House in Vietnamese 🏠 71 Useful Words

Describe Your House in Vietnamese with 71 Key Vocab || PLUS Free Quiz!

If one day some asks you to describe your house in Vietnamese, your latest buy or the utensils you use in your kitchen, will you be able to give an answer?

In this vocabulary article you will learn many useful words to describe your house in Vietnamese, and what can be found inside.

First things first:

Home or house in Vietnamese is Nhà.

House in Vietnamese | Type of house

House in Vietnamese | Rooms

House in Vietnamese | Furniture

House in Vietnamese | In the kitchen

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House in Vietnamese | FAQs

House in Vietnamese | Type of House

Let’s start with some basic vocabulary to describe what type of house you live in.

In Vietnamese, multiple words exist for different types of buildings, see if you can find your house type in this list:

Terraced houseNhà phố liền kề
GuesthouseNhà khách
Detached houseNhà ở riêng lẻ
Countryside houseNhà ở vùng quê
Block of apartmentskhối căn hộ

Three extra words you will find useful as well are:

  • Family in Vietnamese is Gia đình
  • Hometown in Vietnamese is Quê hương
  • Neighbour in Vietnamese is Hàng xóm

One useful question you’ll want to remember is this one:

Do you have a house? ((i.e. have you bought your own house)

Bạn có một ngôi nhà?

To which you can reply with one of these two verbs:

Buy a houseMua nhà
Rent a houseThuê nhà

House in Vietnamese | House Rooms

Let’s say your Vietnamese teacher asks how many rooms are there in your house.

You know how to count in Vietnamese, but you don’t have the proper vocabulary to describe the type of rooms your house got.

Make sure to save this page and regularly come back to this table to review the vocabulary:

BasementTầng hầm
BathroomPhòng tắm
ToiletPhòng vệ sinh
Dining RoomPhòng ăn
BedroomPhòng ngủ
KitchenNhà bếp
OfficeVăn phòng
Study RoomPhòng học
GardenSân vườn

Once again, here are two bonus vocabularies you might find useful:

  • Upstairs in Vietnamese is Tầng trên
  • Downstairs in Vietnamese is Tầng dưới
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Best Apps To Learn Vietnamese // Six Apps to Add To Your Portfolio (INCLUDING Bonus)

The top 6 best apps to learn Vietnamese // When students ask “Can I get fluent using Duolingo” the answer is always no! You need to build a portfolio.

House in Vietnamese | Furniture

Your house is probably not empty, right?

For sure you have a bed and a dining table, maybe even a sofa and a TV?

Let’s see how to say all of this furniture in Vietnamese, and more:

SofaGhế sô pha
ChairCái ghế
LampĐèn ngủ
TableCái bàn
BookshelfGiá sách
DeskBàn làm việc/học
Washing MachineMáy giặt

And because we always like to give you more extra vocabulary, here are some you can use in your descriptions as well:

StaircaseCầu thang
WindowCửa sổ

House in Vietnamese | In the Kitchen

This is the longest chapter of this Vietnamese vocabulary article and you’ll quickly understand why!

Everything food-related can always be very lengthy, especially when talking about Vietnamese cuisine.

In this chapter we will focus on what we can find in the kitchen, starting with appliances:

FridgeTủ lạnh
DishwasherMáy rửa chén
OvenLò nướng
Gas stoveBếp ga
BlenderMáy xay
MixerMáy trộn
MicrowaveLò vi sóng
Coffee makerMáy pha cà phê
CookerNồi cơm điện
JuicerMáy ép trái cây
ToasterMáy nướng bánh mì
KettleẤm đun nước

Now if we want to be even more precise as to what we can find in the kitchen, we can name all utensils.

Kitchen utensil in Vietnamese is Dụng cụ nhà bếp

ApronTạp dề
Baking TrayKhay nướng bánh
Bamboo steamerNồi hấp tre
Can openerĐồ khui hộp
Chopping boardThớt
Frying panCái chảo rán
Garlic pressÉp tỏi
GraterCái nạo
LadleCái môi
MasherDụng cụ nghiền
Mixing bowlTô trộn
PeelerMáy bóc vỏ
PotCái nồi
Rolling pinCán ghim
SaucepanCái chảo (lòng sâu)
Scoop strainerRây lọc
SinkBồn nước
SpatulaCây vét bột
TongsCái kẹp
WhiskCái phới
WokChảo đáy tròn
Wooden spoonThìa gỗ

BONUS || Want to see how this vocab compares to other languages? Check out House in Korean and House in Chinese for more!

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How do you say Table in Vietnamese?

How do you say Bedroom in Vietnamese?

How do you say Wall in Vietnamese?

How do you say Kettle in Vietnamese?

How do you say Bed in Vietnamese?

How do you say Bathroom in Vietnamese?

How do you say Kitchen in Vietnamese?

How do you say Garden in Vietnamese?

How do you say Oven in Vietnamese?

How do you say Bookshelf in Vietnamese?

House in Vietnamese || FAQs

How do you say House in Vietnamese?

House in Vietnamese is Nhà.

How do you say Kitchen in Vietnamese?

Kitchen in Vietnamese is Nhà bếp.

How do you say Fridge in Vietnamese?

Fridge in Vietnamese is Tủ lạnh.

Where can I learn more Vietnamese vocabulary?

You can learn more Vietnamese vocabulary in our blog, where we share articles about all sort of topics, have a look here.

Where can I practice speaking in Vietnamese?

You can practice with certified and experienced Vietnamese teachers on our Flexi Classes platform in either small group or individual classes!

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