Vietnamese Grammar Bank
This lesson will cover the most common way to say if in Vietnamese using Nếu and Nếu như.
We will also have a look at how to negate this word to form if not in Vietnamese.

To express if in Vietnamese you’ll need to use the words Nếu or Nếu như.
Follow this structure to form sentences with these words:
Nếu/ Nếu như + Clause 1, Clause 2
Nếu như anh đi học, anh nhớ mang theo dù | If you go to school, remember to bring an umbrella |
Nếu anh bận chạy deadline, em sẽ làm việc nhà cho anh | If you are busy doing the deadlines, I will do the household chores for you |
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Nếu anh không đến được, nhớ báo em nhá! | If you can’t come, let me know! |
Nếu không ăn sáng, tôi sẽ bị đau bụng | If i don’t eat breakfast, my tummy is hurt |
Nếu không ngủ trước 10h tối, tôi sẽ thức cả đêm | If I don’t sleep by 10 pm, I will stay awake all night |
Nếu ra khỏi phòng, nhớ tắt đèn! | If you leave the room, remember to turn off light |
You can also place Nếu / Nếu như at the middle of sentence when you want to command someone.
Clause 1, nếu/nếu như + Clause 2
Đi theo anh, nếu em thích | Follow me, if you like! |
Làm việc đi, nếu muốn có tiền | Go to work, if you want money! |
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Tắt đèn sau khi ra khỏi phòng, nếu không muốn trả tiền điện nhiều | Turn off the light after using the room, if you don’t want to pay much for electricity bill |
Đi ngủ ngay, nếu không muốn bị phạt | Go to sleep, if you don’t want a punishment |
Nấu ăn đi, nếu muốn ăn | Cook now, if you want to eat |
Hun anh, nếu em yêu anh! | Kiss me, if you love me |
To turn it into the negative form, do not add any subjects following “Nếu không”. This is how you can use If not in Vietnamese:
Nếu không + Verb, Clause
Nếu không thích, anh cứ về | If (you) not like it, just leave |
Nếu không ăn sáng, anh bị đau bụng | If (I) not eat breakfast, I have a stomachache |
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Nếu không ôm em, anh không vui | If (I) not hug you, I am not happy |
Nếu không làm việc, em không có tiền | If (I)not go to work, I don’t have money |
Nếu không đi chơi, em bị stress | If (I)not go out, I am stressed |
Nếu không đi toilet, em bị bệnh | If (I)not go to toilet, I’ll be ill |

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Want to learn more? Check out these other free resources:
• Learn how to say if in Mandarin
• Learn how to say if in Japanese
• Learn how to say if in Korean
How to say if in Vietnamese?
To express if in Vietnamese you’ll need to use the words Nếu or Nếu như.
Nếu/ Nếu như + Clause 1, Clause 2
Nếu anh không đến được, nhớ báo em nhá!
If you can’t come, let me know!
How to say if not in Vietnamese?
If not in Vietnamese is Nếu không. You need to use the following structure:
Nếu không + Verb, Clause
Nếu không thích, anh cứ về
If (you) not like it, just leave
How to say almost in Vietnamese?
Almost in Vietnamese can be expressed by using the words gần như and hầu như.
Check out grammar structures and sentence examples in this free lesson.
How to say or in Vietnamese?
Or in Vietnamese can be expressed by using the words hoặc and hay.
Learn more about how to say or in Vietnamese here.
Can I learn Vietnamese online with LTL?
Absolutely! We offer online Vietnamese lessons on our Flexi Classes platform.
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Can I study in Vietnam with LTL?
Yes, you can!
You can study with us in Saigon or Hanoi, in both group or individual classes.
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