Chinese Grammar Bank

We often use logical conjunctions to give sentences more depth and 因为 and 所以 do just that in Mandarin Chinese.
For example, “因为(yīn wéi)…所以(suǒ yǐ)…” is one of the logical conjunctions which is often used to describe causality.
“因为” in Chinese is the same as “because” in English.
You can use 因为 when you want to clarify the principle of something to others. Or, when you need tell the teacher why you were late for school, for example.
In those sentences, we always state the results before.
Result + 因为 + Reason
I don’t like summer because it’s too hot.View More Phrases
chinese | pinyin | english |
我爱吃四川菜,因为四川菜很辣。 | wǒ ài chī sì chuān cài ,yīn wéi sì chuān cài hěn là | I love Sichuan food because Sichuan food is very spicy. |
我很喜欢派对,因为派对让我很放松。 | wǒ hěn xǐ huān pài duì ,yīn wéi pài duì ràng wǒ hěn fàng sōng | I love parties because they allow me to relax. |
我最近很忙,因为有很多会议。 | wǒ zuì jìn hěn máng ,yīn wéi yǒu hěn duō huì yì | I’ve been very busy lately because there are a lot of meetings. |
我在学习中文,因为我想去中国。 | wǒ zài xué xí zhōng wén ,yīn wéi wǒ xiǎng qù zhōng guó | I am learning Chinese because I want to go to China. |
我喜欢Kelly,因为她很善良。 | wǒ xǐ huān Kelly,yīn wéi tā hěn shàn liáng | I like Kelly because she is kind. |
Tom成绩很好,因为他很勤奋。 | Tom chéng jì hěn hǎo ,yīn wéi tā hěn qín fèn | Tom has good grades because he is diligent. |
我们不去公园了,因为天气不好。 | wǒ men bú qù gōng yuán le ,yīn wéi tiān qì bú hǎo | We are not going to the park because of the bad weather. |
When you observe these sentences, you should notice that “因为” always starts a new phrase in the sentence.
“所以” is used to tell the consequences of things.
The English equivalent of “所以” is “therefore…” or “so…”.
Reason + 所以 + Result
My watch broke, so I was late for work today.View More Phrases
chinese | pinyin | english |
我喜欢中国文化,所以我学习汉语。 | wǒ xǐ huān zhōng guó wén huà ,suǒ yǐ wǒ xué xí hàn yǔ | I like Chinese culture, so I study Chinese. |
她很友善,所以她有很多朋友。 | tā hěn yǒu shàn ,suǒ yǐ tā yǒu hěn duō péng yǒu | She is friendly, so she has many friends. |
圣诞节快到了,所以孩子们很高兴。 | shèng dàn jiē kuài dào le ,suǒ yǐ hái zǐ men hěn gāo xìng | Christmas is coming, so the kids are happy. |
我太忙了,所以没时间参加这个活动。 | wǒ tài máng le ,suǒ yǐ méi shí jiān cān jiā zhè gè huó dòng | I’m too busy, so I don’t have time for this event. |
他通过了考试,所以他很高兴。 | tā tōng guò le kǎo shì ,suǒ yǐ tā hěn gāo xìng | He passed the exam, so he is happy. |
Mary经常运动,所以她很健康。 | Mary jīng cháng yùn dòng ,suǒ yǐ tā hěn jiàn kāng | Mary exercises a lot, so she is healthy. |
她很勤奋,所以她成绩很好。 | tā hěn qín fèn ,suǒ yǐ tā chéng jì hěn hǎo | She is very diligent, so she gets good grades. |
Finally, we can put “ 因为 ” and “ 所以” together to indicate the logic of things.
It’s like “Since…happened, so…happened.” in English.
This may seem weird, because in English, we don’t usually use “since” and “so” together in one sentence. But it makes everything crystal clear in Chinese!
因为 + Cause,所以 + Result
This expresses that because of the cause, therefore there is a result.
Because it is too late, we will leave tomorrow.View More Phrases
chinese | pinyin | english |
因为我今天不舒服,所以我没去上课。 | yīn wéi wǒ jīn tiān bú shū fú ,suǒ yǐ wǒ méi qù shàng kè | I didn’t go to class because I wasn’t feeling well today. |
因为我很累,所以我睡得很早。 | yīn wéi wǒ hěn lèi ,suǒ yǐ wǒ shuì dé hěn zǎo | I went to bed early because I was very tired. |
因为房间太热了,所以我脱下外衣。 | yīn wéi fáng jiān tài rè le ,suǒ yǐ wǒ tuō xià wài yī | Because the room was too hot, I took off my coat. |
因为太远了,所以我不想去。 | yīn wéi tài yuǎn le ,suǒ yǐ wǒ bú xiǎng qù | I don’t want to go because it’s too far. |
因为我很喜欢画画,所以我成了一位画家。 | yīn wéi wǒ hěn xǐ huān huà huà ,suǒ yǐ wǒ chéng le yī wèi huà jiā | Because I love to draw, I became a painter. |
因为太忙,我们没时间吃午饭。 | yīn wéi tài máng ,wǒ men méi shí jiān chī wǔ fàn | Because we are too busy, we don’t have time for lunch. |

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When is 因为 used in Chinese?
We can use 因为 when we want to clarify the principle of something to others.
It can translate as “because” in English.
What is the English equivalent of “因为…所以”?
If we put “ 因为 ” and “ 所以” together, it’s like “Since…happened, so…happened” in English.
How to pronounce “因为…所以”?
“因为…所以” is pronounced yīn wéi…suǒ yǐ.
How to use 因为 in a sentence?
The sentence structure of 因为 is: The result + 因为 + Reason.
我不喜欢夏天,因为夏天太热了。wǒ bú xǐ huān xià tiān, yīn wéi xià tiān tài rè le | I don’t like summer because it’s too hot.
我很喜欢派对,因为派对让我很放松。wǒ hěn xǐ huān pài duì,yīn wéi pài duì ràng wǒ hěn fàng sōng | I love parties because they allow me to relax.
How to use 所以 in a sentence?
The sentence structure of 所以 is: The reason + 所以 + Result
他通过了考试,所以他很高兴。tā tōng guò le kǎo shì, suǒ yǐ tā hěn gāo xìng | He passed the exam, so he is happy.
她很勤奋,所以她成绩很好。tā hěn qín fèn, suǒ yǐ tā chéng jì hěn hǎo | She is very diligent, so she gets good grades.
How to use 因为 and 所以 in a sentence?
The sentence structure of 因为…所以 is:
因为 + Cause,所以 + Result
因为我今天不舒服,所以我没去上课。yīn wéi wǒ jīn tiān bú shū fú,suǒ yǐ wǒ méi qù shàng kè | I didn’t go to class because I wasn’t feeling well today.
因为太远了,所以我不想去。yīn wéi tài yuǎn le,suǒ yǐ wǒ bú xiǎng qù | I don’t want to go because it’s too far.