sau (behind), and giữa (between).

How do prepositions function in Vietnamese?

Prepositions in Vietnamese typically indicate relationships of place, time, and direction, often appearing before a noun or pronoun to provide context, such as “cái bàn ở trên” (the table is on top).

Do prepositions change based on gender?

No, Vietnamese prepositions do not change based on gender or number; they remain the same regardless of the nouns they refer to.

How to express time using prepositions?

Time expressions often use prepositions such as trong (in) for durations, like “trong một giờ” (in an hour), or trước (before) and sau (after) for specific times, like “trước 5 giờ” (before 5 o’clock).

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Can I study in Vietnam with LTL?

Yes, you can!

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