Vietnamese Grammar Bank


Choices are part of daily life conversations, such as “would you like to stay home or go for a walk?”

We teach you how to give options and choices by saying “or” in Vietnamese.


In Vietnamese you will use the word “hoặc” to give more than two options in a sentence.

It can be used with nouns, verbs and adjectives.


N1/ V1/ A1 + hoặc + N2/ V2/ A2 (+ hoặc + N3/ V3/ A3)

Trái cam hoặc trái táoOrange or Apple
Cái bàn hoặc cái ghếTable or chair
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Đi học hoặc đi du lịchGoing to school or traveling 
Ăn cơm hoặc uống nướcEating rice or drinking water
Đẹp hoặc xấu hoặc lạPretty or ugly or weird
Ngon hoặc dởDelicious or nasty 


Another way to say “or” in Vietnamese is with the word hay. Just as before, it is used between nouns, verbs and adjectives.

The two words hay and hoặc can be use interchangeably and equally in any situation.


N1/ V1/ A1 + hay + N2/ V2/ A2 (+ hay + N3/ V3/ A3)

Ba hay MẹDad or mom
Con gái hay con traiGirl or boy? 
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Làm việc hay học bàiWork or Study?
Ngủ hay ănSleep or Eat? 
Vui hay buồn Happy or Sad?
Cứng hay mềm Tough or soft?


Now that we know how to use or in Vietnamese, let’s see how to use hoặc and hay in questions:

Em muốn ăn táo hay ăn cam? Do you want to eat apples or eat oranges?
Em yêu ai, ba hay mẹ? Who do you love, dad or mom?
Em học giỏi môn nào, Toán hay Văn?Which subject are you good at, Maths or Literature?
Chị muốn kem vị , cam hoặc bưởi? Which ice cream flavor do you want, orange or grapefruit?
Chị muốn xem phim nào, Marvel hoặc Inside out?Which movie do you want to watch, Marvel or Inside out?
Cuối tuần chị đi đâu, Việt Nam hoặc MỹWhere do you want to go at the weekend, Vietnam or America?

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Want to learn more? Check out these other free resources:

• Learn how to say Or in Mandarin
• Learn how to say Or in Korean


How to say or in Vietnamese?

Or in Vietnamese can be expressed by using the words hoặc and hay.

How to use hoặc in Vietnamese?

In Vietnamese you will use the word “hoặc” to give more than two options in a sentence.

N1/ V1/ A1 + hoặc + N2/ V2/ A2 (+ hoặc + N3/ V3/ A3)

Cái bàn hoặc cái ghế
Table or chair

Đi học hoặc đi du lịch
Going to school or traveling 

How to use hay in Vietnamese?

Another way to say “or” in Vietnamese is with the word hay. It is used between nouns, verbs and adjectives.

The two words hay and hoặc can be use interchangeably and equally in any situation.

N1/ V1/ A1 + hay + N2/ V2/ A2 (+ hay + N3/ V3/ A3)

Con gái hay con trai
Girl or boy? 

Làm việc hay học bài
Work or Study?

How to say with in Vietnamese?

With in Vietnamese can be said by using multiple words.

The most common sentence structures are:

Subject 1 + Verb + với + Subject 2

Tôi về nhà với mẹ tôi. I come home with my mother 

someone, something “with” something: 

Subject 1 + Verb + cùng + Subject 2

Tôi về nhà cùng mẹ tôi. I come home with my mother 

Subject 1 + với (with) + Subject 2 + verb + cùng nhau (together)

Tôi với mẹ về nhà cùng nhau. I come home together with my mom

Learn more about how to say with in Vietnamese here.

Where to find more lessons like this?

Check out our Vietnamese Grammar Bank, where you will find free lessons for levels A1 to B1.

Can I learn Vietnamese with LTL?

Yes, you can!

You can study with us in Saigon or Hanoi, in both group or individual classes.

You’ll even have the opportunity to live with a Vietnamese family, thanks to our homestays.

If you prefer to study from home, check out our online courses.


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