Sports in Korean || 35 Words You Need to Know for your Next Workout

35 Korean Words for Sports and Workouts || Key Vocabulary PLUS Free Korean Quiz!

Whether you’re off to study in Korea, want to stay fit with a Korean workout video or simply fancy binge-watching a season of Physical: 100 on Netflix, there are some keywords you need to know.

Workouts and sports are a regular part of most people’s daily lives, which is why it’s important to

Today’s post will give you all the vocabulary you need to talk about this common topic in Korean.

Korean beauty standards are hard, but not impossible to meet.

Just being able to talk about sports and exercise is a good first step.

Now let’s learn some vocabulary!

Sports in Korean || “Exercise” and “Exercising” in Korean

Sports in Korean || Most Common Sports Vocabs

Sports in Korean || Specific Sports Vocabulary

Sports in Korean || Korean National and Popular Sports

Sports in Korean || General Exercise Vocabulary

Sports in Korean || Korean Workout Videos

Sports in Korean || Vocabulary Quiz!

Sports in Korean || FAQs

Sports in Korean || “Exercise” and “Exercising” in Korean

First and foremost, let’s take a look at two keywords you’re going to need to discuss working out in Korean.

Exercise is 운동 (un-dong) and exercising is 운동하다 (un-dong-hada)

With these two words you can already tell people if you’re working out or a fan of exercise (or not!)

However, you’ll likely be asked kind of sports you’re participating in, so let’s move on to some sports vocab.

38 Korean Phrases All Beginners Need To Know Thumbnail

38 Korean Phrases All Beginners Need To Know

Looking for some basic Korean phrases to learn? Check out this article for the most important Korean phrases that will give you a head start.

Sports in Korean || Most Common Sports

Badminton 배드민턴 baedeuminteon
Baseball 야구 ya-gu
Basketball 농구 nonggu
Bodybuilding 보디 빌딩 bodi bilding
Golf 골프 golpeu
Horseback riding 승마 seungma
Soccer/Football 축구 chukgu
Taekwondo 태권도 tae-kwon-do
Hockey 하키 haki
Ice Hockey 아이스하키 ai-seu-ha-ki
Archery 양궁 yang-gung
Ping-pong 탁구 takgu
Rowing 조정 jojeong
Rugby 럭비 reokbi
Sailing 항해 hanghae
Swimming 수영 su-yeong
Volleyball 배구 baegu
Weightlifting 역도 yeokdo
Wrestling 레슬링 reseulling

Can you write your favourite sport in Korean? Let us know in the comments section!

Sports in Korean || Specific Sports Vocabulary

Now that you can talk a little bit about a few types of sports, it is time to learn some specific vocabulary related to them.

In particular, we’ll look at baseball and taekwondo, two extremely popular sports in Korea.

Here’s a list that dives a little deeper:


pitcher 투수 tu-su
batter 타자 ta-ja
the baseball 야구공 ya-gu-gong
home run 홈런 hom-reon


belt tti
sparring 구르기 gu-reu-gi
crescent kick 반달차기 ban-dal cha-gi
uniform 도복 do-bok

Sports in Korean || Korean National and Popular Sports

You might have already been able to guess from the two previous lists, but the following two sports are a pretty big deal in Korea:

Taekwondo 태권도 is the national sport of Korea. However baseball 야구 , albeit having its origins elsewhere, is just as popular.

Korean Pitcher Hyun-jin Ryu

Korea has lots of baseball teams which are all part of the KBO (Korean Baseball Organization).

Baseball is believed to have arrived in Korea in 1905, having been introduced by American missionaries.

Impressive achievements of the Korean baseball team include winning bronze in the World Baseball Classic of 2009 and silver in 2006.

When in Korea it’s definitely worth finding the time to go watch a baseball match!

Best Apps to Learn Korean // Our Tremendous 12 for 2025 Thumbnail

Best Apps to Learn Korean // Our Tremendous 12 for 2025

There have never been so many language learning apps on the market that nowadays! We analysed the best apps to learn Korean in 2021, so you don’t have to.

Sports in Korean || General Exercise Vocabulary

to stretch 스트레칭 seu-teu-re-ching
yoga 요가 yo-ga
a split 스플릿 seu-peul-lit
sit-up 싯업 sit-eop
push-up 푸쉬업 pu-swi-eop
Job Titles in Korean: 72 Need-To-Know Occupations in Korean Thumbnail

Job Titles in Korean: 72 Need-To-Know Occupations in Korean

Learn How to Say 72 Common Job Titles in Korean || PLUS Useful Phrases When meeting new people in Korea, once you’ve gotten past 이름이 뭐에요? Ileum-i mwo-eyo? What’s your name? and 어디서 오셨나요? Eodiseo osyeossnayo? Where are you from?…

Sports in Korean || Korean Workout Videos

So now you can talk the talk, it’s time to walk the walk.

Here’s two Korean workout videos to help you pursue that K-pop body (don’t worry they have english subtitles as well):

KPOP Dance Workout


Intense and quick, for busy days.

Sports in Korean || Quiz!

Welcome to the Sports in Korean Quiz! Enter your First name and email to begin. Don't worry you can unsubscribe at any time!

How do you say 'volleyball' in Korean?

How do you say 'swimming' in Korean?

What does 홈런 (Hom-reon) mean?

What does 승마 (Seungma) mean?

How would you write Taekwondo (Tae-kwon-do) in Korean Hangul?

What does 푸쉬업 (Pu-swi-eop) mean?

How do you say 'exercise' in Korean?

What does 탁구 (Takgu) mean?

What does 농구 (Nonggu) mean?

What does 야구 (Ya-gu) mean?

And there you have it! If you enjoyed this article, make sure to check out our latest posts:

And for you budding polyglots out there, don’t forget to check out our Sports in Chinese article!

Korean Workout Vocab || FAQ

How do you say Workout/Working Out in Korean?

Workout means 운동 (un-dong) and working out is 운동하다 (un-dong-hada).

What are some popular sports in Korea?

Taekwondo (태권도) is considered Korea´s national sport, but baseball (야구) albeit having its origins elsewhere is just as popular.

How do you say Archery in Korean?

Archery translates to 양궁 (yang-gung).

How do you say baseball in Korean?

Baseball in Korean means 야구 (ya-gu).

Where can I practice speaking about sports in Korean?

If you’d like to practice speaking Korean with certified, native-speaker teachers, head over to our Flexi Classes platform and start practising today!

Want More From LTL?

FANCY LEARNING KOREAN? Check out our online Korean courses here.

We offer a 7-day free trial to all online students where you can study Korean 24/7.

Want to study Korean in Korea instead? Our Korean courses in Seoul can either be taken in small groups of no more than 5 students or individually for a more tailored experience.

We even offer incredible homestay experiences in Seoul too.

To top it all off, it certainly doesn’t end with Korean. Check out the other languages we teach 👇🏻

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