Vietnamese Grammar Bank
In this grammar lesson we teach you how to express “as soon as” in Vietnamese.
There are two common “as soon as” expressions in Vietnamese, which are “Ngay khi” and “Vừa mới”.
Let’s have a look.

To express as soon as in Vietnamese you can use Ngay khi.
It is used to emphasize that one action happens immediately after another. It connects two events that are tightly linked in time, with the second event happening right after the first.
Ngay khi + clause A, clause B
Ngay khi thấy ăn trộm, tôi báo cảnh sát lập tức! | I called a police as soon as I found a thief |
Ngay khi bị đau bụng, anh ấy uống thuốc | He took a medicine as soon as he had a stomach ache |
Ngay khi ngồi xuống, cô ấy nhận 1 cuộc gọi | She got a call as soon as she just sat down |
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Ngay khi bị đứt tay, tôi khóc thét! | I cried out loud as soon as my finger was cut |
Ngay khi bị hiểu lầm, tôi giải thích | I explained as soon as I was misunderstood |
Another slightly different way to say as soon as in Vietnamese is Vừa mới.
It also indicates that one action happens right after another, but it conveys a sense that something just happened, or only a short time has passed.
It is often used to express actions that happened very recently or to emphasize that something has just been completed.
Subject + vừa mới + verb, clause
Tôi vừa mới thấy ăn trộm, tôi báo cảnh sát lập tức! | I called a police as soon as I found a thief |
Anh ấy vừa mới bị đau bụng, anh ấy uống thuốc | He took a medicine as soon as he had a stomach ache |
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Cô ấy vừa mới ngồi xuống, cô ấy nhận 1 cuộc gọi | She got a call as soon as she just sat down |
Tôi vừa mới bị đứt tay, tôi khóc thét! | I cried out loud as soon as my finger was cut |
Tôi vừa mới bị hiểu lầm, tôi giải thích | I explained as soon as I was misunderstood |

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Want to learn more? Check out these other free resources:
• Check out how to say as soon as in Mandarin
• Check out how to say as soon as in Japanese
• Check out how to say as soon as in Korean
How to say as soon as in Vietnamese?
To express as soon as in Vietnamese you can use Ngay khi.
It is used to emphasize that one action happens immediately after another. It connects two events that are tightly linked in time, with the second event happening right after the first.
Ngay khi + clause A, clause B
Ngay khi thấy ăn trộm, tôi báo cảnh sát lập tức!
I called a police as soon as I found a thief
Another slightly different way to say as soon as in Vietnamese is Vừa mới.
It is often used to express actions that happened very recently or to emphasize that something has just been completed.
Subject + vừa mới + verb, clause
Tôi vừa mới thấy ăn trộm, tôi báo cảnh sát lập tức!
I called a police as soon as I found a thief
Ngay khi vs vừa mới, what difference?
Ngay khi is used to emphasize that one action happens immediately after another.
Vừa mới is often used to express actions that happened very recently or to emphasize that something has just been completed.
How to say almost in Vietnamese?
Almost in Vietnamese can be expressed by using the words gần như and hầu như.
Learn more about almost in Vietnamese here.
How to say or in Vietnamese?
Or in Vietnamese can be expressed by using the words hoặc and hay.
In Vietnamese you will use the word “hoặc” to give more than two options in a sentence.
N1/ V1/ A1 + hoặc + N2/ V2/ A2 (+ hoặc + N3/ V3/ A3)
Cái bàn hoặc cái ghế
Table or chair
Another way to say “or” in Vietnamese is with the word hay. It is used between nouns, verbs and adjectives.
The two words hay and hoặc can be use interchangeably and equally in any situation.
N1/ V1/ A1 + hay + N2/ V2/ A2 (+ hay + N3/ V3/ A3)
Con gái hay con trai
Girl or boy?
Learn more about how to say or in Vietnamese here.
Where to find more lessons like this?
Check out our Vietnamese Grammar Bank, where you will find free lessons for levels A1 to B1.
Can I learn Vietnamese with LTL?
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