HanBook Review // Really An Alternative To Pleco?

HanBook Review // Can They Really Compete with Pleco? (2023 Update)

HanBook Review: 8/10
A great Chinese language dictionary which is actually so much more than a dictionary. Learn Chinese with futuristic AI features as this new app creeps up the leaderboard as one of the best and most innovative Chinese learning apps out there! But… will it replace Pleco?

Every so often we get a message from some of the new apps on the block who want us to test their new creation and give our feedback.

Being curious and always on the lookout for new things we are happy to say yes in most instances.

Today, we bring you another one of these very apps. This is our honest and genuine HanBook review.

HanBook is a Chinese dictionary, pretty similar to Pleco. But if you already have Pleco, why would you want to download another like-for-like app?

This review will hopefully show you that there is more to HanBook than what you’d probably imagine.

HanBook Review | Intro & Key Stats

HanBook Review | Pros & Cons

HanBook Review | Cost

HanBook Review | What is HanBook?

HanBook Review | Features of HanBook

HanBook Review | HanBook VIP (Premium)

HanBook Review | HanBook vs Pleco

HanBook Review | Should I Download HanBook?

HanBook Review | Where to Download HanBook

HanBook Review | FAQs

Check out our video review of Pleco – a similar app to HanBook

HanBook Review | Intro & Key Stats

Chances are you’ve probably not heard of HanBook. In fact, they are still relatively new – going live in the App Store in August 2021.

The short version is that HanBook is a Chinese Dictionary, based in a similar vain to Pleco.

HanBook Key Stats

Description“Learn Chinese Smarter, Achieve Goals Faster”. (HanBook)
No. of Languages Offered1 (Mandarin Chinese)
Price$3.99 – $159.99 (see below for details)
HanBook Key Stats

HanBook Review | Pros & Cons

HanBook PROSHanBook CONS
1. Professional quality videos and AI learning features. 1. It’s quite heavy. I feel like the app has a lot of stuff going on, and for someone that likes clean designs and a quick start-up, this can be a bit frustrating.
2. Nice WhatsApp group feature to learn with others. 2. Two different subscription plans for premium.. Might get pricey!
3. A Chinese dictionary and learning app built into one! 3. No option for traditional characters (yet).
HanBook Pros & Cons

HanBook Review | Cost

In order to access all of HanBook’s content, you’ll need a premium account.

HanBook SubscriptionPrice (USD$)
HanCourse Premium Monthly$19.99
HanCourse Premium Quarterly$49.99
HanCourse Premium Yearly$159.99
Dictionary Plus Monthly$3.99
Dictionary Plus Quarterly$9.99
Dictionary Plus Yearly$29.99
HanBook Subscription Fees

HanBook Review | What is HanBook?

In a nutshell, HanBook is an online Chinese dictionary that you keep in your pocket.

It’s designed to help users pick out words when they need them.

Having lived in, and outside of China, these dictionary based apps are certainly most beneficial to those inside of China, but are no less useful for students who are learning Mandarin anywhere in the world.

I’ve whipped out a Chinese dictionary countless times when inside of China, whether it be at a supermarket, restaurant or even mid-conversation when a word slips my mind.

It’s quick, efficient and easy and the same applies for HanBook.

Today we’re going to go through some of the main features of HanBook, and how they compare to the big hitter in the market, Pleco.

The HanBook Homepage

HanBook Review | Features of HanBook

Hanbook Homepage

HanBook boasts a number of cool features for Chinese learners.

It should be noted that whilst the app falls into the Chinese dictionary category, HanBook goes above and beyond. These features should prove that very point!

  • Flashcard system
  • Pinyin intro course
  • Textbook integration
  • Radical breakdown
  • OCR recognition

TIP | OCR stands for Optical Character Recognition and is the electronic conversion of images into readable text.

Flashcard System

Flashcards are one of the most popular ways to study any language.

SRS (Spaced Repetition Software) systems, when utilised properly provide some of the best results when learning anything, not just languages!

HanBook places a strong emphasis on its flashcard system.

You can download lists or books and add them to your set of flashcards.

Alternatively, you can also build your own collection by adding words to your list.

The idea is you go back and use these flashcards every day to embed them into your mind.

A strong feature.

Pinyin Intro Course

Hanbook Pinyin Course

Here is a useful feature for complete beginners of Chinese.

HanBook took the time to create an introduction to Pinyin.

This is something that many of these apps overlook.

The video is smooth and well presented as is the information below it.

Any complete beginner to Chinese should head straight to this section.

BONUS – they even provide a lovely little pinyin chart also, exactly like we did!

Check out our article on pinyin here.
Chinese Pinyin ChartChinese Pinyin Chart

Textbook Integration

Another tidy little feature is the integration of certain textbooks.

This means if you are studying these textbooks yourself, you can align your studies with HanBook and utilise the aforementioned flashcard feature.

Radical Breakdown

It is an essential inclusion, but we are glad HanBook didn’t overlook it.

