A Beginner’s Guide to Weather in Vietnam

Weather in Vietnam | When to Go & What to Wear

Due to its layout and wide range of various landscapes and terrain, the weather in Vietnam changes considerably depending on where you are travelling.

Whilst the North of Vietnam gets the usual four distinct seasons, South Vietnam only gets two: rainy and dry season.

Weather in Vietnam

This article is meant to be a very simple guide to help you plan your trip to Vietnam.

We aim to give you a good starting point as to what to pack for your stay.

We will break down the weather in Vietnam by seasons, by the top 5 most touristic cities and give you some information you need to know before travelling.

Ready to plan your trip?

Weather in North Vietnam || Spring

Weather in North Vietnam || Summer

Weather in North Vietnam || Autumn

Weather in North Vietnam || Winter

Weather in South Vietnam || Rainy & Dry Seasons

Weather in Vietnam || City by City

Weather in Vietnam || Things You Should Know

Your first new vocabulary today:

Weather in Vietnamese is thời tiết

Weather Report | Spring in North Vietnam

Spring in Vietnamese

Spring in North Vietnam is usually short and lasts from February to early April.

Temperatures start to get warmer and will average 15°C to 25°C with mild humidity.

Spring is one of the best times to travel Vietnam as nature is waking up, flowers in full bloom and the weather dry enough to do all sorts of activities.

|| What to wear?

If you are coming at the beginning of spring make sure to pack a jacket, a sweater and scarf as the wind is still pretty cold.

Bring a few long sleeved shirts to make sure you are ready for the more chilly days of your trip.

You’ll be able to wear t-shirts and light clothes after April.

Regarding the shoes it is too early for sandals in March so make sure to pack closed shoes. If you’re coming in April-June sandals are fine.

|| What to do?

Spring in Vietnam is the time of the year where most of the holidays occur, including the all important Tet holiday, which is the celebration of Vietnamese New Year.

Apricot and Peach trees are in full blossom, a sight you should not miss.

DID YOU KNOW? | Apricot and Peach blossoms are two strong symbols of the Tet holiday. It is said that peach blossoms are a symbol of happiness and apricot blossoms a symbol of luck for the new year.

Aside from taking part in the holiday, spring is the best time to go hiking or trekking, and discover the beautiful sceneries and landscapes the country has to offer.

How about a cruise trip as well? You could visit one of the eight UNESCO World Heritage Site: the Halong Bay.

NOTE | As spring is considered the best time to visit North Vietnam, keep in mind in your travel plans that touristic places might be more crowded at that time.

Weather Report | Summer in North Vietnam

Summer in Vietnamese

Summer in North Vietnam usually lasts from the end of April to the end of August.

Temperatures average around 30°C to 38°C and can go up to 40°C depending on your location.

It is hot across the whole country.

Humidity is very high and heavy rain as well as thunderstorms can occur.

|| What to wear?

Pack light, airy comfortable clothes to fight the heat!

Be sure to pack a hat to cover your head from the sun, suncream and a UV blocking umbrellas if your skin is very sensitive to the sun.

As it rains quite a lot, pack suitable shoes and light jackets for the chilly evenings.

|| What to do?

Note that Vietnamese families have some short vacations during Summer and usually take their children to the beach.

This means they are typically more crowded that usual, so be aware!

However the mountainous areas and valleys are not too busy, so that’d be a nice place to go to also avoid the summer heat.

In summer a few holidays also take place:

  • Phat Dan, or Buddha’s Birthday (8th day of the 4th lunar month)
  • Tet Doan Ngo, or “Killing the persons’ inner insects” (5th day of the 5th lunar month)
  • Trang Nguyen, or Wandering Souls Day (14th or 15th day of the 7th lunar month)
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Weather Report | Autumn in North Vietnam

Autumn in Vietnamese

Autumn in Vietnam is rather short and lasts from September to November.

It is considered to be the second best period to visit Vietnam.

The weather is cool and dry, and did you know that autumn is known as the “wedding season” in Vietnam!

Temperatures drop to around 24°C, which is perfect for all kind of activities.

|| What to wear?

Temperatures are still warm in North Vietnam in autumn, so pack light!

It is the best to go sightseeing and spend time outdoors, so bring closed and comfortable shoes as well as your sandals.

|| What to do?

Outdoor activities are very popular this time of year, especially with such beautiful landscapes to explore.

The yellow rice terraces offer incredible views and is definitely something to see at least once.

