170+ Animals in Korean 🐙 The Ultimate Guide for All The Animals!
Learn 170+ Animals in Korean 🐯
If you are a loyal LTL blog reader, you’ll already know all about the Korean alphabet, Korean loanwords, slang and perhaps even swear words!
But how about some basic vocabulary you can use in daily conversations?
Let’s start off this new series of Korean vocabulary articles with a subject we all like to talk about: ANIMALS!
This impressive list of animals in Korean was put together by our team of Korean teachers on Flexi Classes, and we even added a great quiz at the end of the article for you to test your knowledge.
Are you ready? Skip to the chapter you are most interested about:
Animals in Korean | Land mammals
Animals in Korean | Sea animals
Animals in Korean | Birds
Animals in Korean | Marsupials
Animals in Korean | Reptiles
Animals in Korean | Insects
BONUS | Zodiac Animals in Korean
Animals in Korean | Vocab’ Quiz
Animals in Korean | FAQ’s

Animals in Korean – Land Mammals
This table is organised in alphabetical order.
If you cannot find your favourite animal, press Ctrl+F and type in its name.
Let us know in the comment section what animals in Korean are missing from the list or ones you’d like us to add!
English | Korean | Romanization |
Anteater | 개미핥기 | gaemihaltgi |
Antelope | 영양 | yeong-yang |
Armadillo | 아르마딜로 | aleumadilro |
Badger | 오소리 | osori |
Bat | 박쥐 | bakjwi |
Bear | 곰 | gom |
Beaver | 비버 | bibeo |
Boar | 수퇘지 | sutwaeji |
Camel | 낙타 | nakta |
Cat | 고양이 | goyang-i |
Cheetah | 치타 | chita |
Chimpanzee | 침팬지 | chimpaenji |
Chinchilla | 친칠라 | chinchilra |
Chipmunk | 다람쥐 | dalam jwi |
Cow | 암소 | amso |
Coyote | 코요테 | koyote |
Deer | 사슴 | saseum |
Dog | 개 | gae |
Donkey | 당나귀 | dangnagwi |
Echnida | 에크니다 | ekeunida |

Animal in Korean is 동물 dongmul
English | Korean | Romanisation |
Elephant | 코끼리 | kokkiri |
Ferret | 흰담비 | hindambi |
Fox | 여우 | yeo-u |
Gazelle | 가젤 | gajel |
Giant panda | 판다 | panda |
Giraffe | 기린 | girin |
Gorilla | 고릴라 | gorilra |
Guinea pig | 기니피그 | ginipigeu |
Hamster | 햄스터 | haemseuteo |
Hedgehog | 고슴도치 | goseumdochi |
Hippopotamus | 하마 | hama |
Human | 인간 | ingan |
Hyena | 하이에나 | ha i-e-na |
Jaguar | 재규어 | jaegyu-eo |
Lemur | 여우 원숭이 | yeo-u wonsung-i |
Leopard | 표범 | pyobeom |
Lion | 사자 | saja |
Meerkat | 미어캣 | mi-eokaet |
Mole | 두더지 | dudeoji |
Moose | 무스 | mu-seu |
Mouse | 쥐 | jwi |
Mule | 노새 | nosae |

14 of the Best Korean Streaming Platforms 🍿
Where to watch Korean dramas? That is definitely a question we all asked ourselves! We listed 12 of the best Korean streaming platforms for you.
English | Korean | Romanisation |
Orangutan | 오랑우탄 | olang-u tan |
Otter | 수달 | sudal |
Panther | 표범 | pyobeom |
Polar bear | 북극곰 | bukgeukgom |
Porcupine bear | 고슴도치 | goseumdochi |
Possum | 주머니쥐 | jumeonijwi |
Puma | 퓨마 | pyuma |
Racoon | 너구리 | neoguri |
Red panda | 레서 판다 | reseo panda |
Reindeer | 순록 | sunlok |
Rhinoceros | 코뿔소 | koppulso |
Sloth | 나무늘보 | nanuneulbo |
Squirrel | 청설모 | cheongseolmo |
Tapir | 맥 | maek |
Warthog | 멧돼지 | metdwaeji |
Weasel | 족제비 | jokjebi |
White tiger | 백호 | baekho |
Wolf | 늑대 | neukdae |
Yak | 야크 | yakeu |
Zebra | 얼룩말 | eolrukmal |

