Vietnamese Grammar Bank
In this lesson we will learn how to use chỉ and mỗi to express “only” in Vietnamese.
Both are used to convey exclusivity or limitations, and need to be used correctly in a sentence. Let’s have a look together.

Only in Vietnamese can be expressed in three ways, the first one uses the word Chỉ.
This is a general term used to indicate that something is limited or restricted.
It is used with verbs and adjectives, and could be translated in English by “only”, “just”.
Subject + chỉ + verb/adjective
Em chỉ thích anh! | I only love you! |
Em chỉ giỏi môn Toán | I am good at Maths only |
Em chỉ ngủ khi trời sáng | I only sleep in the morning |
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Em chỉ xinh đẹp khi trang điểm | I am only pretty when I wear make-up |
Em chỉ mệt khi chạy hơn 2km | I am only tired after 2-km-running |
Em chỉ chạy bộ sau khi tắm | I only run after shower time |
Mỗi is a second way to express only in Vietnamese, and is followed by nouns.
Mỗi (only) + noun (except for time and date)
ăn mỗi cơm | eat only rice |
uống mỗi nước | drink only water |
thích mỗi anh | love you only |
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nói mỗi tiếng Việt | speak only Vietnamese |
nghe mỗi một bài hát | listen to only one song |
ghét mỗi anh | hate you only |
NOTE || If you add time/date to “mỗi”, “mỗi” will then mean “every”.
・Mỗi ngày = every day
・Mỗi tháng = every month
・Mỗi năm = every year
This phrase is used to emphasize a single item or person out of a larger set, often with a sense of exclusivity.
Chỉ + verb + mỗi + noun (except for time and date)
chỉ ăn mỗi cơm | eat only rice |
chỉ uống mỗi nước | drink only water |
chỉ thích mỗi anh | love you only |
View More Examples:
chỉ nói mỗi tiếng Việt | speak only Vietnamese |
chỉ nghe mỗi một bài hát | listen to only one song |
chỉ ghét mỗi anh | hate you only |
Now, how do you say “I only love you” in Vietnamese?
Answer: Anh chỉ yêu mỗi em

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Want to learn more? Check out these other free resources:
• Learn how to say Only in Mandarin
• Learn how to say Only in Japanese
• Learn how to say Only in Korean
How to say only in Vietnamese?
Only in Vietnamese can be expressed using the words chỉ and mỗi, as well as both words under the expression chỉ…mỗi… .
Subject + chỉ + verb/adjective
Mỗi (only) + noun (except for time and date)
Chỉ + verb + mỗi + noun (except for time and date)
How to use “chỉ…mỗi…” in Vietnamese?
“Chỉ…mỗi…” means “only…each/just” and is used to emphasize a single item or person out of a larger set, often with a sense of exclusivity.
chỉ ăn mỗi cơm. Eat only rice.
chỉ thích mỗi anh. Love you only
How to use “chỉ” in Vietnamese?
This is a general term used to indicate that something is limited or restricted.
Subject + chỉ + verb/adjective
Em chỉ ngủ khi trời sáng. I only sleep in the morning.
How to say if in Vietnamese?
To express if in Vietnamese you’ll need to use the words Nếu or Nếu như.
Nếu/ Nếu như + Clause 1, Clause 2
Nếu anh không đến được, nhớ báo em nhá!
If you can’t come, let me know!
Learn more about how to say if in Vietnamese here.
Can I learn Vietnamese online with LTL?
Absolutely! We offer online Vietnamese lessons on our Flexi Classes platform.
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Can I study in Vietnam with LTL?
Yes, you can!
You can study with us in Saigon or Hanoi, in both group or individual classes.
You’ll even have the opportunity to live with a Vietnamese family, thanks to our homestays.