Autumn would be a good time to go around and visit multiple places in North Vietnam, however avoid the South, as it is rainy season and you won’t see a lot of dry days.

Weather Report | Winter in North Vietnam

Winter in Vietnamese

Winter in North Vietnam lasts from December to February, and is dry and cold.

Temperatures can go from 14°C to 20°C, and sometimes even go below 10°C, especially in the mountainous areas.

FUN FACT || did you know it doesn’t snow in Vietnam!

|| What to wear?

Temperatures very rarely go below zero so you won’t need to bring as many warm clothes.

You’ll still need a warm jacket, long sleeved tops, closed shoes and perhaps a scarf for when it is a bit windy.

In the evenings temperatures drop quickly, so make sure you have what you need if you go out late.

Winters are particularly dry so make sure to pack lip balms, lotions and moisturisers.

|| What to do?

Winter is a great time to go sightseeing in North Vietnam!

Temperatures allow to go out on adventures and are not too cold as to want to stay inside all day.

You can of course make sure to try all of the hearty winter dishes Vietnam has to offer, but there will be plenty to do outside as well.

If you are into hiking and trekking, North Vietnam has many mountainous areas worth checking, such as Sapa, Ha Giang and Cat Cat Village.

Photo by Minh Luu on Unsplash

Weather Report | Rainy & Dry Season in South Vietnam

South Vietnam only has two seasons: rainy and dry.

If we take Ho Chi Minh City as an example, temperatures average 25°C-32°C most of the year with almost no drop at night.

Let’s walk you through it:

Dry Season in South Vietnam

First of all, the dry season in South Vietnam generally goes from late November to May.

South Vietnam has warm and pleasant temperatures all year long, but from February to May it tends to be hotter and more humid with temperatures that can go up to 40°C.

Depending if you can handle the heat or not, dry season is the best time to visit South Vietnam.

Rainy Season in South Vietnam

The rainy season, also called wet season, runs from late June through to November.

Rainfall is heavier in June, July and August so be prepared if you travel to South Vietnam during these months.

Don’t worry! Rain doesn’t fall continuously from morning to evening, but rather in short and heavy bursts, usually in the afternoons.

Floods are a common thing in Vietnam, and is just another normal part of living there. You’ll see people enjoy rain bathing and even kayaking!

Weather in Vietnam | City by City

Let’s have a look at the TOP 5 most touristic cities in Vietnam with their respective climates so you can prepare what to pack:

Weather in SAIGON

Saigon, also know as Ho Chi Minh City (or HCMC) is the largest city in Vietnam and is located in the Southeast part of the country.

Its climate, as seen above, is divided in two seasons: rainy and dry.

The city has a tropical climate with high humidity throughout the whole year, and an average temperature of 28°C.

During the rainy season, from May to November, the temperature is cooler and tourists are fewer, making it easier to get about if you like to avoid crowds.

Travelling this time of year also comes cheaper, as it is outside the high season, and you’ll get better prices for hotels, tour operators and entertainment.

The rainiest month in Saigon is September, so make sure to take that into consideration before booking your trip.

The dry season, from December to April, is warmer than the rainy season with an average temperature of 33°C.

Winter temperatures rarely go below 25°C so if you’re trying to escape the freezing cold of your country, Ho Chi Minh City is a good place to visit!

The months between December and April are considered the best time of year to visit the city, but be aware of tourist crowds!

DID YOU KNOW | We now offer Vietnamese courses IN PERSON in Saigon! Make sure to check our programs and contact us for more details.

Weather in HANOI

Hanoi is the capital city of Vietnam, and second biggest city.

The city is located in the northern region of Vietnam, and thus has 4 distinct seasons.

Summer in Hanoi, going from May to September, is hot and humid with heavy rainfall, and only includes a few dry days. Temperatures average 29°C.

Autumn is rather short and goes from October to November. Rain starts to be less frequent and temperatures drop, especially so in November.

Winters usually lasts from December to early March, and can be divided in two parts.

The first three months of winter in Hanoi are dry and very sunny, whereas the second part of winter is cloudy, foggy and experiences heavy drizzle due to the southeast monsoon coming inland.

Temperatures average around 17°C, but in some instances in can go below 10°C.

Spring lasts from late February to April, and is wet and humid from drizzle. Temperatures are rather cool, ranging between 15°C to 20°C.

The best time of year to visit Hanoi is considered to be between April and November, when the weather is dry and temperatures very comfortable.

