Fruits in Vietnamese // 48 to Learn

Discover 48 Fruits in Vietnamese (+ FREE Quiz Included)

Lex the Lion

Want to learn all the different kinds of fruit in Vietnamese? Then you’ve come to the right place.

We’ll learn the most basic fruits in Vietnamese but if you don’t see your favourite on the list, make sure to tell us in the comments!

Time to get healthy!

Fruits in Vietnamese || Berries

Fruits in Vietnamese || Citrus Fruits

Fruits in Vietnamese || The Others

Fruits in Vietnamese || Summary

Fruits in Vietnamese || FAQ’s

Fruit in Vietnamese is trái cây

Fruits in Vietnamese
Fruits in Vietnamese
Fruits in Vietnamese

Fruits in Vietnamese | Berries

Let’s start this list of fruits in Vietnamese with the berries.

Be sure to let us know your favourite in the comments below.

BlackberryDâu đen
BlackcurrantLý chua đen
BlueberryViệt quất
CherryTrái anh đào
CranberryNam việt quất
DateChà là
Goji BerryKỷ tử
MulberryDâu tằm
RaspberryMâm xôi
RambutanChôm chôm
StrawberryDâu tây

Fruits in Vietnamese | Citrus Fruits

All fruits with thick skins and pulpy flesh divided into segments are considered citrus fruits, which is why some of them on the list might surprise you:

KumquatTắc (or Quất)
LemonChanh vàng

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Fruits in Vietnamese | Other Fruits

How to say apple, banana and pineapple?

Don’t worry we didn’t forget them!

Let’s check how to say some common fruits in Vietnamese first…

AppleTrái táo
ApricotTrái mơ
AvocadoTrái bơ
BananaTrái chuối
CoconutTrái dừa
GrapeTrái nho
WatermelonDưa hấu
NectarineXuân đào
PapayaĐu đủ
Passion fruitChanh dây
PeachTrái đào
PearTrái lê
PruneMận khô
PineappleTrái thơm (or Dứa)

Have you found the fruit you were looking for?

Here are some fruits considered less common in Western countries:

DragonfruitThanh long
DurianSầu riêng
JujubeTáo tàu
LoquatTỳ bà
MangosteenMăng cụt
CantaloupeDưa vàng
PlantainChuối mễ

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Fruits in Vietnamese | Summary

To make it easier to copy and save for further study, here are all fruits mentioned on this page in one single table and in alphabetical order:

AppleTrái táo
ApricotTrái mơ
AvocadoTrái bơ
BananaTrái chuối
BlackberryDâu đen
BlackcurrantLý chua đen
BlueberryViệt quất
CherryTrái anh đào
CoconutTrái dừa
CranberryNam việt quất
DateChà là
DragonfruitThanh long
DurianSầu riêng
Goji BerryKỷ tử
GrapeTrái nho
JujubeTáo tàu
KumquatTắc (or Quất)
LemonChanh vàng
LoquatTỳ bà
MangosteenMăng cụt
CantaloupeDưa vàng
WatermelonDưa hấu
MulberryDâu tằm
NectarineXuân đào
PapayaĐu đủ
Passion fruitChanh dây
PeachTrái đào
PearTrái lê
PlantainChuối mễ
PruneMận khô
PineappleTrái thơm (or Dứa)
RaspberryMâm xôi
RambutanChôm chôm
StrawberryDâu tây

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Trái táo


Dâu tây

Trái anh đào

Chanh vàng


Sầu riêng

Trái chuối

Trái lê



How to say Fruits in Vietnamese?

Fruits in Vietnamese is trái cây.

How to say Apple in Vietnamese?

Apple in Vietnamese is Trái táo.

How to say Banana in Vietnamese?

Banana in Vietnamese is Trái chuối.

How to say Peach in Vietnamese?

Peach in Vietnamese is Trái đào.

Which fruit is symbolic of wealth in Vietnam?

Oranges in Vietnam are symbolic for wealth.

Tangerines are symbolic of good luck, and that is why you will see both fruits displayed everywhere during Lunar New Year in Vietnam.

What is the national fruit of Vietnam?

Dragon fruit, in Vietnamese Thanh Long, is considered to be Vietnam’s national fruit.

What fruits are grown in Vietnam?

Some fruits grown in Vietnam are: start fruit, rambutan, longan, guava, passionfruit and durian.

What is the most popular fruit in Vietnam?

Jackfruit is one of the most popular fruit in Vietnam.

Where to learn Vietnamese for free?

Visit our Vietnamese Grammar Bank for free language lessons 🙂

For studying Vietnamese in Vietnam with professional teachers, make sure to have a look at our programs in Saigon and Hanoi, or contact us to start planning!

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