My Own Swordsman // A Popular Chinese Sitcom

Our Review of a Chinese Costume Sitcom – My Own Swordsman (2006)

My Own Swordsman is a fans favourite in China and a great sitcom to learn Chinese!

Here’s a famous quote from the show:

举杯幸会有缘人 Jǔ bēi xìng huì yǒuyuán rén
Let’s make a toast to the people we meet

My Own Swordsman – Brief Introduction

My Own Swordsman – My Favourite Episode

My Own Swordsman – Reasons to watch

My Own Swordsman The Main Characters and their Signature Lines

My Own SwordsmanWhere to watch

My Own SwordsmanFAQ’s

My Own Swordsman – Brief Introduction

The TV show My Own Swordsman (武林外传 wǔlín wàizhuàn) is set during the Ming Dynasty (明代 míngdài) in a fictional town called Qixia Town (七侠镇 qī xiá zhèn).

The series focuses on a group of six people, all with different personalities who meet in an inn called “Tongfu Inn” (同福客栈 tóng fú kèzhàn).

My Own Swordsman Review
My Own Swordsman – The Main Cast

The group of 6 who meet at the Tongfu Inn are trying to escape from society and live a peaceful life.

However, they find themselves inadvertently getting involved in the trivial life of Qixia Town. Over the series the 6 main characters grow as a group, making it through any obstacles put in their way.

My Own Swordsman has 80 episodes in all, with each episode lasting about 42 minutes. Now that is a lot of Chinese learning content for you!

Although the series is a costume drama, it’s also a sitcom so is quite a unique concept.

Perhaps a good comparison would be the TV show Friends, only set in ancient China!

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My Own Swordsman – My Favourite Episode

My favourite episode of the whole series is episode 40.

This episode takes place during Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋节 zhōngqiū jié).

In this episode the 6 main characters imagine that they accomplish their original goals that they had when first going to Qixia Town.

Many people wonder about what would have happened if they had done something differently, perhaps things will have turned out better.

In this episode the characters imagine what would have happened if they’d achieved what they set out to do, but it turns out not to be as good as they thought.

At end of this episode one of the characters gives an important lesson on life:

“I want to tell everyone that even without those ifs, my life is very fulfilling and happy. There are many unsatisfactory things in life. If you are unhappy, and constantly wonder ‘what if,’ then you will never be happy.

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Empresses in the Palace (2011) Our Complete Review

Empresses in the Palace Review | There are 76 Episodes, each lasts about 45 minutes. The TV show is available on Netflix in most countries.

My Own Swordsman – Reasons to Watch

The concept of My Own Swordsman is very interesting because although it’s set in ancient China, the characters all talk and act like they are in modern times.

In addition to Mandarin and English, the characters in the show also speak a range of Chinese dialects. Some of the dialects can sound quite funny and endearing.

It is definitely a good choice for anyone who has an interest in Chinese dialects.

Because My Own Swordsman is a sitcom you can enjoy some laughs while also practising Chinese, who knew learning Chinese could be so fun?

In order to be able to understand everything going on in the show we recommend this series to Chinese learners who are around HSK 4 level.

However, those who think they are below this should still give My Own Swordsman a try.

I still remember that when I used to watch Friends I didn’t understand everything that was said, but it didn’t stop me from enjoying the show.

My Own Swordsman – The Main Characters and their Signature Lines

  • Bai Zhantang (白展堂 bái zhǎntáng): “葵花点穴手” (kuíhuā diǎnxué shǒu) – “Sunflower acupuncture” the name of Zhantang Bai’s signature Kung Fu move.
  • Guo Furong (郭芙蓉 guō fúróng): “排山倒海” (páishāndǎohǎi) – “Push away the mountains and overturn the sea” the name of Furong Guo’s signature Kung Fu move.
  • Lu Xiucai (呂秀才 Lǚ xiùcái): “子曾经曰过” (zi céngjīng yuēguò) – “Confucius once said”
  • Tong Xiangyu (佟湘玉 tóng xiāngyù): “我错了, 我真的错了” (wǒ cuòle, wǒ zhēn de cuòle) – “I was wrong, I was really wrong” said by Xiangyu Tong
  • Mo Xiaobei (莫小貝 mò xiǎobèi): “嫂子” (sǎozi) – “Sister in law
  • Li Dazui (李大嘴 lǐ dàzuǐ): “这事包我身上了” (zhè shì bāo wǒ shēnshangle” – “You can count on me”
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Farewell My Concubine (1993) // An All Time Class Movie in China

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My Own Swordsman -Where to watch

My Own Swordsman can be watched for free on YouTube, but some episodes have been cut a bit or edited.

It can also be watched for free on iQiyi, all of the episodes on here are full length and in their original format.

Do you have a favorite character?

Let us know which one in the comments below.

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My Own Swordsman – FAQ’s

How do you say My Own Swordsman in Chinese?

My Own Swordsman in Chinese is 武林外传 Wǔlín wàizhuàn.

What was the date of the pilot episode?

My Own Swordsman was released on 2nd January 2006.

Are there English subtitles on My Own Swordsman?

Unfortunately to this date there are not.

What is My Own Swordsman about?

It is more like a utopia, where you have good friends, lovers, and courage to go through all the difficult times together in Tongfu Inn.

Who is the most popular member of the My Own Swordsman cast?

We love all of these six and if we have to pick one, Zhantang Bai is our first choice.

His kung fu level is very high and he is very popular with the ladies!

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