Sea Animals in Korean
Here is your chance to find out how to say Squid from Squid Game!
Sea Animal in Korean is 해양 동물 haeyang dongmul
English | Korean | Romanisation |
Barnacle | 따개비 | ttagaebi |
Barracuda | 창꼬지 | changkkoji |
Catfish | 메기 | megi |
Clam | 대합 | daehap |
Clownfish | 흰동가리 | huindong-gari |
Coral | 산호 | sanho |
Crab | 게 | ge |
Cuttlefish | 오징어 | ojing-eo |
Dolphin | 돌고래 | dolgolae |
Eel | 뱀장어 | baemjang-eo |
Fish | 생선 | saengseon |
Flounder | 가자미 | gajami |
Great white shark | 백상아리 | baeksangari |
Horseshoe crab | 투구게 | tuguge |
Jellyfish | 해파리 | haepari |
Lobster | 랍스터 | rapseuteo |
Manta Ray | 쥐가오리 | jwiga-ori |
Octopus | 문어 | mun-eo |
Oyster | 굴 | gul |
Piranha | 피라냐 | piranya |

English | Korean | Romanisation |
Platypus | 오리너구리 | orineoguri |
Prawn | 왕새우 | wangsa-eu |
Pufferfish | 복어 | bok-eo |
Sea lion | 바다 사자 | bada saja |
Sea urchin | 성게 | seong-ge |
Seahorse | 해마 | haema |
Seal | 조개 | jogae |
Shark | 상어 | sang-eo |
Shrimp | 새우 | sae-u |
Squid | 오징어 | ojing-eo |
Starfish | 불가사리 | bulgasari |
Stingray | 가오리 | ga-ori |
Walrus | 바다 코끼리 | badakokkiri |
Whale | 고래 | gorae |
Whale shark | 고래 상어 | gorae sang-eo |
Did you notice that Walrus is in Korean a “beach elephant”?!

Animals in Korean – Birds
Bird in Korean is 새 sae
English | Korean | Romanisation |
Chicken | 닭 | dak |
Crane | 두루미 | durumi |
Duck | 오리 | o-ri |
Eagle | 독수리 | doksuri |
Emu | 에뮤 | e-myu |
Falcon | 매 | mae |
Flamingo | 플라밍고 | peulraming-go |
Goose | 거위 | geowi |
Hummingbird | 벌새 | beolsae |
Kingfisher | 물총새 | mulchongsae |
Kiwi | 키위 | kiwi |
Magpie | 까치 | kkachi |
Ostrich | 타조 | tajo |

English | Korean | Romanisation |
Owl | 올빼미 | olppaemi |
Parrot | 앵무새 | aengmusae |
Peacock | 공작 | gongjak |
Pelican | 펠리컨 | pelrikeon |
Penguin | 펭귄 | peng-gwin |
Pheasant | 꿩 | kkwong |
Quail | 메추라기 | mechuragi |
Robin | 울새 | ulsae |
Sparrow | 참새 | chamsae |
Swan | 백조 | baekjo |
Toucan | 큰부리새 | keunburisae |
Vulture | 독수리 | doksuri |
Woodpecker | 딱따구리 | ttakttaguri |
Many names are actually direct phonetic translations from English, such as Penguin or Flamingo.
Not so difficult to remember them isn’t it!
FACT – Very recently, some Korean words were officially entered into the Oxford English Dictionary. 26 words in total, check them out here.

