Vietnamese Grammar Bank


The phrase “even though” is commonly expressed as a contrast between two clauses.

The primary patterns used in Vietnamese for “even though” are “mặc dù,” “dù,” and “tuy…nhưng.”

All these expressions indicate a contrast or concession.


“Mặc dù…nhưng” emphasizes the contrast between two clauses, similar to “even though” or “despite” in English.

It’s commonly used in both spoken and written language, especially in formal or official contexts.


Mặc dù + Clause 1, nhưng + Clause 2

Mặc dù trời mưa, nhưng tôi vẫn đi ra ngoàiEven though it rains, I still go outside
Mặc dù cô ấy bận, nhưng cô vẫn giúp tôiEven though she is busy, she still helps me
Mặc dù họ không thích món ăn này, nhưng họ vẫn ănEven though they don’t like this dish, they still eat it
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Mặc dù anh ấy không khỏe, nhưng anh đi làmEven though he is not well, he goes to work
Mặc dù trời lạnh, nhưng họ vẫn chơi bóng đáEven though it’s cold, they still play soccer
Mặc dù việc khó khăn, nhưng tôi vẫn cố gắngEven though the task is difficult, I still try


“Dù…nhưng” is often used interchangeably with “mặc dù” but is less formal.

It conveys a similar idea of contrast and can be used more in a daily conversation.


Dù + Clause 1, nhưng + Clause 2

trời mưa, nhưng chúng tôi vẫn đi dạoEven though it rains, we still go for a walk
không ngủ đủ, nhưng tôi vẫn cảm thấy tỉnh táoEven though I didn’t sleep enough, I still feel awake
có căng thẳng, nhưng tôi vẫn giữ bình tĩnhEven though I’m stressed, I still remain calm
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là cuộc thi khó, nhưng tôi vẫn tham giaEven though it’s a difficult competition, I still participate
trời lạnh, nhưng họ vẫn chơi bóng đáEven though it’s cold, they still play soccer
việc khó khăn, nhưng tôi vẫn cố gắngEven though the task is difficult, I still try


“Tuy…nhưng” is typically used to imply that, despite a certain condition, an unexpected result follows.


Tuy + Clause 1, nhưng + Clause 2

Tuy trời mưa, nhưng chúng tôi vẫn đi picnicEven though it rains, we still go on a picnic
Tuy anh ấy mệt, nhưng anh vẫn làm việcEven though he is tired, he is still working
Tuy giá cao, nhưng sản phẩm này rất tốtEven though the price is high, this product is very good
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Tuy đường kẹt, nhưng họ vẫn đến đúng giờ.Even though the road is jammed, they still arrive on time
Tuy không thích ăn rau, nhưng tôi vẫn ăn để khỏeEven though i don’t like eating vegetables, I still eat them to be healthy
Tuy việc khó khăn, nhưng tôi vẫn cố gắngEven though I have many tasks, I still make time for family

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Want to learn more? Check out these other free resources:

• Check out how to say even though in Japanese
• Check out how to say even though in Korean


How to say “even though” in Vietnamese?

In Vietnamese, “even though” can be expressed with phrases like mặc dù, dù, or tuy.

Can I use “mặc dù” and “dù” interchangeably?

Yes, mặc dù and both mean “even though,” but mặc dù is more formal, while dù is often used in informal contexts.

How to say “with” in Vietnamese?

With in Vietnamese can be said by using multiple words.

The most common sentence structures are:

Subject 1 + Verb + với + Subject 2

Tôi về nhà với mẹ tôi. I come home with my mother 

someone, something “with” something: 

Subject 1 + Verb + cùng + Subject 2

Tôi về nhà cùng mẹ tôi. I come home with my mother 

Subject 1 + với (with) + Subject 2 + verb + cùng nhau (together)

Tôi với mẹ về nhà cùng nhau. I come home together with my mom

Learn more about how to use with in Vietnamese here.

Is Vietnamese SVO or SOV?

The Vietnamese language structure is SVO, meaning sentences are built according to Subject + Verb + Object.

Where to find more lessons like this?

Check out our Vietnamese Grammar Bank, where you will find free lessons for levels A1 to B1.

Can I learn Vietnamese with LTL?

Yes, you can!

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