Rivalries Between Italian Cities: 13 Cities That Hate Each Other

Italian Cities That Hate Each Other || 10+ Examples with Explanations

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Hello everyone!

Within Italy, there are many inter-city rivalries, for more or less serious reasons: this is mainly due to the country’s history of political fragmentation, marked by disputes and wars, traces of which can still be found today in certain attitudes of the citizens of particular cities toward other cities (which are often located very close by).

Today we will discuss some of the strongest rivalries between Italian cities, explaining their origin.

Are you ready?

Rivalries Between Italian Cities || Roma – Milano

Rivalries Between Italian Cities || Palermo – Catania

Rivalries Between Italian Cities || Firenze – Siena

Rivalries Between Italian Cities || Pescara – Chieti

Rivalries Between Italian Cities || Modena – Bologna

Rivalries Between Italian Cities || Piacenza – Cremona

Rivalries Between Italian Cities || Pisa – Livorno

Rivalries Between Italian Cities || Cagliari – Sassari

Rivalries Between Italian Cities || Brescia – Bergamo

Rivalries Between Italian Cities || Roma – Napoli

Rivalries Between Italian Cities || Bari – Lecce

Rivalries Between Italian Cities || Udine – Trieste

Rivalries Between Italian Cities || BONUS: Genova – Italy

Rivalries Between Italian Cities || FAQs

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Rivalries Between Italian Cities || Roma – Milano


The rivalry between Milano and Roma is probably the most famous one, as they’re the most famous and important cities in Italy: Milan can be considered the economic capital, while Rome is the cultural and historical one.

Therefore, Milan is seen as cosmopolitan and efficient, while Rome is admired for its beauty, despite criticism of the state of the streets and public transport.

This stereotype also extends to how people from the two cities are perceived:

  • People from Milan are seen as cold, almost too hard-working, focused on making money, and always trying to appear fancy
  • Romans tend to be perceived as more passionate and warm, but also lazy and negligent.

This stereotype, more in general, could also be extended to Italy’s North and South.

This rivalry, half serious and half playful, continues to define the relationship between two of Italy’s greatest metropolises.

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Rivalries Between Italian Cities || Palermo – Catania

The rivalry between Catania and Palermo is one of the oldest and most heartfelt ones in Italy.

It ranges from gastronomy (the Palermitans say “arancine” and the Catanese say “arancini” to refer to the same dish) to soccer, and even religion: both towns claim to be the birthplace of St. Agatha.

Source: LiveUniCT

Rivalries Between Italian Cities || Firenze – Siena

Firenze and Siena have always been at odds, even as far back as the communal era.

One was Guelph, the other Ghibelline: the event that would mark the beginning of the harshest frictions, however, was in 1258, when the Sienese did not hesitate to welcome Florence’s exiled Ghibellines despite a ban signed 3 years earlier.

Thus began a series of military operations that pitted Guelph Florence, siding with the Pope, against Ghibelline Siena, on the side of the Emperor, eventually culminating in the famous Battle of Montaperti in 1260.

The two cities were also at odds in the art world: when Giotto initiated the renewal in the art of painting in Florence, Siena remained a bastion of late Gothic painting.

There was also competition in the world of literature, with the Sienese Cecco Angiolieri and the Florentine Dante Alighieri.

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Rivalries Between Italian Cities || Pescara – Chieti

This rivalry arose at the time of World War II, when Chieti, declared an open city, refused welcome to the people of Pescara fleeing the devastation caused by the Allied double bombardment of the port and railroad.

Later, when Pescara turned into a small Adriatic metropolis, it gradually took away Chieti’s role, resources, and even quite a few inhabitants.

Rivalries Between Italian Cities || Modena – Bologna

The historic rivalry between Modena and Bologna, born in the Middle Ages with Ghibelline and Guelph factions, has deep roots and manifested itself in epic events such as the Battle of Zappolino in 1325.


In the contemporary context, the rivalry has transferred to the soccer fields with Modena and Bologna fans fueling choruses against their opponents during the famous Derby dell’Emilia.

This rivalry is also reflected in the automotive industry, with Ferrari’s prancing horse in Maranello and Lamborghini’s unleashed bull in Sant’Agata Bolognese.

The rivalry between Modena and Bologna also extends to the culinary field. Endless debates arise over gastronomic issues, such as the correct name for gnocco fritto (or crescentina) and the authentic recipe for the traditional ragout.

But the pinnacle of gastronomic rivalry is perhaps reached in the debate over tortellino, and which of the two cities invented it.

Rivalries Between Italian Cities || Piacenza – Cremona

The two cities, both of Celtic origin and founded by the Romans in 218 B.C., are located on opposite banks of the Po River, only about 30 kilometers apart.

This geographical proximity makes them practically face each other, but the rivalry between them is palpable, especially on the soccer field where there is a strong sense of antagonism.

The so-called “derby of the Po” has never been a peaceful encounter, but has always carried with it an intense emotional charge and a tension-filled atmosphere, fueling the rivalry between Piacenza and Cremona.

Over the years, clashes between the fans have been frequent, characterized by unpleasant episodes such as banner thefts, acts of sabotage (such as when, in the 1990s, Cremonese fans found the steps of the South Curve strewn with glue) and provocations of various kinds.

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Rivalries Between Italian Cities || Pisa – Livorno

The rivalry between Pisa and Livorno, deeply rooted in Tuscan history, has ancient origins related to the era of the powerful Medici family.


The discord stemmed from the founding of the port of Livorno by Cosimo I de’ Medici in the 16th century, aimed at making the city a major international trading center.

