Spanish Grammar Bank
In Spanish, the past tense (pretérito) is used to describe actions or a state of events that have occurred before the present moment or before the moment they are being spoken of.
In contrast to the more straightforward past tense in English, in Spanish, the pretérito is divided into several categories, each with its own set of rules of use and contexts.

The Pretérito Perfecto Simple (Simple Past) is used to express actions that were completed at a specific point in the past, which can be isolated actions or can refer to events that lapsed within a certain period of time, which is almost always a determined one, see examples:
A single event: Yo canté una canción. (I sang a song.)
Events that have lapsed within a certain period: Vivieron varios años en Alemania. (They lived in Germany for several years.)
The conjugation pattern for regular verbs in the Pretérito Perfecto Simple tense is as follows:
WITH REGULAR -AR VERBS (with andar, to walk)
Yo | andé | I walked. |
Tú | andaste | You walked. |
Él/Ella/Usted | andó | He/She/You (formal, singular) walked. |
Nosotros/as | andamos | We walked. |
Vosotros/as | andasteis | You (all) walked. |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | andaron | They/You (formal, plural) walked. |
WITH REGULAR -ER VERBS (with comer, to eat)
Yo | comí | I ate. |
Tú | comiste | You ate. |
Él/Ella/Usted | comió | He/She/You (formal, singular) ate. |
Nosotros/as | comimos | We ate. |
Vosotros/as | comisteis | You (all) ate. |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | comieron | They/You (formal, plural) ate. |
WITH REGULAR -IR VERBS (with escribir, to write)
Yo | escribí | I wrote. |
Tú | escribiste | You wrote. |
Él/Ella/Usted | escribió | He/She/You (formal, singular) wrote. |
Nosotros/as | escribimos | We wrote. |
Vosotros/as | escribisteis | You (all) wrote. |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | escribieron | They/You (formal, plural) wrote. |
Yo hablé con la profesora la semana pasada. | I spoke with the teacher last week. |
Tú te bebiste todo el zumo de piña. | You drank all the pineapple juice. |
Ellos vivieron en el extranjero de pequeños | They lived abroad when they were small. |
Nosotros comimos pizza ayer. | We ate pizza yesterday. |
Vosotros estudiasteis arquitectura. | You (all) studied architecture. |
Juan leyó El Quijote el verano pasado. | Juan read El Quijote last summer. |
Certain verbs are irregular in the Pretérito Perfecto Simple tense, meaning they have different conjugation patterns that do not follow the standard ones for the -ar, -er and -ir verbs.
Some of the most commonly used irregular verbs in Pretérito Perfecto Simple tense are ser (to be), ir (to go), tener (to have) and hacer (to do/make).
Their conjugations must be memorized as they do not follow the regular patterns.
Yo | fui | I was. |
Tú | fuiste | You were. |
Él/Ella/Usted | fue | He/She was / You (formal, singular) were. |
Nosotros/as | fuimos | We were. |
Vosotros/as | fuisteis | You (all) were. |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | fueron | They/You (formal, plural) were. |
Yo | fui | I went. |
Tú | fuiste | You went. |
Él/Ella/Usted | fue | He/She/You (formal, singular) went. |
Nosotros/as | fuimos | We went. |
Vosotros/as | fuisteis | You (all) went. |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | fueron | They/You (formal, plural) went. |
Yo | tuve | I had. |
Tú | tuviste | You had. |
Él/Ella/Usted | tuvo | He/She/You (formal, singular) had. |
Nosotros/as | tuvimos | We had. |
Vosotros/as | tuvisteis | You (all) had. |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | tuvieron | They/You (formal, plural) had. |
Yo | hice | I made. |
Tú | hiciste | You made. |
Él/Ella/Usted | hizo | He/She/You (formal, singular) made. |
Nosotros/as | hicimos | We made. |
Vosotros/as | hicisteis | You (all) made. |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | hicieron | They/You (formal, plural) made. |
Yo fui al teatro ayer. | I went to the theatre yesterday. |
Tú tuvieste tu oportunidad. | You had your chance. |
Él hizo lo que pudo. | He did what he could. |
Nosotros fuimos cantantes profesionales. | We were professional singers. |
Vosotros hicisteis el pastel de cumpleaños. | You (all) made the birthday cake. |
Ellos se fueron temprano. | They left early. |
The Pretérito Imperfecto (Imperfect Past) is used to describe past actions that were ongoing, habitual or that do not imply a completed action. Meaning, it is a tense that focuses on the internal development of the event without referring to the beginning or end of the action (in contrast to the Pretérito Perfecto Simple), like in the example:
Pretérito Imperfecto: El chico bajaba las escaleras. (The boy was going down the stairs.)
Pretérito Perfecto Simple: El chico bajó las escaleras. (The boy went down the stairs).
The example of the Pretérito Imperfecto above does not imply that the boy had finished his descent but rather that the process was ongoing.
The Pretérito Imperfecto can also be used to provide background information or details about a past time and age, often being used to “set the scene” in a narrative by describing what was happening or what was true at a given point in the past, like in the example:
Cuando sonó el timbre de la puerta, el chico bajaba las escaleras.