Animals in Korean – Marsupials
English | Korean | Romanisation |
Kangaroo | 캥거루 | kaeng-geo lu |
Koala | 코알라 | ko-alla |
Quokka | 쿼카 | kwoka |
Tasmanian Devil | 주머니곰 | jumeonigom |
Wallabee | 왈라비 | walrabi |
Wombat | 웜뱃 | wombaet |
See how 5 animals out of 6 above have the same name in Korean as in English?
You won’t need to spend too much time learning these ones.
Animals in Korean – Reptiles
You will see this word again in a later chapter but repetition is memory’s best friend: Snake in Korean is 뱀 baem.
English | Korean | Romanisation |
Alligator | 악어 | ak-eo |
Bearded dragon | 도마뱀 | domabaem |
Chameleon | 카멜레온 | kamelre-on |
Cobra | 코브라 | kobeura |
Crocodile | 악어 | ak-eo |
Frog | 개구리 | gaeguli |
Gecko | 도마뱀붙이 | domabaembut-i |
Iguana | 이구아나 | igu-a-na |
Lizard | 도마뱀 | domabaem |
Salamander | 도롱뇽 | dorongnyong |
Toad | 두꺼비 | dukkeobi |
Tortoise | 남생이 | namsaeng-i |
Turtle | 거북이 | geobuk-i |
You read correctly and this is not a mistake, crocodile and alligator in Korean are the same!

Animals in Korean – Insects
We don’t always like them, but we just HAD to include them in our animals in Korean guide because they are indeed animals after all!
English | Korean | Romanisation |
Ant | 개미 | gaemi |
Bee | 벌 | beol |
Beetle | 딱정벌레 | ttakjeong beolle |
Butterfly | 나비 | nabi |
Catterpillar | 애벌레 | aebeolle |
Centipede | 지네 | jine |
Dragonfly | 잠자리 | jamjari |
(House) fly | 날다 | nalda |
Grasshopper | 메뚜기 | mettugi |
Ladybug | 무당벌레 | mudangbeolle |
Millipede | 노래기 | nolaegi |
Scorpion | 전갈 | jeongal |
Snail | 달팽이 | dalpaeng-i |
Spider | 거미 | geomi |
Wasp | 말벌 | malbeol |
Worm | 벌레 | beolle |

BONUS – Zodiacs in Korean
Korean Zodiac Animals are the same as the Chinese ones, and also follow the 12-year cycle.
Most people in Korea like to ask for each other’s zodiac animal, so they can check compatibility, a traditional belief still very much engrained in today’s society.
We will explain more about Korean zodiac animals in another article, but for now, let’s check their names in Korean.
Zodiac animal in Korean is 십이지신 sip-i-jisin
English | Korean | Romanisation |
Rat | 쥐 | jwi |
Ox | 소 | so |
Tiger | 호랑이 | holang-i |
Rabbit | 토끼 | tokki |
Dragon | 용 | yong |
Snake | 뱀 | baem |
Horse | 말 | mal |
Goat | 염소 | yeomso |
Monkey | 원숭이 | wonsung-i |
Rooster | 닭 | dak |
Dog | 개 | gae |
Pig | 돼지 | dwaeji |

There you have it! More than 170 animals in Korean for you to learn.
If your favourite animal did not make the list, make sure to let us know in the comment section below so we can add it.
Did remember them all? Test your knowledge RIGHT NOW and get your results instantly on this page!
Good luck! 👇
How do you say Animal in Korean?
Animal in Korean is 동물 dongmul.
How do you say Bird in Korean?
Bird in Korean is 새 sae.
How do you say Sea Animal in Korean?
Sea Animal in Korean is 해양 동물 haeyang dongmul.
How do you say Squid in Korean?
Squid in Korean is 오징어 ojing-eo.
How do you say Bat in Korean?
Bat in Korean is 박쥐 bakjwi.
How do you say Seal in Korean?
Seal in Korean is 조개 jogae.
How do you say Butterfly in Korean?
Butterfly in Korean is 나비 nabi.
Are there Zodiac Animals in the Korean culture?
Yes, the zodiac animals in Korean culture are the same as the Chinese ones.
In order: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake Horse, Goat, Rooster, Dog, Pig.
However their characteristics and said personalities might differ.
Want More From LTL?
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To top it all off, it certainly doesn’t end with Korean. Check out the other languages we teach 👇🏻