Vietnamese Grammar Bank


In this lesson, you will learn how to express the concept of “almost” in Vietnamese by using the terms “gần như” and “hầu như.”

These phrases are essential for describing situations that are nearly complete or almost true.


You will use “Hầu như” to express when you almost do something (nearly 90%) which is repeated or can be measured physically such as by quantity, by meters, by time, by days and months.


Subject + hầu như + verb 

Tôi hầu như đọc tất cả cuốn sách ở đâyI almost read all the books hereThe action of “reading” is measured by the number of books
Tôi hầu như không ăn táoI almost not eat any applesThe action of “not eating” is measured by the number of apples
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Anh ấy hầu như không ăn sáng mỗi buổi sángHe almost doesn’t eat breakfast every morningThe action of “not eating breakfast” is repeated in every morning
Chị ấy hầu như đi ngủ lúc 8h00 mỗi buổi tốiShe almost goes to bed at 8pm every nightThe action of “going to bed is repeated in every night
Chúng tôi hầu như đi làm mỗi ngàyWe almost go to work everydayThe action of “going to work” is repeated in every day
Họ hầu như không ở nhà thứ 7They are almost not at home on SaturdayThe action of “not being at home” is repeated on every Saturday


To express “almost” in Vietnamese you can also use gần như, more specifically when you almost do something (nearly 90%) at once or at one specific time/moment.


Subject + gần như + verb 

Em gần như quên anh rồi!(Now) I can almost forget you!
Tôi gần như trở thành 1 người khácI almost become another person (at this moment)
View More Examples:
Ba gần như muốn hôn mẹDad almost want to kiss mom (right now)
Mẹ gần như rất mệtMom is almost tired (now)
Tôi gần như không ngủ đêm quaI could not almost sleep last night
Chị ấy gần như thích tôi!She almost liked me (right now)!

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Want to learn more? Check out these other free resources:

• Learn how to say almost in Japanese
• Learn how to say almost in Korean


How to say almost in Vietnamese?

Almost in Vietnamese can be expressed by using the words gần như and hầu như.

How to use hầu như?

You will use “Hầu như” to express when you almost do something (nearly 90%) which is repeated or can be measured physically such as by quantity, by meters, by time, by days and months.

Subject + hầu như + verb 

Tôi hầu như đọc tất cả cuốn sách ở đây
I almost read all the books here

How to use gần như?

Another expression for “almost” can be used when you almost do something (nearly 90%) at once or at one specific time/moment! 

Subject + gần như + verb 

Tôi gần như trở thành 1 người khác
I almost become another person
(at this moment)

How to say or in Vietnamese?

Or in Vietnamese can be expressed by using the words hoặc and hay.

In Vietnamese you will use the word “hoặc” to give more than two options in a sentence.

N1/ V1/ A1 + hoặc + N2/ V2/ A2 (+ hoặc + N3/ V3/ A3)

Cái bàn hoặc cái ghế
Table or chair

Another way to say “or” in Vietnamese is with the word hay. It is used between nouns, verbs and adjectives.

The two words hay and hoặc can be use interchangeably and equally in any situation.

N1/ V1/ A1 + hay + N2/ V2/ A2 (+ hay + N3/ V3/ A3)

Con gái hay con trai
Girl or boy? 

Learn more about how to say or in Vietnamese here.

Where to find more lessons like this?

Check out our Vietnamese Grammar Bank, where you will find free lessons for levels A1 to B1.

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