170+ Animals in Vietnamese 🦁 The Ultimate Animal Guide
Discover 170+ Animals in Vietnamese // Plus FREE Quiz!
We’ve already covered some popular topics in Vietnamese such as Swear Words, Measure Words, Colours and Numbers, but you’ve been asking for this one – Animals in Vietnamese.
You already like our Animals in Korean and Animals in Chinese articles so much, here you go for the Vietnamese version!
This great list of vocabulary was put together by our fantastic Vietnamese colleague Linh, who you probably already met if you are taking lessons on Flexi Classes, or joined our Flexi Forum!
Here’s a breakdown by animal type, jump ahead to the animal you are looking for:
Animals in Vietnamese | Land Mammals
Animals in Vietnamese | Sea Animals
Animals in Vietnamese | Birds
Animals in Vietnamese | Marsupials
Animals in Vietnamese | Reptiles
Animals in Vietnamese | Insects
BONUS | Zodiac Animals in Vietnamese
Animals in Vietnamese | Vocab Quiz
Animals in Vietnamese | FAQ’s
Animals in Vietnamese – Land Mammals
This table is organised in the alphabetical order (based on English names).
Just a quick reminder that you can do a quick search for your favourite animal in Vietnamese by clicking on Ctrl+F simultaneously, or Cmd+F for Mac users.
We still advise you scroll through the page manually so you can have a look at our beautiful flashcards we added all over the article (that you can save for free)!
Are you ready? Let’s go!
English | Vietnamese |
Anteater | Thú ăn kiếng |
Antelope | Con linh dương |
Armadillo | Tatu chín đai |
Badger | Con lửng |
Bat | Con dơi |
Bear | Con gấu |
Beaver | Con hải ly |
Boar | Heo rừng |
Camel | Lạc đà |
Cat | Con mèo |
Cheetah | Con báo |
Chimpanzee | Tinh tinh |
Chinchilla | Sóc Nam Mỹ |
Chipmunk | Sóc chuột |
Cow | Con bò |
Coyote | Sói đồng cỏ |
Deer | Con nai |
Dog | Con chó |
Donkey | Con lừa |
Echidna | Thú lông nhím |

Animal in Vietnamese is động vật
English | Vietnamese |
Elephant | Con voi |
Ferret | Chồn hôi |
Fox | Con cáo |
Gazelle | Linh dương hươu |
Giant panda | Gấu trúc lớn |
Giraffe | Hươu cao cổ |
Gorilla | Khỉ đột |
Guinea pig | Chuột lang |
Hamster | Chuột đuôi cụt / Chuột Hamster |
Hedgehog | Nhím |
Hippopotamus | Hà mã |
Human | Loài người |
Hyena | Linh cẩu |
Jaguar | Báo đốm |
Lemur | Vượn cáo đuôi vòng |
Leopard | Con beo |
Lion | Con sư tử |
Meerkat | Cầy vằn |
Mole | Chuột chủi |
Moose | Nai sừng tấm |
Mouse | Con chuột |
Mule | Con la |

31 Examples of Vietlish // A Simple Equation
Vietlish = Vietnamese + English. You might be intimidated by learning Vietnamese but there’s no need with these 33 loanwords in Vietnamese.
English | Vietnamese |
Orangutan | Đười ươi |
Otter | Rái cá |
Panther | Con báo đực |
Polar bear | Gấu Bắc cực |
Porcupine bear | Gấu nhím |
Possum | Chồn Possum |
Puma | Báo sư tử |
Racoon | Gấu mèo |
Red panda | Gấu trúc đỏ |
Reindeer | Tuần lộc |
Rhinoceros | Tê giác |
Sloth | Con lười |
Squirrel | Con sóc |
Tapir | Heo vòi |
Warthog | Lợn bướu |
Weasel | Con chồn |
White tiger | Hổ trắng |
Wolf | Con sói |
Yak | Bò Tây Tạng |
Zebra | Ngựa vằn |

Sea Animals in Vietnamese
Here’s another essential piece of vocabulary before starting with this table:
Sea Animal in Vietnamese is Động vật biển
English | Vietnamese |
Barnacle | Hà biển |
Barracuda | Cá nhồng |
Catfish | Cá da trơn |
Clam | Sò / Nghêu |
Clownfish | Cá hề |
Coral | San hô |
Crab | Cua |
Cuttlefish | Mực nang |
Dolphin | Cá heo |
Eel | Lươn |
Fish | Cá |
Flounder | Cá bơn |
Great white shark | Cá mập trắng lớn |
Horseshoe crab | Con sam |
Jellyfish | Con sứa |
Lobster | Tôm hùm |
Manta Ray | Cá nạng hải |
Octopus | Bạch tuột |
Oyster | Con hàu |
Piranha | Cá răng đao |

English | Vietnamese |
Platypus | Thú mỏ vịt |
Prawn | Tôm |
Pufferfish | Cá nóc |
Sea lion | Sư tử biển |
Sea urchin | Nhím biển |
Seahorse | Cá ngựa |
Seal | Hải cẩu |
Shark | Cá mập |
Shrimp | Tôm |
Squid | Mực |
Starfish | Sao biển |
Stingray | Cá đuối |
Walrus | Hải mã |
Whale | Cá voi |
Whale shark | Cá mập voi |