Weather in DA NANG

Da Nang is one of Vietnam’s most important port cities, and is located in the South Central region of the country, on the coast of the East Sea of Vietnam.

Da Nang only has two seasons:

  • Rainy season from September to December
  • Dry season from January to August

All year temperatures average 26°C and don’t go below 18°C.

The city is prone to typhoons mainly in August and September, the latest occurence being Typhoon Noru that hit Da Nang on September 28th 2022.

Photo by Kenneth Oh on Unsplash

Weather in HUE

Hue is located in central Vietnam and was once an imperial city. It is famous for its palaces and shrines, as well as its UNESCO-designated site, the Complex of Huế Monuments.

Hue enjoys two seasons:

  • Dry season from February to August
  • Rainy season from August to January

Heavy rainfalls and floods start in October and will only slow down around December.

Temperatures average from 25°C to 30°C in the dry seasons, and 20°C during the rainy season.

Weather in NHA TRANG

Nha Trang is located on the south central coast of Vietnam, and is famous for its beautiful beaches.

It is now a very popular destination for international tourists, especially backpackers travelling around south east Asia.

Nha Trang has two seasons, one longer than the other:

  • Dry season from January to August
  • Rainy season from September to December

Rainfall is at it\s heaviest during October and November, and throughout the year you’ll find temperatures with an average low of 18°C and an average high of 30°C.

The hottest months of the year are July and August, so it is advised to visit before June.

Climate in Vietnam | Things You Should Know

#1 | The best month to visit Vietnam is…

Well, the best month really will depend on where you are travelling: north, central, south?

For northern regions the best time of year to visit are either spring (March to April) and autumn (September to November).

For central Vietnam, the best time would be anywhere February to August.

Regarding the southern regions, the weather is warm all year round, but you’ll be able to do more activities during the dry season, from December to May.

#2 | Depending on where you visit, the weather will be VERY different

If you’ve ever seen a map of Vietnam, you’ll know.

Travelling to north Vietnam will be different from south Vietnam, especially during certain time of year where rain falls heavily in some regions.

Whilst north Vietnam experiences very standard 4 seasons, south Vietnam only has two: the rainy season and the dry season.

Be sure to check the weather for each of your destinations beforehand, so you’ll know what to pack for each place.

You could visit the north of the country and get cold, but four days later go south and experience hot and humid weather. You need to be prepared for all!

#3 l You might need to get several vaccines before going

You do not need any specific vaccines to enter Vietnam, however some specific ones are strongly recommended against:

  • Yellow fever
  • Malaria
  • Japanese Encephalitis

These are all diseases caused by insects, so be sure to avoid those pesky mosquitos if you can.

#4 | People start their day very early

It might be unusual in some countries but in Vietnam shops and offices can open as early as 7am!

In general Vietnamese people wake up and start their day early, so if you’re a morning person you’ll fit right in.

In big cities such as Saigon, Hanoi or Danang you’ll however see the city still very active up past 11pm!

#5 | Typhoons are frequent

Typhoons are very common in South East Asia, and Vietnam can also be affected.

The biggest typhoons usually occur in August and September.

Whilst central and southern regions can experience typhoons between August & November, it is a bit earlier in the north around late June and July.

And there you have it! Everything you need to know about the Climate in Vietnam.

Let us know in the comments where you plan to travel next!

Are you interested in travelling to China one day?

We made a comprehensive guide to the weather in China too, and this time month by month.


What is the best time to travel to Vietnam?

For northern regions the best time of year is either spring (March to April) and autumn (September to November).

For central Vietnam, anytime between February to August works.

Regarding the southern regions, the weather is warm all year round, but you’ll be able to do more activities during the dry season, from December to May.

What are the most touristic cities in Vietnam?

Some of the most touristic cities in Vietnam are Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Da Nang, Hue and Nha Trang.

Does Vietnam get typhoons?

Typhoons are very common in South East Asia, and Vietnam can also be affected.

The biggest typhoons usually occur in August and September.

Whilst central and southern regions can experience typhoons between August & November, it is a bit earlier in the north around late June and July.

Are earthquakes common in Vietnam?

Vietnam is not prone to earthquakes, but the regions around it are.

How hot is summer in Vietnam?

Summer temperatures will really depends on the region:

– In North Vietnam temperatures range from 22°C to 28°C

– In South Vietnam temperatures average 29°C

Typically the south is much warmer.

Does it snow in Vietnam?

No, it doesn’t snow in Vietnam.

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