Chinese Grammar Bank


In this lesson we will proceed to teach you how to form a superlative (biggest, best, worst, etc.) in Chinese.

Unlike English, we do not change the form of the adjective by adding “-est.” Instead, we use the intensifier 最 (zuì) before the adjective to express the most.


In Chinese, we put 最 (zuì) before the adjective to form superlatives. The structure is as follows:


最 + Adjective

Note that we can only use 最 (zuì) if we compare three or more objects. For comparing two things, use 比 (bǐ). 

nán jí shì shì jiè shàng zuì lěng de dì fāng zhī yī


Antarctica is one of the coldest places in the world.
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午后的阳光是最刺眼的。wǔ hòu de yáng guāng shì zuì cì yǎn deThe afternoon sun is the harshest.
今天是这个月最热的一天。jīn tiān shì zhè gè yuè zuì rè de yī tiānToday is the hottest day of the month.
这是店里最贵的裙子。zhè shì diàn lǐ zuì guì de qún zǐThis is the most expensive dress in the store.
我是我们家年龄最小的孩子。wǒ shì wǒ men jiā nián líng zuì xiǎo de hái zǐI am the youngest child in our family.
请记住这是最重要的事情。qǐng jì zhù zhè shì zuì zhòng yào de shì qíngRemember this is the most important thing.
赞美是世界上最美的语言。zàn měi shì shì jiè shàng zuì měi de yǔ yánPraise is the most beautiful language in the world.


Occasionally you’ll also see a 了 (le) added after the adjective. This simply adds emphasis to the “-est.”


最 + Adjective (+ 了)

Remember, we can only apply this pattern in informal situations.

xiǎo gǒu zuì kě ài le


Puppy is the cutest.
ruì shì de fēng jǐng zuì měi le


Switzerland has the most beautiful scenery.
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我做功课的时候最认真了。wǒ zuò gōng kè de shí hòu zuì rèn zhēn leI am most attentive when I do my homework.
你做的菜最好吃了。nǐ zuò de cài zuì hǎo chī leThe food you make is the best.
我的中国朋友最热情了。wǒ de zhōng guó péng yǒu zuì rè qíng leMy Chinese friends are the most enthusiastic.

NOTE || 了 (le)  is optional in the sentence pattern that uses 最 (zuì) to express superlative.

You can add it to strengthen your tone, but it’s not essential. 


Besides the adjectives, we can also place the psychological verbs after the 最 (zuì). Psychological verbs are the verbs that related to people’s psychological status, such as “like”, “hate”, “love”, etc. The sentence structure is:


最 + [Psychological Verb] + Object (+ 了)

zuì hài pà zhī zhū le


I am most afraid of spiders.
zuì xīn shǎng chéng shí de pǐn zhì


I appreciate honesty the most.
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她最爱她的女儿。tā zuì ài tā de nǚ érShe loves her daughter the most.
我最喜欢这件衣服了。wǒ zuì xǐ huān zhè jiàn yī fú leI like this dress the most.
最令我担心的事情发生了。zuì lìng wǒ dān xīn de shì qíng fā shēng leThe thing that worried me the most happened.
演讲是我最擅长做的事情。yǎn jiǎng shì wǒ zuì shàn zhǎng zuò de shì qíngSpeaking is what I do best.

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What does 最 mean?

In Chinese, we use the intensifier 最 (zuì) before the adjective to express the most. This lets us form superlatives (biggest, best, worst, etc.) when comparing a noun to the rest.

How do you say 最?

The character 最 is pronounced zuì.

Can I use 最 when comparing two objects?

No! You can only use 最 when comparing three or more objects. If you want to compare two objects, then you need to use 比 (bǐ).

What are some example sentences with 最?

Here are some example sentences with 最:

– 南极是世界上最冷的地方之一。nán jí shì shì jiè shàng zuì lěng de dì fāng zhī yī. Antarctica is one of the coldest places in the world.

– 小狗最可爱了。xiǎo gǒu zuì kě ài le. Puppy is the cutest.

– 我最害怕蜘蛛了。wǒ zuì hài pà zhī zhū le. I am most afraid of spiders.

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Can I learn Chinese by watching TV?

If you want to learn Chinese by only watching TV, you can probably do it, but it won’t be a very effective study technique. However, incorporating TV shows into a fully-fleshed out study plan with group and private lessons can be an incredibly effective way to learn Chinese.

Check out our guide on the 14 Chinese TV shows you need to watch to practicing your Chinese!


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