This initiative threatened the prestige of Pisa, a Maritime Republic already in decline due to other conflicts.

Livorno’s port posed a challenge to Pisa’s power, triggering an intense and long-lasting rivalry between the two Tuscan cities that persisted through the centuries and is still alive even today, obviously in the typical Tuscan humorous spirit.

Rivalries Between Italian Cities || Cagliari – Sassari

This rivalry is not confined to the football sphere, but also to the geographic and social spheres, and although the vast majority of people do not know it, it has its roots in distant historical times.

The centuries-old rivalry between Cagliari and Sassari in Sardinia has its roots in the 12th century, when a conspiracy forced Judge Pietro Torchitorio II of Calari to take refuge with Barisone II of Torres, causing tension.


In 1323, Sassari allied with the Aragonese in the assault on Castello (Cagliari), which had been conquered by the Iberians, but the governor chose Cagliari as his residence, arousing the wrath of Sassarians.

The two cities also competed for the primacy of universities and dioceses, and this too fueled diatribes between the two cities.

In 1795, Sassari asked King Victor Amadeus III to depend directly on Piedmont, sparking a revolt against the Cagliari people.

In 1861, the division into provinces during Italian unification intensified bellicosity. Even after the war, tension emerged with the dispute over which city would become the capital of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia.

Rivalries Between Italian Cities || Brescia – Bergamo

Brescia and Bergamo have always had a rivalry in several fields. After all, these two cities in Lombardy are very close and similar both economically and in terms of football.

The historical origins of this rivalry, however, can be traced as far back as the 12th century.


The quarrel arose in 1126 between the curiae of Bergamo and Brescia over territorial reasons. Specifically, the economic difficulties of the Brescia curia led the Bergamasks to seize the fiefs of Volpino, Ceratello and Onalino – fortified castles in strategic areas.

The Brescians objected to this cession and deemed a fraud, whereupon the Bergamasks occupied them militarily.

From this time Brescia and Bergamo will be rivals to this day. Today, the most blatant rivalry of the two cities is based at the stadium, and has led to episodes such as the highway billboard “Work in progress in Bergamo km 2 and in Brescia 0” after the derby won by Atalanta 0-2 in Brescia in 2006.

Or the repeated releases of pigs dressed in Brescia jerseys by the Bergamasks, and the release of rabbits dressed as Atalantini by the Brescians. Which should be explained by the nicknames the fans give each other.

For the Bergamasks, the Brescians are “pigs”, while for the Brescians the Atalantini are “rabbits.”

Rivalries Between Italian Cities || Roma – Napoli

The rivalry between Roma and Napoli is mostly linked to the world of soccer: after an initial twinning between the two fans, called the “Derby del Sole,” relations between fans became increasingly strained.

Numerous clashes between fans have occurred over the years, even leading to the death of a Napoli fan.

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Rivalries Between Italian Cities || Bari – Lecce

Rivalries between Lecce and Bari affect numerous fields, not just soccer.

The antagonism between Lecce and Bari emerges clearly by observing the distinctive characteristics of the two realities:

  • Salento, with its Spanish atmosphere, Baroque aesthetics, lively tourism, and a dialect more reminiscent of Sicily than Puglia, contrasts with Bari, a hard-working city with imposing cathedrals and a no-frills cityscape.
  • Bari, a strategic capital along the coast, astutely defends its regional primacy.

Stereotypes depict the people of Bari as patient and hardworking, while the people of Salento as fond of musical traditions and evenings on the coast.

Rivalries Between Italian Cities || Udine – Trieste

The rivalry between Udine and Trieste goes back, according to some, to the end of the Middle Ages, when Trieste switched from the feudal economic model to a more market-oriented one, while Udine’s “cousins” still worked under a lord for quite some time, feeling envy for the Trieste new-economy.


For others, rivalries arose mostly from the world of soccer.

Certainly, underneath the resentment there is a glimmer of envy on both sides:

  • The people of Udine cannot boast of a waterfront like Trieste’s, nor its cultural richness;
  • On the other hand, many of the people of Trieste would do anything to get the Serie A every Sunday at the stadium, and the bora, characteristic as it is, is not the most beloved thing among the citizens.

Rivalries Between Italian Cities || BONUS: Genova – Italy

This is just a joke: but according to a popular stereotype in Italy, Genoese people are not known to be very nice or generous.

italian cities rivalries
“When you are Genoese and you drop 5 cents in the sand.” Source: Besti.it

Well, that’s it! I hope this article has entertained you and discovered more about Italian cities and their history of rivalry!

Rivalries Between Italian Cities || FAQs

What do Italians say about Genova?

People from Genova are jokingly seen as very stingy and unpleasant.

What stereotypes are commonly attached to Italians in the Northern and Southern regions?

Italians in the North are often seen as hard-working and pragmatic, geared toward economic success, while those in the South are stereotyped as warm, lively, and tied to a rich culinary culture.

What historical conflict triggered the rivalry between Pisa and Livorno?

The rivalry between Pisa and Livorno has ancient origins related to the powerful Medici family in the 16th century.

The founding of Livorno’s port challenged Pisa’s power and prestige.

What is the most famous rivalry between Italian cities?

The rivalry between Milan and Rome is considered the most famous, with Milan seen as the economic capital and Rome as the cultural and historical one.

Who invented tortellini?

Modena and Bologna still argue over this.

Why do Italian cities hate each other?

Italy is a relatively young country: throughout history, many of the cities were politically opposed, and there were also wars.

Today, rivalries are not taken seriously and are usually only expressed on soccer fields.

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