Chinese characters are all made up of radicals, so it’s important we have the ability to search for characters by the radical.

You can search by the number of strokes or by handwriting on your phone screen as well.

OCR Recognition

Hanbook OCR Recognition

The jewel in the HanBook crown no doubt.

The OCR tool is a huge plus for any learner of Mandarin.

Reading a Chinese book or glancing over a Chinese or Bubble tea menu and have no idea what these pesky characters mean?

No problem – take a picture, highlight the characters you want, and in seconds HanBook will translate it for you.

Oh, the joys of technology in this day and age!

A feature worth its weight in gold, especially if you are based in China.

WhatsApp Group

A feature I really like that’s quite unique to HanBook is the WhatsApp group. I personally haven’t found any other language-learning app that uses a platform like WhatsApp to host group discussions.

Sure, other platforms may offer their own forums and chat features to allow you to chat with others, but it’s nice having it handy on an app I use anyway.

Such a small feature really sets aside the app from the rest of them.

HanBook Review | HanBook VIP

The HanBook VIP is a paid subscription.

They have two different subscriptions; one for the Dictionary Plus service, and one for the HanCourse premium service.

Hanbook VIP

I’ll be honest, I can’t get too excited about this part of the app. You can unlock features such as:

  • Professional assessment
  • Pronunciation correction
  • Handwriting analysis

All these things I believe are best done with a live, native speaking teacher.

This is a very niche subscription service which I believe very few will take up – but who knows, maybe I’m wrong.

However, as a learner of Mandarin also, I want my pronunciation and written work to be checked by my teachers, rather than someone on the end of an app.

10 Best Chrome Extensions for Learning Chinese Thumbnail

10 Best Chrome Extensions for Learning Chinese

Learning Chinese is different these days. One of the reasons is because there are some amazing Chrome Extensions for Learning Chinese at our fingertips.

HanBook Review | HanBook vs Pleco

Ultimately, the problem HanBook have is the competition against a clear market leader and fan favourite.

Typically when people start learning Chinese the first thing they are told is to download Pleco!

So how can they get people to use HanBook over Pleco?

Well, they are making all the right noises so far.

In just 2 months on the app store HanBook had 8,000 downloads and some of the features we mentioned above are paid add-ons with Pleco, rather than freebies.

Now, they have over 1 million users.

For example – the OCR recognition feature is free with HanBook, but costs 8.99GBP with Pleco.

Not much – sure, but a cost nonetheless.

Here is a brief look at some of the pros and cons of HanBook vs Pleco

Pick HanBook Because…Pick Pleco Because…
Free flashcardsProven market leader
Some great free features include its intro to PinyinAbility to customise the app with paid add-ons
Excellent free OCR recognition tool that should be exploitedA huge database of not only words but also chengyu and idioms
Textbook integrationVery simple interface

Ultimately I think both do a good job at what they do.

HanBook needs to make sure it pushes those USP’s (unique selling points) if they are to come up trumps as the #1 Chinese dictionary app.

The textbook integration, free features and OCR means they have an excellent platform for success.

I must admit, one issue I always found with Pleco is the rather odd use of example sentences.

For certain words, the sentences given are ones that you’ve probably never used in your life in your mother tongue, let alone want to learn in Chinese!

I’ve found HanBook, so far, to provide much better example sentences, albeit a couple of funny examples likewise!

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HanBook Review | Should I Download HanBook?

I like HanBook I must admit. It’s certainly worth a try.

The issue many people will have (and I hate to keep mentioning them, but it’s the nature of the beast) is getting people to transition from Pleco to HanBook.

Typically as a user, you don’t need two dictionary apps on your phone – it makes no sense.

So they have to not only attract new customers, but actually poach them from a competitor who does the job already very well.

The ideas are good though, and aside from the VIP section which I just can’t see taking off, the features are really tidy and the app works very neatly.

HanBook Review | Where to Download HanBook?

HanBook is available both on Android and on the App Store.





HanBook Review | FAQs

What is HanBook?

In a nutshell, Hanbook is an online Chinese dictionary that you keep in your pocket.

It’s designed to help users pick out words when they need them.

Having lived in, and outside of China, these dictionary based apps are certainly most beneficial to those inside of China, but are no less useful for students who are learning Mandarin anywhere in the world.

What are the main features of HanBook?

Hanbook boasts a number of cool features for Chinese learners.

It should be noted that whilst the app falls into the Chinese dictionary category, Hanbook goes above and beyond. These features should prove that very point!

Flashcard system

Pinyin intro course

Textbook integration

Radical breakdown

OCR recognition

Where can I download HanBook?

You can download Hanbook for iPhone here or Android here.

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  1. Michel

    Tried it, it's alright, but I prefer Pleco

    1. Max Hobbs

      Thanks for sharing Michel

  2. Winkie

    Thanks, never heard of Hanbook before.

    1. Max Hobbs

      Hope you find it useful for your studies 🙂

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