How To Say Please In Korean // A Simple Guide

Master the Art of Politeness: Learn How to Say Please in Korean!

💥 Asking for a favour isn’t easy for some people, as troubling someone can feel inpolite. In Korean culture especially, politeness is considered a virtue. 

For the most part, Natives expect you to be polite when asking them to do something for them. An important thing to remember is to always use the Honorific system to show respect.

However, sometimes formality doesn’t always equal politeness. Both the expression and the way you express yourself are equally important to get it right. 

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Let’s learn how you can master saying please in Korean.

How To Say Please In Korean | The Most Common Way to Say Please

How To Say Please In Korean | Other Ways to Say Please

How To Say Please In Korean | Quiz

How To Say Please In Korean | FAQ

How To Say Please In Korean | The Most Common Way to Say Please

주세요 (ju-sae-yo) – Please

주세요 (ju-sae-yo) is the most common way to use please to request something from someone. There isn’t a specific meaning to this word when used to request something. 

Koreans prefer to use indirect communication where messages are often implied rather than explicitly stated. This is one of many expressions Koreans use to imply a certain message. 

If we translate this word literally, it means to please give. This is used to imply please in a polite way when requesting someone to do something. 

Here are the three types of ways this word is expressed using the Honorific system.

KoreanTransliterationHonorific system
주십시오ju-ssip-si-yoMost Formal
주세요ju-sae-yoLess Formal

👉 Let’s begin with the most formal form of saying please.

주십시오 (ju-ssip-si-yo) – Most Formal

A common expression you would hear in hotels or department stores would be Please wait a moment. 

잠시만 기다려 주십시오 (jam-si-man ki-da-ryeo-ju-ssip-si-yo)

Please wait a moment.

Korean transliterationMeaningExplanation
잠시jam-siA momentUsed with “만” (man) to indicate a brief duration.
기다리다ki-da-ri-daTo waitThe basic form of the verb meaning to wait.
기다려ki-da-ryeoWait (present form)The conjugated present form of “기다리다,” indicating an ongoing action of waiting.

You will also want to use this form when speaking with respected individuals like CEOs or the President of a country.

주세요  (ju-sae-yo) – Less Formal

Here is the most common expression used to say please.

잠시만 기다려 주세요 ( (jam-si-man ki-da-ryeo-ju-sae-yo)

Please wait a moment.

You may use this form for most situations when you need to ask someone to wait. 

여기 앉아 주세요yeo-gi an-ja ju-sae-yoPlease be seated here.
앉아ahn-jaconjugated form of sit
서울역으로 가주세요seoul-yeok-eu-ro ga-ju-sae-yoPlease take me to Seoul Station.
서울역seoul-yeokSeoul Station

(으)로 (eu-ro) – word to indicate direction. Sometimes 으로 (eu-ro) is used together or only 로 (ro) is used depending on the words used in the front.


This would be a useful expression if you are travelling in Korea and hailing a cap to a destination. 

Use this formula:

[destination] 으로 (eu-ro) or 로 (ro) 가주세요 (ga ju-sae-yo)

For example:

Please take me to Busan.

부산으로 가주세요

(busan-eu-ro ga-ju-sae-yo)

줘 (jwu) – Casual Form

When asking for a request or favor from a close friend or family member you can use the casual form.

However, as casual forms are rather short, they could sound more like a command than a request. So be careful to use the correct tone to avoid misunderstanding.

Also, a great way to use casual form is to always add a thank you at the end. You could also use this for any of the formal forms above. You’ll never go wrong saying thank you!

기다려 (gi-da-ryeo-jwu)

Please wait

This would be an expression to use when a friend might need to wait for you to finish work or get ready. If a friend wants you to stay with you through a class or party, this would also be an appropriate expression to use.

물 좀 갖다 . 고마워 (meul-jom-ga-dda-jwu)

Bring me some water please. Thanks.

서울역으로 가. 고마워 (Seoul-yeok-eu-ro ga-jwu. go-ma-wo)

Please take me to Seoul station. Thanks.

If a friend or family member is taking you to a place, the above expression would be an option. However, if you are close enough a more natural way to ask would be like the one below.

서울역으로 가자 (Seoul-yeok-eu-ro ja-ja)

Let’s go to Seoul Station!

BONUS Check out how to Make Requests in Korean in our Grammar Bank

How To Say Please In Korean | Other Ways to Say Please

KoreanTRANSLITERATIONEnglish Translation
들어 오세요du-leo oh-sae-yoPlease come in.
계속 하세요gwe-sok ha-sae-yoPlease continue.
여기 계세요yeo-gi ge-sae-yoPlease stay here.

📌 Always remember that the tone and gesture could really make a difference when using please. As the word please in this context is an implication without an explicit ‘please’ it’s easy to make this sound more like a command than a request.

Smile, be sincere, use a soft voice tone,
and say thank you at the end!

How To Say Please In Korean | Another Meaning for Please

제발 – (je-bal) Please – to plead or beg

👉 Here is an example of some ways you can use please as a meaning to plead or beg.

제발 엄마한테 말하지 마세요!je-bal eum-ma-han-te mal-ha-ji-ma-sae-yoPlease don’t tell my mom!(More formal)
제발 엄마한테 말하지 마!je-bal eum-ma-han-te mal-ha-ji-maPlease don’t tell my mom!(Casual)

Hope you won’t be able to use this phrase often but know it as this can save you in a desperate situation.

제발 떠나지 말아요je-bal tteo-na-ji ma-ra-yoPlease don’t leave(More formal)
제발 떠나지 마je-bal tteo-na-ji maPlease don’t leave(Casual)

Before we wrap up, make sure to remember the golden rule when requesting something in Korean. Proper expression, voice tone, and gesture all three need to harmonize. 

🔐 Now that you have familiarized yourself with two different meanings of please, try using them with Natives. Immerse yourself in the daily conversation of Natives by paying attention to daily conversations on the streets or through K-dramas. 

To learn more about Korean, check out these posts!

How To Say Please In Korean | Quiz

Welcome to our Please in Korean quiz! Enter your first name and email to begin. Don't worry you can unsubscribe at any time!

Which expression is used to imply "Please wait" in a casual way?

How do you say "Please don’t tell my mom!" in a formal way?

What is the meaning of the phrase 물 좀 갖다 줘. 고마워 (meul-jom-ga-dda-jwu. go-ma-wo)?

What is the casual form of saying "Please" when asking a friend?

Which expression means "Please come in" in Korean?

What does the phrase 잠시만 기다려 주세요 (jam-si-man ki-da-ryeo-ju-sae-yo) mean?

Which phrase is the most formal way to say "Please"?

Which phrase would you use to say "Please stay here"?

What does 제발 (je-bal) imply when used in a request?

What is the most common way to say "Please" in Korean?

How To Say Please In Korean | FAQ

How do you say please in Korean?

도와주세요 (do-wa-ju-sae-yo)

How do you say help me in Korean?

도와주세요 (do-wa-ju-sae-yo)

How do you politely reject a request in Korean?

죄송합니다 (jew-song-ham-ni-da) – I’m sorry

Use this formal way to sincerely apologize for a rejection.

What is a casual way to reject a request in Korean?

미안해 (mee-an-hae) – I’m sorry

Use this casual way to apologize that you won’t be able to accommodate the request

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