15 Japanese Tongue Twisters with Romaji and Audio 🗣️

Boost Your Japanese Skills with these Japanese Tongue Twisters: Easy to Hard

Today we will be introducing you to some fantastic tongue twisters in Japanese that are perfect for all learners of Japanese!

BONUS | There are videos after each one so you can hear them being used by native Japanese speakers too and boost your Japanese pronunciation skills!

Why learn tongue twisters in Japanese? Tongue Twisters are fun in any language, but they can prove to be a great way to practice your pronunciation and speak more fluidly.

Not to mention you can surprise the natives with your skills!

The tongue twisters here will be separated into three categories – easy, medium, and hard.

Try them out and let us know what you think of them. Has your Japanese improved?

Japanese Tongue Twisters || Easy

Japanese Tongue Twisters || Medium

Japanese Tongue Twisters || Hard

Japanese Tongue Twisters || FAQs

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Japanese Tongue Twisters || Easy

Hiragana ろうにゃくなんにょ
TranslationMen and women of all ages

Hiragana こうしょさぎょうしゃ
TranslationAerial work platform

Hiragana でんしゃずきなしゃしょうさん
RomajiDensha sukina shashōsan
TranslationA conductor who likes trains

Hiragana あたたかかった
TranslationIt was warm

Hiragana とうきょうとっきょきょかきょく
RomajiTōkyō tokkyo kyoka kyoku
TranslationTokyo license approval office

Japanese Tongue Twisters || Medium

Hiragana しゅしょうはすじょうゆがおすき
RomajiShushō ha sujōyu ga osuki
TranslationThe prime minister likes vinegar soy sauce

Hiragana うまやのまえのぬれなまむぎわら
RomajiUmaya no mae no nure nama mugiwara
TranslationWet fresh hay in front of the stables

Hiragana こまごめのわがままものなかののなまけもの
RomajiKomagome no wagamamamono nakano no namakemono
TranslationKomagome’s selfish person; Nakano’s lazy person (Komagome and Nakano are places)

FUN FACT | This next one isn’t just a Japanese tongue twister, it’s also an idiom!

Hiragana あおはあいよりいでてあいよりあおし
TranslationLiteral Meaning: Blue dye comes from the indigo plant and is bluer than indigo
Meaning: The student has become the master

Hiragana となりのきゃくはよくかきくうきゃくだ
RomajiTonari no kyaku ha yoku kaki kū kyaku da
TranslationThe guest next door is the guest that often eats persimmons

Japanese Tongue Twisters || Hard

Hiragana まじゅつししゅじゅつちゅう、しゅじゅつちゅうしゅうちゅうじゅつちょじゅつ
RomajiMajutsushi shujutsuchū、shujutsuchū shūchū jutsu chojutsu
TranslationBooks on magicians’ sleight of hand and concentration on slight of hand

Hiragana しょうしゃのしゃちょうが ちょうさしょそうさちゅう
RomajiShōsha no shachō ga chōsasho sōsachū
TranslationThe president of the trading company is investigating the report

Kanji赤アロエ飴 青アロエ飴 黄アロエ飴
Hiragana あかあろえあめ あおあろえあめ きあろえあめ
RomajiAkaaroeame aoaroeame kiaroeame
TranslationRed aero candy, blue aero candy, yellow aero candy

Hiragana りょかっきひゃっきゃくかくひゃくにん
RomajiRyokakki hyak kyaku kaku hyakunin
Translation100 passenger planes each have 100 passengers

Hiragana こくご.じゅくご.じゅつご.しゅご
TranslationLanguage, idiom, predicate, subject

There we have it.

15 of our favourite Japanese tongue twisters!

Learning Japanese tongue twisters is a fun way to get to grips with Japanese pronunciation and learn something about the culture at the same time.

Did you like them? Which was your favourite?

Why not tell us below in the comments. Or do you think you’ve got a harder tongue twister? Write it below and we’ll rate it out of ten!

BONUS | Can’t get enough of tongue twisters? Have you had a look at Chinese tongue twisters and Russian tongue twisters, or have a laugh with some of our favourite Japanese jokes.


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Where can I find beginner resources for Japanese reading?

We’ve written an article all about Japanese reading practice.

How can I practice my Japanese listening skills?

No matter your level, learn how to improve your listening skills in Japanese by reading this article telling you some of our best tips and tricks.

Where can I learn more about Japanese grammar?

We have a very useful Japanese grammar bank that covers various parts of Japanese grammar.

What is the JLPT?

The JLPT is the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, which can be used to certify your Japanese skills for work, school, or personal progress.

Read our Guide to the JLPT to learn more!

Where can I learn more about Japanese holidays?

There are a number of Japanese holidays celebrated throughout the year, such as Tanabata.

You can learn more about what they are, when they’re held, and why they’re special by checking our Japanese national holidays page.

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