Chinese Grammar Bank

Today we will learn how to use 几 (jǐ) in Chinese.
It is used to express an uncertain number, which is usually smaller than ten.
It means that the person who says the character estimates the number might be less than 10.
First and foremost, this is the most common and straightforward way to use “几.”
Usually it is used when you want to express the amount of something.
几 + Measure Word
For instance, when someone asks about a girl’s age:
So, the answer to a question with 几 should be a numeral plus a measure word:
In some cases, we use “几” to express numbers bigger than 10.
More specifically, It is similar to “a few dozen” or “a couple dozen” in English.
But notice that instead of “twelves of something,” we are saying “tens of something (multiples of ten).”
几 + 十 + Measure Word + Noun
For example, if someone says:
Then it means he or she has read loads of pieces, probably amount 20 to 50.
Not only we can use “几” to describe “tens of something”, we can also put it together with 百 (bǎi), 千 (qiān), or 万 (wàn).
Just like how, in English, we might say, “a few hundred” or “a few thousand.”
Apparently, this often applies in situations with larger numbers.
And it’s more commonly used when you’re unsure, and you just need a casual and general estimation.
So note that this is an informal expression.
几 + 百/千/万 + Measure Word + Noun
Finally, the usage of the phrase “好几” is quite similar to “几.”
好几 + Measure Word + Noun
The only difference is that “好” is put in front to modify “几.”
This can add a slight change to the tone of the sentence, to emphasize the number of things.
Let’s compare these two sentences:
这本书我读过几遍。 | 这本书我读过好几遍。 |
zhè běn shū wǒ dú guò jǐ biàn | zhè běn shū wǒ dú guò hǎo jǐ biàn |
I’ve read the book a few times. | I’ve read the book quite a few times. |
So, the first sentence is just a plain statement that he or she has read the book many times.
With the phrase “好几,” the second sentence indicates that he or she has read the book so many times that he or she probably obsesses with the author and has a good command of the book’s content.

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What does 几 mean in English and how to pronounce it?
In English 几 means: “several,” “a couple,” or “a few”, and it’s pronounced: jǐ.
How to use 几 as “a few tens”?
We use 几 as “a few tens”, to express numbers bigger than 10.
It is similar to “a few dozen” or “a couple dozen” in English.
But, in Chinese instead of “twelves of something,” we are saying “tens of something (multiples of ten).”
The sentence structure: 几 + 十 + Measure Word + Noun
一个班级里有几十个学生。| yī gè bān jí lǐ yǒu jǐ shí gè xué shēng | There are dozens of students in a class.
How to use 好几 as “quite a few”?
The usage of the phrase “好几” is quite similar to “几.”
They have the same structures: “好几” + Measure Word + Noun
The only difference is that “好” is put in front, to modify “几.”
This structure emphasized the number of things.
苹果公司发布了好几款新产品。| píng guǒ gōng sī fā bù le hǎo jǐ kuǎn xīn chǎn pǐn | Apple has released several new products.
How to use 几 as “a few”?
The most common way to use 几 is when you want to express the amount of something.
The sentence structure is: 几 + Measure Word
她收到了几支玫瑰。| tā shōu dào le jǐ zhī méi guī | She received several roses.
How to use 几 as “a few hundred/thousand/ten thousand?
We can also use 几 to describe “tens of something”, or we can put it together with 百 (bǎi), 千 (qiān), or 万 (wàn).
Just like how, in English, we might say, “a few hundred” or “a few thousand.”
This often applies in situations with larger numbers.
And it’s more commonly used when you’re unsure, and you just need a casual and general estimation.
So note that this is an informal expression.
The sentence structure is: 几 + 百/千/万 + Measure Word + Noun
这个月我们卖了几百件衣服。| zhè gè yuè wǒ men mài le jǐ bǎi jiàn yī fú | We sold hundreds of clothes this month.
Where can I find other Chinese grammar lessons?
You can find other Chinese grammar lessons in our Chinese Grammar Bank.