Master Marketing and Sales Language in Chinese

Business Chinese Essentials // Must-Know Words and Phrases for Marketing and Sales

Marketing and sales in Chinese markets can be an exciting world.

As you tap into this market with a totally different language and culture, you should be prepared to encounter new ways of doing things.

👉 That includes using platforms like Xiaohongshu and embracing the power of live-streaming.

Whether you’re starting a small business or prepping for a big investment deal, you’ll need to grasp some local lingo to experience the fun!

Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered. 😎

In this blog post, we’ll break down the essential terms and phrases in the marketing and sales world so you can level up your business in China.

Marketing and Sales Language || Key Terms and Expressions in Marketing

Marketing and Sales Language || Essential Terms for Marketing Strategies and Campaigns

Marketing and Sales Language || Crucial Sales Processes

Marketing and Sales Language || Market Trends and Consumer Behavior

Marketing and Sales Language || Analyzing Sales Performance

Marketing and Sales Language || FAQs

Marketing and Sales Language || Key Terms and Expressions in Marketing 🎯

When you just enter a market, the first thing you do is to come up with a marketing strategy.


yíng xiāo cè lüè

Marketing Strategy


kè hù cān yù

Customer Engagement

Custom engagement is an essential part of marketing strategy and also the ultimate goal. For example, if you are spreading this idea in the team, you can say:


Tí gāo kè hù cān yù shì wǒ men yíng xiāo cè lǜè de yī bù fèn.

Increasing customer engagement is part of our marketing strategy.

Before executing the strategy, the team always asks where to find the potential customer. 🤝


qián zài kè hù

Potential Customer

Of course, you’ll do some marketing research to define the persona of your customers.


shì chǎng diào chá

Market Research

While you explore the vast information on the market, it’s always helpful to see how your competitors are doing.


jìng zhēng duì shǒu fēn xī

Competitor Analysis

After you define who and where are your potential customers, you start planning online and offline marketing activities and campaigns

广告 guǎng gàoAdvertising
线上营销活动 xiàn shàng yíng xiāo huó dòngOnline Marketing Activities
线下营销活动 xiàn xià yíng xiāo huó dòngOffline Marketing Activities

When you’re presenting the drafted marketing strategy to your team or client, you will have a well written proposal with you.


fāng àn


Kèhù duì wǒmen de shèjì fāng’àn fēicháng mǎnyì.


The client is very satisfied with our design proposal.
30+ Basic Business Chinese Vocabulary: Business Essentials Thumbnail

30+ Basic Business Chinese Vocabulary: Business Essentials

Do Business Like a Local || Commonly Used Business Chinese Vocabulary So, you have decided to do business in China. That’s great! However, you should be prepared to deal with locals who don’t speak English.  If you want to develop…

Marketing and Sales Language || Essential Terms for Marketing Strategies and Campaigns

Now, when you’re discussing detailed marketing strategies and action plans, there are the terms you’ll often use.

As you do market research on different customer profiles, you’ll use these phrases a lot.

shì chǎng xì fēn


Market Segmentation


Shì chǎng xì fēn yǒu zhù yú wǒ men gèng hǎo de liǎo jiě kè hù xū qiú.

Market Segmentation helps us better understand customer needs.

Niche market is an essential concept as competence get more fierce nowadays.


lì jī shì chǎng

Niche Market

Wǒmen juédìng zhuānzhù yú gāoduān shǒugōng yìpǐn de lìjī shìchǎng.


We have decided to focus on the Niche Market for high-end handicrafts.

With social media thriving in pumping up sales for brands, creating content on social media is a necessary part of marketing. You’ll often need to define a holistic picture of branded content.


nèi róng cè lüè

Content Strategy

Also, content strategy, in a broader sense, isn’t limited to social media. You’ll need to consider where the buys go through in the whole journey and plant sales-driven messages along the way.


mǎi jiā lǚ chéng

Buyers Journey

There are various effective marketing tactics to pull out the strategy. These two are what you’ll often hear during marketing discussions.


yóu jiàn tuī guǎng

Email Outreach


tán chuāng

Popup Window

yóu jiàn tuī guǎng
Email Outreach
Wǒmen qǐdòngle yóujiàn tuīguǎng.
We launched an email outreach.
tán chuāng
Popup Window
Wǎngzhàn shàng chūxiànle tánchuāng guǎnggào.
A Pop-up ad appeared on the website.

Marketing and Sales Language || Crucial Sales Processes

To do sales well in China, you’ll need to pay attention all the important touchpoints during the sales process.

Usually, in China, there is a specific position to keep track of all important details of a sales order. The position is called:


gēn dān yuán

Order Follower


chǔ lǐ dìng dān

Process Orders

Gēn dān yuán fù zé gēn jìn kè hù dìng dān.


The order follower is responsible for following up on customer orders.

bào jià



Wǒ men xū yào gēng xīn bào jià.

