Chinese Grammar Bank

When you’re trying to say “if” in Chinese, 如果 (rúguǒ) is the most common way of expressing this.
Like in English, 如果 is used to say that something can or will happen on condition that something else occurs.
So in a sentence with 如果, the statement that comes right after 如果 is an assumption (a hypothetical situation).
When 如果 is used with 就, 如果 goes with the first clause which is an assumption and 就 goes with the second clause which is a result of the first clause happening.
This equates to “If…, then…” 就 can be replaced with 那 (nà) or 那么 (nàme) in more informal settings, however the meaning remains the same.
Similarly, 就 can be dropped when making a sentence with 如果 and the meaning remains the same.
如果 + Statement, (就 +) Statement
If you are free today, let’s go to watch a movie together.View More Phrases
如果你喜欢,你就买了。 | rúguǒ nǐ xǐhuān, nǐ jiù mǎile. | If you like it, you buy it. |
如果你去北京,请帮我买一些书。 | rúguǒ nǐ qù běijīng, qǐng bāng wǒ mǎi yīxiē shū. | If you go to Beijing, please help me buy some books. |
如果你喜欢我,那跟我谈恋爱吧。 | rúguǒ nǐ xǐhuān wǒ, nà gēn wǒ tán liàn’ài ba. | If you like me, then let’s date. |
如果你觉得不合适,那就算了。 | rúguǒ nǐ juédé bù héshì, nà jiùsuànle. | If it doesn’t feel right to you, forget it. |
如果你来,我会很高兴的。 | rúguǒ nǐ lái, wǒ huì hěn gāoxìng de. | I will be happy if you come. |
Similar to the structure above, 如果 with 的话 (dehuà) is also used for hypothetical situations.
Here, 的话 is placed after the first clause or statement.
就 is optional in the second statement. In more casual speech, 如果 is dropped and only 的话 is used. Similarly, 的话 may be left out and only 就 is used.
如果 + Statement + 的话, (就 +) Statement
I can give you the job if you want.View More Phrases
如果没有什么不便的话,我要早一点儿来。 | rúguǒ méiyǒu shénme bùbiàn dehuà, wǒ yào zǎo yīdiǎn er lái. | If there is no inconvenience, I will come earlier. |
如果你需要钱的话,我可以借给你。 | rúguǒ nǐ xūyào qián dehuà, wǒ kěyǐ jiè gěi nǐ. | If you need money, I can lend it to you. |
喜欢的话,就拿走吧。 | xǐhuān dehuà, jiù ná zǒu ba. | You can take it if you like it. |
我是你的话,我就绝对不干。 | wǒ shì nǐ dehuà, wǒ jiù juéduì bù gān. | If I were you, I definitely wouldn’t do it. |
不想来就不来 | bùxiǎng lái jiù bù lái. | Don’t come if you don’t want to. |
你们都要去就让我开心 | nǐmen dōu yào qùjiù ràng wǒ kāixīn. | If you all go, it will make me happy. |
如果 CANNOT be used to express “whether or not” or “if something will happen or not”.
To make “whether or not” sentences or questions in Chinese, the main verb of the sentence is used in a “verb + 不 + verb” structure:
Do you know if he will come (or not)?今天他们能不能来?
Can they come today (or not)?View More Phrases
我不知道她愿不愿意嫁给我。 | wǒ bù zhīdào tā yuàn bú yuànyì jià gěi wǒ. | I don’t know if she wants to marry me (or not). |
他想知道你会不会唱歌。 | tā xiǎng zhīdào nǐ huì bù huì chànggē. | He wants to know whether you can sing (or not). |
他们问你能不能来吃饭。 | tāmen wèn nǐ néng bùnéng lái chīfàn. | They’re asking if you can come and eat (or not). |
问题是他不管我喜不喜欢他。 | wèntí shì tā bùguǎn wǒ xǐ bù xǐhuān tā. | The problem is he doesn’t care whether I like him or not. |

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How to say “if” in Chinese?
The most common way to say “if” in Chinese is 如果 (rúguǒ).
How do I read or pronounce 如果?
如果 is pronounced rúguǒ.
What are some example sentences with 如果?
– 如果你喜欢,你就买了。rúguǒ nǐ xǐhuān, nǐ jiù mǎile. If you like it, you buy it.
– 如果没有什么不便的话,我要早一点儿来。rúguǒ méiyǒu shénme bùbiàn dehuà, wǒ yào zǎo yīdiǎn er lái. If there is no inconvenience, I will come earlier.
– 如果今天你有空,我们就一起去看电影。rúguǒ jīntiān nǐ yǒu kòng, wǒmen jiù yīqǐ qù kàn diànyǐng. If you are free today, let’s go to watch a movie together.
What is the sentence structure for 如果?
The most common sentence structure for 如果 is:
如果 + statement,就 + statement
Another common sentence structure for 如果 is:
如果 + statement + 的话, (就 +) statement
How to make a proper sentence in Chinese?
You can learn how to make a basic Chinese here. You can also get a private teacher to help you or take some Chinese lessons.
Where can I find more grammar lessons?
There are more Chinese grammar lessons like this one in our Chinese Grammar Bank.
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