Chinese Grammar Bank

要 (yào) is one of the most common words of the Chinese language (the 34th most common character to be exact!!).
It can be used as a verb, which basically means “want”, or as an auxiliary verb, which comes before main verbs to help express a tone.
The verb 要 means “to want something”. It is the most direct and simple way of expressing a desire in Chinese. It is also used when ordering food or buying something.
Subject + 要 + Noun
I want this toy.你要什么?
What would you like?我要两杯咖啡。
I’d like two cups of coffee要 AS AN AUXILIARY VERB
If used as an auxiliary verb, 要 should be used as follows:
Subject + 要 + Verb
要 needs to be put in front of the other verb when used to express “to want to do something”.
I want to learn Chinese.她很累,要休息一下。
She’s very tired and wants to rest.Its meaning sometimes extends from “the want to do something” to “the need to do something”.
In the following sentences, 要 could be substituted with 需要 (xūyào) without any differences.
You have to start early.我要找到我的手机。
I need to find my cellphone.View More Phrases
明天考试,晚上你要复习。 | míngtiān kǎoshì, wǎnshàng nǐ yào fùxí. | The exam is tomorrow, you have to review this evening. |
去国外要申请签证。 | qù guówài yào shēnqǐng qiānzhèng. | You need to apply for a visa to go abroad. |
买房子要花很多钱。 | mǎi fángzi yào huā hěnduō qián. | It costs a lot of money to buy a house. |
要 can also be used when giving suggestions, which can be translated into “should do something”.
- 苹果要先洗一洗再吃
- píngguǒ yào xiān xǐ yī xǐ zài chī.
- Apples should be washed before eating.
- 你要努力学习汉语
- nǐ yào nǔlì xuéxí hànyǔ.
- You should study Chinese hard.
要 can be used to express future tense with the meaning of “going to do something”. The action will happen as it is in the plan.
Subject + Time + 要 + Verb
- 朋友明年要去美国上大学
- péngyǒu míngnián yào qù měiguó shàng dàxué.
- My friend will go to college in the US next year.
- 我弟弟暑假要去德国旅行
- wǒ dìdì shǔjià yào qù déguó lǚxíng.
- My brother is going to Germany during the summer vacation.
Time + Subject + 要 + Verb
- 这个周末你要做什么?
- zhège zhōumò nǐ yào zuò shénme?
- What are you going to do this weekend?
- 放学后我们要去图书馆
- fàngxué hòu wǒmen yào qù túshū guǎn.
- We are going to the library after school.
要 is also used to form negative commands “不要”, which can be translated into “don’t do something” or “stop doing something”.
不要 + Verb
bùyào pèng wǒ de dōngxī. Don’t touch my stuff. |
bùyào kàn wǒ. Don’t look at me. |
bùyào shuōhuàle. Stop talking. |
bùyào cháoxiào wǒle! Stop mocking me! |
You can also replace 不要 with 别 (bié) in most situations.
不要看我。 bùyào kàn wǒ. = 别看我 bié kàn wǒ. Don’t look at me. | 不要说话了。 bùyào shuōhuàle. = 别说话了 bié shuōhuàle. Stop talking. |
These kinds of commands might also be expressed in English with “any more” or “again”.
bùyào zài hēle. Don’t drink any more. |
nǐ bùyào jiàn tāle ba. Don’t see her again. |
In Chinese, if you want to express the desire to do something, you can use these two words: 想 (xiǎng) and 要 (yào), which both mean “to want”.
Subject + 想/要 + Verb + Object
wǒ xiǎng qù kàn diànyǐng. I want to go watch a movie. | → |
wǒ yào qù kàn diànyǐng. I want to go watch a movie. (I’m going to go watch a movie). |
想 is like an idea that comes to your mind. You can use 想 when you want to show your intention or your desire.
想 doesn’t mean that you’ll do it right away, though. It’s more like “would like to do”. 想 has also two other meanings, “to think” and “to miss”.
View More Phrases
我想去上海。 | wǒ xiǎng qù shànghǎi. | I’d like to go to Shanghai. |
我想吃苹果。 | wǒ xiǎng chī píngguǒ. | I’d like to eat apples. |
仔细想一想。 | zǐxì xiǎng yī xiǎng. | Think about it carefully. |
我想我妈妈。 | wǒ xiǎng wǒ māmā. | I miss my mom. |
要 means want, but it is more powerful than 想.
It is used when someone wants to do something, plans on doing it, and it will be done right away. Its meaning is closer to “need”, bordering on “demand” and “order”.
我要回家。 | wǒ yào huí jiā. | I want to go home. (I WANT/ need – to go home) |
我要你回答。 | wǒ yào nǐ huídá. | I want you to answer. (I need/demand you answer) |
我要你过来。 | wǒ yào nǐ guòlái. | I want you to come over. (I need/ order you to come over) |
我要一杯橙汁。 | wǒ yào yībēi chéngzhī. | I want an orange juice. |

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What is 要?
要 can be used as a verb, which basically means “want”, “need”, “should”, which sometimes can only be determined by the context in which it is used.
Is 要 common in the Chinese language?
Yes, 要 (yào) is one of the most common words in the Chinese language (the 34th most common character to be exact).
How to use 要?
要 can be used as a verb to mean “to want something” | Subject + 要 + Noun
As an auxiliary verb, “to want to do something” | Subject + 要 + verb
To express future tense, “going to do something” | Subject + time + 要 + verb
To form negative commands, “don’t do something” | 不要 + verb
What are some examples of how to use 要?
我要那个玩具。wǒ yào nàgè wánjù. | I want that toy.
我要找到我的手机。wǒ yào zhǎodào wǒ de shǒujī. | I need to find my cellphone.
朋友明年要去美国上大学。péngyǒu míngnián yào qù měiguó shàng dàxué. | My friend will go to college in the United States next year.
不要说话了。bùyào shuōhuàle. | Stop talking.
Any other Chinese Grammar I should know?
Yes, definitely!
There’s a load of Chinese grammar to learn, especially for beginners.
In our Grammar Bank, you will find many HOW TO articles, such as How to use 在, How to use 怎么, How to use 死了 etc.
How to learn Chinese characters?
The first thing to know about the Chinese language is that there is no alphabet!
Characters are used, and are themselves made of various components called radicals.
Characters are best learned with a Chinese teacher as they can explain how to write them, in what stroke order, as well as their origin and meaning.
Many apps such as Skritter or Dong Chinese can help you practice your writing and reading skills as well.