Vietnamese Grammar Bank


In Vietnamese, “this” and “that” can be expressed as “này” and “đó” respectively.

Understanding how to use these expressions can enhance your communication skills.


“Cái này (là)…” means “This (is)…” and is used with the sentence structure below:


Cái này + (là) + Noun/ Adjective/Verb/Clause

For example:

Cái này là món ăn tôi thích nhấtThis is my favorite dish
Cái này là cuốn sách tôi đã đọcThis is the book I have read
Cái này rất đẹpThis is very beautiful
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Cái này rất dễ sử dụngThis is very easy to use
Cái này không hợp với tôiThis doesn’t suit me
Cái này có hương vị ngonThis has a delicious flavor


“Cái đó (là)…” means “That (is)…” and is used with the structure below:


Cái đó + (là) + Noun/ Adjective/Verb/Clause

Cái đó là món ăn tôi thích nhấtThat is my favorite dish
Cái đó là cuốn sách tôi đã đọcThat is the book I have read
Cái đó rất đẹpThat is very beautiful
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Cái đó rất dễ sử dụngThat is very easy to use
Cái đó không hợp với tôiThat doesn’t suit me
Cái đó có hương vị ngonThat has a delicious flavor


In order to say “this book, this pen, this paper, etc”, please use the pattern below:


Noun + này

Cuốn sách này rất hayThis book is very good
Bức tranh này được vẽ bởi cô ấy.This painting was painted by her
Cái áo này màu xanhThis shirt is blue
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Bánh mì này rất ngonThis bread is very delicious.
Kế hoạch này cần thay đổiThis plan needs to be changed
Bộ phim này được đánh giá caoThis movie is highly rated


In order to say “that book,that  pen, that  paper, etc”, you can use the following sentence structure:


Noun + đó 

Cuốn sách đó rất hayThat book is very good
Bức tranh đó được vẽ bởi cô ấy.That painting was painted by her
Cái áo đó màu xanhThat shirt is blue
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Bánh mì đó rất ngonThat bread is very delicious.
Kế hoạch đó cần thay đổiThat plan needs to be changed
Bộ phim đó được đánh giá caoThat movie is highly rated

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Want to learn more? Check out these other free resources:

• Learn how to say This & That in Japanese
• Discover some school vocabulary in Vietnamese
• Check out these useful classroom phrases in Vietnamese


How do I say this and that in Vietnamese?

In Vietnamese, “this” is typically translated as này, and “that” as kia or đó, depending on context and distance.

How to say this one or that one in Vietnamese?
How to say only in Vietnamese?

Only in Vietnamese can be expressed using the words chỉ and mỗi, as well as both words under the expression chỉ…mỗi… .

Subject + chỉ + verb/adjective 

Mỗi (only) + noun (except for time and date)

Chỉ + verb + mỗi + noun (except for time and date)

Learn more about only in Vietnamese here.

How to say if in Vietnamese?

To express if in Vietnamese you’ll need to use the words Nếu or Nếu như.

Nếu/ Nếu như + Clause 1, Clause 2

Nếu anh không đến được, nhớ báo em nhá!

If you can’t come, let me know!

Learn more about how to say if in Vietnamese here.

Can I learn Vietnamese online with LTL?

Absolutely! We offer online Vietnamese lessons on our Flexi Classes platform.

Choose your level, study topic and study time, and you’re good to go!

Check out our 7 Day Free Trial to start your learning journey.

Can I study in Vietnam with LTL?

Yes, you can!

You can study with us in Saigon or Hanoi, in both group or individual classes.

You’ll even have the opportunity to live with a Vietnamese family, thanks to our homestays.


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