Learn Russian online 24/7 with Flexi Classes and experience language learning like never before.
You now have the ability to learn Russian online with the best set of Russian teachers on the web thanks to Flexi Classes.
Our Flexi Classes average between 2-3 students per class, meaning you are getting the full focus of the teacher and not having to deal with larger class sizes.
We’ve even written the entire syllabus from scratch, thanks to our expert team of Russian teachers, so you can rest assured you are being taught the right way.
We teach a number of popular languages from the far east including Japanese, Mandarin, Vietnamese and Korean.

Flexi Classes is a subscription based service that allows you to not only learn Russian online, but other languages also, anytime of the day or night.
- Choose your time, your teacher and your topic.
- No fixed class times to follow. You have complete control. Study when YOU want.
- We hire the best. We get plenty of applicants, but only work with the best.
All these factors means learning Russian online has never been more convenient.
Say goodbye to fixed class times. Say goodbye to sub-standard teaching and say goodbye to slow progress.
The unique thing about Flexi Classes is all class material is available to download before your lesson starts.
Every single Russian class comes with a PDF that has been written by our expert team, all covering modern and relevant topics. We teach useful phrases, but also words commonly used in 21st century Russian. Throw those old textbooks out the window, this is the way to learn.
Here are some examples of our class content.
Learning Russian online is more convenient than it’s ever been. You can subscribe using the table below depending on how many hours you wish to study. Here are the options we provide.
- Monthly | Purchase a set number of classes per month, from 4 to 40
- Packages | Purchase a set number of classes for a longer time period from 3 months to 24 months
You can study from just a few hours a week or every day depending on your schedule. After you sign up you will immediately have your credits ready in your account and can start booking classes straight away.
If you want to find out more about how Flexi Class Credits work, check out this page.
Do Flexi Credits expire?
All credits are valid for 31 days from the day you purchased them.
However, you can book a class as far in advance as you want, as long as it’s booked within 31 days of purchase.
Therefore, if you purchase classes on July 1st, and have yet to book them by August 2nd, the credits will expire.
How long is one Flexi Class?
A Flexi Class is always an hour long.
I’m a beginner, can I learn Russian online with LTL?
Of course you can!
In fact our Flexi course is best suited to beginners at this stage as we continue to create resources for more advanced learners.
Do you provide online textbooks for me to use?
We have hand written our own curriculum which has been prepared from scratch by our team of expert Russian content creators.
You can download the content of each Flexi Class before the class starts.
Can I cancel classes?
Yes you can, it’s all in the name – FLEXI Classes!
PLEASE NOTE – You will receive your credits back for all cancellations that are made more than 72 hours before the class time.
Cancellations made less than 72 hours in advance are not refunded.
What if I want to stick to a fixed schedule?
You can also do this if this is how you prefer to study.
We provide small group classes that follow a fixed schedule and also individual Russian classes.