When the door bell rang, the boy was going down the stairsIMPERFECT PAST FOR REGULAR VERBS
The conjugation pattern for regular verbs in the Pretérito Imperfecto Simple tense is as follows:
WITH -AR VERBS (using cocinar, to cook)
Yo | cocinaba | I was cooking. |
Tú | cocinabas | You were cooking. |
Él/Ella/Usted | cocinaba | He/She was / You (formal, singular) were cooking. |
Nosotros/as | cocinábamos | We were cooking. |
Vosotros/as | cocinabais | You (all) were cooking. |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | cocinaban | They/You (formal, plural) were cooking. |
WITH -ER VERBS (using correr, to run)
Yo | corría | I was running. |
Tú | corrías | You were running. |
Él/Ella/Usted | corría | He/She was / You (formal, singular) were running. |
Nosotros/as | corríamos | We were running. |
Vosotros/as | corríais | You (all) were running. |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | corrían | They/You (formal, plural) were running. |
WITH -IR VERBS (using recibir, to receive)
Yo | recibía | I was receiving. |
Tú | recibías | You were receiving. |
Él/Ella/Usted | recibía | He/She was / You (formal, singular) were receiving. |
Nosotros/as | recibíamos | We were receiving. |
Vosotros/as | recibíais | You (all) were receiving. |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | recibían | They/You (formal, plural) were receiving. |
There are fewer irregular verbs in the Pretérito Imperfecto compared to the Pretérito Perfecto Simple tense.
The particular conjugations in the Pretérito Perfecto Simple tense must be memorized as they do not follow the regular conjugation patterns of -ar, -er, -ir verbs.
The most commonly used irregular verbs in the Pretérito Imperfecto are ser (to be), ir (to go) and ver (to see).
Yo | era | I was. |
Tú | eras | You were. |
Él/Ella/Usted | era | He/She was You (formal, singular) were. |
Nosotros/as | éramos | We were. |
Vosotros/as | erais | You (all) were. |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | eran | They/You (formal, plural) were. |
Yo | iba | I was going. |
Tú | ibas | You were going. |
Él/Ella/Usted | iba | He/She was You (formal, singular) were going. |
Nosotros/as | íbamos | We were going. |
Vosotros/as | ibais | You (all) were going. |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | iban | They/You (formal, plural) were going. |
Yo | veía | I used to see. |
Tú | veías | You was seeing. |
Él/Ella/Usted | veía | He/She was You (formal, singular) were seeing. |
Nosotros/as | veíamos | We were seeing. |
Vosotros/as | veíais | You (all) were seeing. |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | veían | They/You (formal, plural) were seeing. |
Yo era buena actriz. | I was a good actress. |
Tú eras su vecino. | You were his neighbor. |
Él iba al mismo colegio que yo. | He went to the same school as I. |
Nosotras íbamos a Francia cada verano. | We used to go to France every summer. |
Vosotros veíais la tele por las noches. | You (all) used to watch TV at night. |
Ellas veían a sus primos cada fin de semana. | They used to see their cousins every weekend. |

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How to conjugate the simple past with -ar verbs?
The conjugation pattern for regular verbs in the Pretérito Perfecto Simple tense for -ar verbs is as follows, using the verb andar, to walk:
Yo andé – I walked.
Tú andaste – You walked.
Él/Ella/Usted andó – He/She/You walked.
Nosotros/as andamos – We walked.
Vosotros/as andasteis – You (all) walked.
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes andaron – They/You walked.
How to conjugate the simple past with -er verbs?
The conjugation pattern for regular verbs in the Pretérito Perfecto Simple tense for -er verbs is as follows, using the verb comer, to eat:
Yo comí – I ate.
Tú comiste – You ate.
Él/Ella/Usted comió – He/She/You ate.
Nosotros/as comimos – We ate.
Vosotros/as comisteis – You (all) ate.
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes comieron – They/You ate.
How to conjugate the simple past with -ir verbs?
The conjugation pattern for regular verbs in the Pretérito Perfecto Simple tense for -ir verbs is as follows, using the verb escribir, to walk:
Yo escribí – I wrote.
Tú escribiste – You wrote.
Él/Ella/Usted escribió – He/She/You wrote.
Nosotros/as escribimos – We wrote.
Vosotros/as escribisteis – You (all) wrote.
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes escribieron – They/You wrote.
How to conjugate simple past with irregular verbs?
Certain verbs are irregular in the Pretérito Perfecto Simple tense, meaning they have different conjugation patterns that do not follow the standard ones for the -ar, -er and -ir verbs.
Some of the most commonly used irregular verbs in Pretérito Perfecto Simple tense are ser (to be), ir (to go), tener (to have) and hacer (to do/make).
Their conjugations must be memorized as they do not follow the regular patterns
Example with irregular verb SER (to be):
Yo fui – I was.
Tú fuiste – You were.
Él/Ella/Usted fue – He/She was / You were.
Nosotros/as fuimos – We were.
Vosotros/as fuisteis – You (all) were.
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes fueron – They/You were.
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