School in Vietnamese || 112 Words to Boost Your Vocabulary

School Vocabulary in Vietnamese // 112 Words to Learn (PLUS FREE QUIZ)

Whether you graduated already or are still going to class everyday, school is a topic that comes up pretty often.

Here, you’ll learn plenty of useful words about school in Vietnamese.

Talk about your own school, introduce your favourite subjects and explain what we can find in your pencil case… you’ll know how to do all that and more by the end of this article.

Let’s start!

School in Vietnamese | General Vocabulary

School in Vietnamese | Verbs

School in Vietnamese | School Subjects

School in Vietnamese | School Stationery

University in Vietnamese | University Specific Words

School in Vietnamese | QUIZ BONUS

School in Vietnamese | FAQ

School in Vietnamese | General Vocabulary

First things first!

School in Vietnamese is Trường học

And the three most important type of persons you will see in a school:

HeadmasterHiệu trưởng
TeacherGiáo viên
StudentHọc sinh

Here is your first batch of general vocabulary to learn, nothing too difficult if you are just starting to learn Vietnamese.

AlphabetBảng chữ cái
ChairCái ghế
ChalkboardBảng đen
ClassroomLớp học
DictionaryTừ điển
LessonBài học
RecessGiải lao
School bellChuông trường học
School deskBàn học
100+ Words to Know About Places in Vietnamese // Beginner Level Thumbnail

100+ Words to Know About Places in Vietnamese // Beginner Level

A simple vocabulary article about places in Vietnamese, to help you build more detailed sentences for your next lesson with your teacher!

During lessons (Bài học) and after studying for some time, the teacher (Giáo viên) might give the students (Học sinh) some tests to evaluate if everything was learned properly.

Do you remember what kind of tests you had in class?

DictationChính tả
EssayBài luận
ExamKiểm tra
ExerciseLuyện tập
HomeworkBài tập về nhà

You better not use cheatsheets (Bảng gian lận)!

Otherwise this will show in your report card (Thẻ báo cáo)

GradeLớp học
Good gradeĐiểm tốt
Bad gradeĐiểm kém
Mistake, errorNhầm lẫn, lỗi
Cheat sheetBảng gian lận
Report cardThẻ báo cáo

Finally, one thing we all waited for and couldn’t come any faster, was school vacation of course (Kỳ nghỉ ở trưởng)!

School in Vietnamese | Useful Verbs

Before we go on with even more vocabulary to learn, let’s take a break and have a look at some verbs.

These verbs can be use in any other situation, that is not school related.

Feel free to now use them in your day to day life, to enhance your sentences and better your speaking skills.

To teachDạy
To learn / To studyHọc
To learn by heartHọc thuộc lòng
To be in schoolỞ trường
To go to schoolĐi học
To make mistakesPhạm sai lầm
To correct (an error)Sửa
To be presentHiện tại
To be absentVắng mặt
To give a gradeĐể cho điểm
To learn by heartHọc thuộc lòng
To take an examĐi thi
To be on vacationĐi nghỉ
Speaking of school in Vietnamese, check out our school that teaches Vietnamese!

School in Vietnamese | Subjects

As usual, let’s start with the most important word here:

(School) Subject in Vietnamese is Những môn học ở trường

What is/was your favourite school subject? Let us know in the comments!

AccountingKế toán
AlgebraĐại số học
ArchitectureKiến trúc
ArtsNghệ thuật
AstronomyThiên văn học
BiologySinh học
BusinessKinh doanh
ChemistryHóa học
FinanceTài chính
Foreign languagesNgoại ngữ
GeographyĐịa lý học
GeologyĐịa chất học
GeometryHình học
HistoryLịch sử
LitteratureVăn học
MathematicsSố học
MedicineY học
PedagogySư phạm
PhilosophyTriết học
Physical educationThể dục / Giáo dục thể chất
PhysicsVật lý học
PoliticsChính trị học
PsychologyTâm lý học
SociologyXã hội học
ZoologyĐộng vật học

School in Vietnamese | Stationery

You need all sorts of materials to go to school and study properly.

Let’s see how to express the basic stationery in Vietnamese:

Bullet point penViết bi
CalculatorMáy tính
Colouring penBút chì màu
CompassesLa bàn
EraserCục gôm
FolderThư mục
Fountain penCây viết mực
MarkerBút đánh dấu
NotebookSổ tay
Paper clipGhim giấy
PenCây Viết / Bút
PencilViết chì
Pencil caseHộp bút
Pencil sharpenerĐồ chuốt viết chì
RulerCây thước
SchoolbagCặp sách
ScissorsCây kéo
StapleKim kẹp giấy
StaplerKẹp giấy
Sticky tapeBăng keo cuộn
TextbookQuyển tập

University in Vietnamese | General Vocabulary

We cannot end this article without mentioning some vocabulary more specific to university in Vietnamese.

But first:

University in Vietnamese is Đại học

Academic degreeBằng cấp học thuật
AcademyHọc viện
ClassmateBạn cùng khóa
DiplomaBằng cấp
Faculty (section)Khoa
GraduateTốt nghiệp
LaboratoryPhòng thí nghiệm
LectureBài học
Lecture hallGiảng đường
ReportBáo cáo
ScholarshipHọc bổng

Congratulations on reaching the end of this long vocabulary article!

If you feel like you absorbed those new words already, or if you knew them already, have a try at our vocabulary quiz!

Test your knowledge and comment your results.


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How do you say Calculator in Vietnamese?

How do you say Pencil in Vietnamese?

How do you say Philosophy in Vietnamese?

How do you say Book in Vietnamese?

How do you say Exam in Vietnamese?

How do you say Biology in Vietnamese?

How do you say Teacher in Vietnamese?

How do you say Scissors in Vietnamese?

How do you say To Study in Vietnamese?

How do you say Classroom in Vietnamese?

School in Vietnamese // FAQs

How do you say School in Vietnamese?

School in Vietnamese is Trường học.

How do you say University in Vietnamese?

University in Vietnamese is Đại học.

How do you say Teacher in Vietnamese?

Teacher in Vietnamese is Giáo viên.

How do you say Student in Vietnamese?

Student in Vietnamese is Học sinh.

Can I learn Vietnamese for free?

At LTL you can learn Vietnamese online, in both group and individual classes, on our Flexi Classes platform.

If you prefer to study abroad, we also offer in-person classes in Saigon and Hanoi.

Where to learn Vietnamese for free?

Visit our Vietnamese Grammar Bank for free language lessons 🙂

For studying Vietnamese in Vietnam with professional teachers, make sure to have a look at our programs in Saigon and Hanoi, or contact us to start planning!

Want More From LTL?

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What’s more – we even offer Vietnamese courses in Vietnam too. Check out our small group classes for Vietnamese or our individual programs.

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