We need to update the quotation.


tán pàn



Wǒ men zhèng zài hé kè hù tán pàn jià gé.

We are negotiating the price with the customer.


huí kuǎn

Payment Collection


Wǒ men xū yào jiā kuài huí kuǎn liú chéng.

We need to speed up the payment collection process.

签单 (qiān dān) – Closing a Deal

This is used as a verb. So when the team closed many deals, there’s a variation of using the word with Many 很多 (hěn duō)


Xiāo shòu tuán duì zhè gè yuè qiān le hěn duō dān.


The sales team closed many deals this month.
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A Simple Guide: How to Write Business Emails and WeChat Messages in Chinese

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Marketing and Sales Language || Market Trends and Consumer Behavior 💭

After you have implemented marketing strategy and start the sales process, it’s now time to evaluate the market performance and consumer behavior.


shì chǎng qū shì

Market Trends



Wǒ men xū yào fēn xī dāng qián de shì chǎng qū shì.

We need to analyze current Market Trends.

Understanding consumer behavior is the most important part of evaluating a marketing strategy.


xiāo fèi zhě xíng wéi

Consumer Behavior

The key to understanding consumer behavior is to explore the customer’s needs through numbers and data stories.

This is an essential concept, so you will often hear the marketing team and sales team talk about it a lot.

客户需求 kè hù xū qiú – Customer Needs

For example,

Wǒ men de chǎn pǐn shè jì yào mǎn zú kè hù xū qiú.


Our product design should meet customer needs.

During this process, you will use many methods of market analysis, which will help you identify opportunities and threats from competitors.

It also helps you gain deeper insights to understand consumer behavior.


shì chǎng fēn xī

Market Analysis

Marketing and Sales Language || Analyzing Sales Performance

Sales is an important numbers game. It’s fundamental to analyze sales performance with different metrics.

Before each sales cycle, the team always sets some ambitious sales targets to help boost the team’s morale.


xiāo shòu mù biāo

Sales Targets

Wǒ men xū yào shè dìng xiàn shí de xiāo shòu mù biāo.


We need to set realistic sales targets.

You will often hear this word a lot in China in all businesses. People put a lot of emphasis on seeing how the numbers play to evaluate performance and the team’s success.

Because better performance means more money!


yè jì


Wǒ men de xiāo shòu tuán duì běn jì dù de yè jì fēi cháng hǎo.


Our sales team’s performance this quarter is excellent.

As you care a lot about this number’s game, performance evaluation can sometimes be a stressful thing for team members. It’s also helpful to keep the sales team motivated.


(yè jì kǎo hé)

Performance Evaluation


Měi gè yuè wǒ men dōu yǒu yè jì kǎo hé.

We have performance evaluations every month.

In addition to analyzing the numbers, gathering customer feedback and truly understanding their needs are crucial when doing performance evaluations.


kè hù fǎn kuì

Customer Feedback

Now, with all those helpful lingo tips, are you ready to level up your marketing games in China? Keep practicing these terms so that you can thrive in the sales process in the Chinese Market.

That’s all for today’s article. Still have some questions? We’d love to hear from you here!

30+ Basic Business Chinese Vocabulary: Business Essentials Thumbnail

30+ Basic Business Chinese Vocabulary: Business Essentials

Do Business Like a Local || Commonly Used Business Chinese Vocabulary So, you have decided to do business in China. That’s great! However, you should be prepared to deal with locals who don’t speak English.  If you want to develop…

Marketing and Sales Language || FAQs

What is the Chinese term for “Marketing Strategy”?

The Chinese term for “Marketing Strategy” is 营销策略 (yíng xiāo cè lüè).

How do I say “Customer Feedback” in Chinese, and what’s an example of using it?

“Customer feedback” in Chinese is 客户反馈 (kè hù fǎn kuì). For example, a marketing team would day that they are collecting customer feedback. 我们正在收集客户反馈。 (Wǒ men zhèng zài shōu jí kè hù fǎn kuì.)

What is the phrase for “Closing a Deal” in Chinese?

There’s a specific phrase to say “Closing a Deal” in Chinese. 签单 (qiān dān). For example, when you say the sales team closed many deals this month. 销售团队这个月签了很多单 (Xiāo shòu tuán duì zhè gè yuè qiān le hěn duō dān)

How can I refer to “Market Trends” in Chinese?

“Market Trends” in Chinese is 市场趋势 (shì chǎng qū shì). For example: 我们需要分析当前的市场趋势 (Wǒ men xū yào fēn xī dāng qián de shì chǎng qū shì.) – We need to analyze current market trends.

What is the Chinese term for “Sales Targets,”?

“Sales Targets” in Chinese is 销售目标 (xiāo shòu mù biāo).  To describe an ambitious sales target, you could say 雄心勃勃的销售目标 (xióng xīn bó bó de xiāo shòu mù biāo).

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