Animals in Vietnamese – Birds
Bird in Vietnamese is Con chim
English | Vietnamese |
Chicken | Con gà |
Crane | Con cò |
Duck | Con vịt |
Eagle | Diều hâu |
Emu | Chim Emu |
Falcon | Chim ưng |
Flamingo | Hồng hạc |
Goose | Con ngỗng |
Hummingbird | Chim ruồi |
Kingfisher | Chim bói cá |
Kiwi | Chim Kiwi |
Magpie | Chim ác là |
Ostrich | Đà điểu |

English | Vietnamese |
Owl | Con cú |
Parrot | Con vẹt |
Peacock | Con công |
Pelican | Chim bồ nông |
Penguin | Chim cánh cụt |
Pheasant | Gà lôi |
Quail | Chim cút |
Robin | Chim cổ đỏ |
Sparrow | Chim sẻ |
Swan | Thiên nga |
Toucan | Chim Toucan |
Vulture | Con kền kền |
Woodpecker | Chim gõ kiến |
Some names in Vietnamese will include the English one, such as Chim Toucan or Chim Emu, maybe a good way to remember them?
We are already half way through the list of animals in Vietnamese!
If you need a little review of the Vietnamese alphabet, make sure to check our article.

Animals in Vietnamese – Marsupials
Let’s not forget some of the most famous marsupials, which is easy since they do not live in a very wide area!
English | Vietnamese |
Kangaroo | Chuột túi |
Koala | Gấu túi |
Quokka | Chuột cười |
Tasmanian Devil | Qủy Tasmania |
Wallaby | Chuột túi cỡ nhỏ |
Wombat | Gấu túi Wombat |
Animals in Vietnamese – Reptiles
The most common word you might want to remember from this reptiles section is:
Snake in Vietnamese is Rắn
English | Vietnamese |
Alligator | Cá sấu (mỏ ngắn) |
Bearded dragon | Rồng ÚC |
Chameleon | Con tắc kè |
Cobra | Rắn hổ mang |
Crocodile | Cá sấu |
Frog | Con ếch |
Gecko | Con tắc kè |
Iguana | Con kỳ nhông |
Lizard | Con thằn lằn |
Salamander | Con kỳ nhông |
Toad | Con cóc |
Tortoise | Rùa cạn |
Turtle | Rùa biển |
Beware of crocodile and alligator that are almost the same in Vietnamese!

Animals in Vietnamese – Insects
Some people REALLY do not like them, but they must be included in our list!
English | Vietnamese |
Ant | Con kiến |
Bee | Con ong |
Beetle | Con bọ hung |
Butterfly | Con bướm |
Caterpillar | Con sâu bướm |
Centipede | Con rết |
Dragonfly | Con chuồn chuồn |
(House) fly | Con ruồi |
Grasshopper | Con châu chấu |
Ladybug | Con bọ rùa |
Millipede | Con cuốn chiếu |
Scorpion | Con bò cạp |
Snail | Con ốc sên |
Spider | Con nhện |
Wasp | Cong ong vò vẽ |
Worm | Con sâu |

BONUS || Zodiacs in Vietnamese
There are 12 zodiac animals in Vietnamese culture, much like the Chinese zodiacs, with one exception.
The cat is the 4th animal of this twelve year cycle and replaces the rabbit in the Chinese zodiacs, but has exactly the same traits.
English | Vietnamese |
Rat | Tý |
Ox | Sửu |
Tiger | Dần |
Cat | Mão |
Rabbit | Mẹo |
Dragon | Thìn |
Snake | Tỵ |
Horse | Ngọ |
Goat | Mùi |
Monkey | Thân |
Rooster | Dậu |
Dog | Tuất |
Pig | Hợi |

Having more than 170 animals in Vietnamese to remember can be a daunting task!
If you’d like to test out your knowledge right now, we’ve got a quick fire vocabulary quiz right below.
If not, save this page in your favourites and come back to take the test later on, when you feel like you’ve studied enough!
Let’s go 👇

How do you say Animal in Vietnamese?
Animal in Vietnamese is động vật.
How do you say Bird in Vietnamese?
Bird in Vietnamese is Con chim.
How do you say Sea Animal in Vietnamese?
Sea Animal in Vietnamese Động vật biển.
How do you say Cat in Vietnamese?
Cat in Vietnamese is Con mèo.
How do you say Dog in Vietnamese?
Dog in Vietnamese is Con chó.
How do you say Crab in Vietnamese?
Crab in Vietnamese is Cua.
How do you say Butterfly in Vietnamese?
Butterfly in Vietnamese is Con bướm.
Are there any zodiac animals in the Vietnamese culture?
There are 12 zodiac animals in Vietnamese culture, much like the Chinese zodiacs, with one exception.
The cat is the 4th animal of this twelve year cycle and replaces the rabbit in the Chinese zodiacs, but has exactly the same traits.
Where to learn Vietnamese for free?
Visit our Vietnamese Grammar Bank for free language lessons 🙂
For studying Vietnamese in Vietnam with professional teachers, make sure to have a look at our programs in Saigon and Hanoi, or contact us to start planning!
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